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发布时间:2018-01-19 01:05

  本文关键词: 私立高等教育 中日 文化透视 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:私立高等教育是世界高等教育史上重要的组成部分。考察历史上中日两国私立高等教育的发展,解释文化对两国私立高等教育的变迁产生的深层影响,是本文的主旨。为此,本文研究思路如下:首先将中日私立高等教育的发展历程分为四个时期,梳理两国在同一时期内私立高等教育的发展情况并予以比较,进而发现两国私立高等教育的发展特点,最后,通过分析两个民族的传统文化,抓住某一时期的主流社会文化思潮对私立高等教育的影响,从而从文化中透视中日私立高等教育的变迁。 中日私立高等教育均是在社会历史文化大转型时期产生并发展的。萌芽时期,两国面临西方列强的文化冲击,“强国保种”成为其共同的历史使命。中国的士大夫阶级选择“中体西用”为其指导思想,日本则依靠“和魂洋才”的战略建立起资产阶级政权。发展与壮大时期,中国的知识精英继续在救亡图存的道路上苦苦探索,日本则开始仿效西方模式在“集团精神”的协调下进一步发展私立高等教育。战争时期,民族主义让中国人在爱国主义的驱使下坚持办学,创造神话,日本的私立高等教育则在军国主义教育思想下扭曲发展。战后,中日私立高等教育均进行了改制。私立大学在中国消失,直到1978年之后才以民办教育的形式再次出现,日本的私立高等教育则被纳入新制学校体系。 在上述两国私立高等教育发展的过程中,一方面,文化为私立高等教育的发展提供了必要的基础,同时又限制着私立高等教育的发展方向;另一方面,私立高等教育的发展也为社会文化的发展注入了新鲜血液,推动着文化的前进甚至转型。因此,两者的作用是相互的。 由于能力有限,对于抽象的文化不能全局把控,只能就某一时期的主流文化思潮进行分析,希望在今后的研究中能够弥补这一遗憾。
[Abstract]:Private higher education is one of the world's history of higher education an important part. Reviewing the history of Sino Japanese private higher education development, explain the deep influence of culture on the change of two private higher education, is the theme of this paper. Therefore, this paper studies the following ideas: first in the course of the development of Japanese Private Higher Education Division for the four period, the development of the two countries in the same period out of private higher education and to compare and find the characteristics of the development of the private higher education. Finally, through the analysis of two national traditional culture, seize the mainstream social culture of a certain period of private higher education, so as to change in perspective Japanese Private Higher Education from the culture.
In Japanese private higher education development are produced and in the social historical and cultural transition period. The embryonic period, the two countries are faced with western culture shock, "power conservation" has become the common historical mission. Chinese literati class "western" as its guiding ideology, Japan is to rely on "hehunyangcai" strategy to establish a bourgeois regime. During the period of development and growth, the intellectual elite China continue to explore hard in the salvation of the road, Japan started to follow the Western model in "coordination group spirit" of the further development of private higher education. During the war, nationalism makes Chinese adhere to the school, driven by thepatriotism myth Japanese private higher education, the distorted development of militarism in education. After the war, Sino Japanese private higher education was restructured. Private universities in China In the form of private education, the private higher education in Japan was brought into the new system of school in the form of private education until 1978.
In the process of the development of private higher education of the two countries, on the one hand, culture provides the necessary foundation for the development of private higher education, but also restricts the development of private higher education; on the other hand, the development of private higher education into the fresh blood for the development of social culture, promoting the advance of culture even the transformation. Therefore, the role of the two is mutual.
Because of limited ability, the abstract culture can not be controlled globally, it can only analyze the mainstream culture trend of a certain period, hoping to make up for this regret in the future research.



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