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发布时间:2018-01-18 15:09

  本文关键词:高校官方微博发展现状及管理策略研究 出处:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校官方微博 运行机制 管理机制

【摘要】:微博“核裂变式”的传播力和“聚变式”的影响力引起了网民的极大关注,对社会产生深刻影响。高校通过微博这种全新的传播手段,搭建了更为顺畅的信息交流、思想沟通和资讯互动的平台,揭开了高校的神秘面纱,加深了社会各界对高校的了解,提升了高校的社会认知度。但是,在高校微博初步发展阶段,出现了诸多管理不规范的问题,面对公众关注,有的高校不敢、不愿或不善于面对,失去了一个良好的传播沟通平台。本文通过对高校官方微博进行分析研究,试图建立一个较为完善的运行机制、管理机制,促进高校官方微博的建设和有序发展,提升高校利用官博服务的水平。 文章从基本情况、人气排行、影响力排行、区域分布几个维度进行考察,发现高校官方微博综合实力和影响力的决定因素主要是转发率、评论率、粉丝质量和活跃程度等。高校官方微博的良性运转,离不开明确的指导思想、科学的组织管理机制和畅通的沟通交流机制,同时,也要对高校官方微博的信息传播规律有一个准确的把握。高校官方微博信息按照蒲公英模式、HUB模式和中子星模式三种方式进行演变,高校在发布信息的过程中,要根据不同信息的性质和受众群体有规划地进行传播,增强传播效果,提升官博影响力。如同硬币有正反两面一样,,高校官方微博也是一把锋利的双刃剑。一方面,它有发布信息、自我宣传、提升形象、进行危机公关等正能量,另一方面,由于高校官方微博在管理上的不成熟,也存在形式跟风、内容枯燥、互动性差、影响力弱等问题,同时,信息安全差、监督管理难、泛娱乐化虚假化等问题亦非常严重。本文按照系统思维的办法,从明确定位、平台建设和运行机制建设三个层面,对高校官方微博提出创新管理理念,明确受众定位和功能定位、做好粉丝建设和内容建设、加强团队管理、提升学生媒介素养、打造意见领袖、建立舆情监测和危机应急机制等,使高校官方微博真正为己所用。
[Abstract]:Weibo's "nuclear fission" and "fusion" of the influence of Internet users have aroused great concern, has a profound impact on society. Colleges and universities through Weibo, a new means of communication. Set up a more smooth information exchange, ideological communication and information interaction platform, uncover the mysterious veil of colleges and universities, deepen the understanding of colleges and universities from all walks of life, enhance the social awareness of colleges and universities. In the initial development stage of Weibo, there are a lot of management problems. In the face of public concern, some colleges and universities dare not, unwilling or not good at facing. Lost a good communication platform. Through the analysis of the university official Weibo, try to establish a more perfect operation mechanism, management mechanism. To promote the construction and orderly development of university official Weibo, to improve the level of university use of official services. From the basic situation, popularity ranking, influence ranking, regional distribution of several dimensions to investigate, found that the university official Weibo comprehensive strength and influence of the main factors are forwarding rate, comment rate. Fan quality and active degree. The healthy operation of university official Weibo can not do without clear guiding ideology, scientific organization and management mechanism and smooth communication mechanism, at the same time. University official Weibo information according to dandelion model Hub model and neutron star model three ways to evolve. Colleges and universities in the process of issuing information, according to the nature of different information and audience groups to plan to spread, enhance the communication effect, enhance the impact of official blog, as coin has both positive and negative sides. University official Weibo is also a sharp double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has information, self-promotion, image promotion, crisis public relations and other positive energy, on the other hand. Because of the immature management of university official Weibo, there are some problems, such as boring content, poor interaction, weak influence and so on. At the same time, the information security is poor, the supervision and management is difficult. According to the method of systematic thinking, this paper puts forward the innovative management idea to the university official Weibo from three aspects: clear orientation, platform construction and operation mechanism construction. Clear audience positioning and functional positioning, do a good fan and content construction, strengthen team management, improve students' media literacy, create opinion leaders, establish public opinion monitoring and crisis response mechanism. Make the university official Weibo really for their own use.


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1 李强;;新闻媒介定位之探讨[J];新闻采编;2006年04期

2 安亚辉;;微博意见领袖初探[J];东南传播;2011年09期

3 黄淑敏;;高校官方微博发展及运营策略研究[J];中国远程教育;2012年01期

4 孟莉英;;论高校微博的兴起及其对策选择[J];中国青年政治学院学报;2012年02期




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