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发布时间:2018-01-19 01:36

  本文关键词: 高校信息公开 公开内容 效果评价 出处:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国高校信息公开中存在着公开内容不完备和评价机制不完善等问题,如何完善高校信息公开效果评价机制对于开展高校信息公开工作具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文首先分析了高校信息公开的背景,,认为高校信息公开受到政府信息公开、社会公众需求和现代高校治理三方面的推动;其次分析高校信息公开内容,从广义的角度论述高校信息公开的机制与制度、高校信息公开的内容结构、高校信息公开的方式与程序等,主要包括面向社会公众的信息公开内容、面向教职工的信息公开内容、面向学生的信息公开内容等;最后构建以定性评价为主的信息公开效果评价指标体系,包括一级标题四项和二级标题十四项,运用层次分析法和调查问卷所得结果对评价指标计算权重,并选取哈尔滨的两所高校作实证分析,得出的结论是我国高校信息公开效果在一定程度上与高校的发展相关,基本得到高校的重视,发展前景看好。
[Abstract]:There are some problems in the disclosure of information in colleges and universities in China, such as incomplete contents and imperfect evaluation mechanism. How to improve the evaluation mechanism of information disclosure effect in colleges and universities has important theoretical value and practical significance for carrying out the work of information disclosure in colleges and universities. Firstly, this paper analyzes the background of information disclosure in colleges and universities, and points out that the disclosure of information in colleges and universities is promoted by three aspects: government information disclosure, social public demand and modern university governance. Secondly, it analyzes the content of university information disclosure, discusses the mechanism and system of university information disclosure from a broad perspective, the content structure of university information disclosure, the ways and procedures of university information disclosure and so on. It mainly includes the public information content for the public, the information open content for the teaching staff, the information public content for the students and so on. Finally, the evaluation index system of information disclosure effect, which is mainly qualitative evaluation, is constructed, including four items of first-level titles and 14 items of second-level titles, and the weight of evaluation indexes is calculated by using the results of AHP and questionnaire. The conclusion is that the effect of information disclosure in colleges and universities is related to the development of colleges and universities to some extent, and has been attached importance to by colleges and universities, and the prospect of development is promising.


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