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发布时间:2018-01-19 11:41

  本文关键词: 大学校长 公共责任 实现路径 出处:《浙江工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学校长作为大学最高的行政领导者,是大学的灵魂人物,对大学的生存发展具有决定性的作用。同时,大学校长作为社会精英和公众人物,本该成为社会道德的化身与行为的楷模。 本文围绕现代中国大学校长的公共责任展开研究,主要分为以下五个部分:首先利用理论分析法、历史与国别比较法分析现代中国大学校长公共责任的来源与依据。其次利用复合型责任分析框架指出现代中国大学校长公共责任的含义与特点。第三利用层次分析法建立现代中国大学校长公共责任的评价指标体系。第四在此基础上利用网络搜索法多维度地分析现代中国大学校长履行公共责任的现状,并从行政化的视角分析责任缺失的原因。最后总结出现代中国大学校长实现公共责任的充分条件、必要条件与实现路径。 本文的主要结论分为三点,第一,从大学校长身份的两重性质出发把校长公共责任分为两个层次,一是作为公民个体的公共责任,二是作为大学组织领导者的公共责任。从公民公共性的含义出发,前者包括参与责任、评判责任、传承责任。从大学的公共责任体系出发,后者包括预期责任、法律责任、民主责任、专业责任。第二,本文利用目标分解法建立了完整的三级指标体系,并利用层次分析法进行了大学校长公共责任的指标权重分配,合理确定了各级指标的权重系数。第三,本文从三个方面设计出了促使校长实现公共责任的路径,即构建面向公共责任的校长管理机制、培育富有公共责任的校长群体、营造适合公共知识分子的社会氛围。
[Abstract]:As the highest administrative leader of the university, the university president is the soul of the university and plays a decisive role in the survival and development of the university. At the same time, the university president is the social elite and public figure. It is supposed to be the embodiment of social morality and the model of behavior. This paper focuses on the public responsibility of university presidents in modern China, which is divided into the following five parts: first, the use of theoretical analysis. The historical and country comparative method is used to analyze the source and basis of the public responsibility of university presidents in modern China. Secondly, the meaning and characteristics of the public responsibility of university presidents in modern China are pointed out by using the composite liability analysis framework. The third level of utilization is divided into three levels. 4th based on the analysis of the evaluation index system of the public responsibility of university presidents in modern China. 4th, this paper analyzes the current situation of the public responsibility of university presidents in modern China by using the network search method. Finally, the sufficient conditions, necessary conditions and realization paths for the realization of public responsibility of university presidents in modern China are summarized. The main conclusions of this paper are divided into three points. First, from the dual nature of the identity of university presidents, the public responsibility of presidents is divided into two levels, one is the public responsibility as an individual citizen. The second is the public responsibility as the leader of the university organization. From the meaning of citizen publicity, the former includes the responsibility of participation, the responsibility of judgment, the responsibility of inheritance, and the system of public responsibility of the university, and the latter includes the expected responsibility. Legal responsibility, democratic responsibility, professional responsibility. Second, this paper uses the objective decomposition method to establish a complete three-level index system, and use the Analytic hierarchy process to allocate the weight of public responsibility of university presidents. Reasonable determination of the weight coefficient of the indicators at all levels. Third, this paper designs a way to promote the principal to realize public responsibility from three aspects, that is, to build a public responsibility oriented management mechanism of principals. Cultivate a group of principals with public responsibility and create a social atmosphere suitable for public intellectuals.


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