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发布时间:2018-01-19 20:22

  本文关键词: 大学生 缺失现状 合作精神 对策 出处:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文从当今社会对当代大学毕业生的现实要求入手,按合作精神的概念、大学生合作精神的现实需要、大学生合作精神如何培养的思路,分析了当代大学生合作精神缺失的现实状况、合作精神缺失的原因,研究了大学生合作精神缺失的对策以及相关的解决方法。试图为当代大学生合作精神的培养提出相关的意见和建议。 针对当代大学生集体主义精神的缺失、以自我为中心、人际关系不和谐、合作心理素质差四个方面缺失的现状分析当代大学生合作精神缺失的成因受到:传统文化思想、西方个人主义思潮、市场经济不完善、应试教育的思想以及网络五点影响。提出,以马克思主义人性观教导学生、充分整合学校内外教学资源,逐步有效的培养大学生合作精神、提高大学生合作能力。 提出坚持科学发展观、充分发挥思想政治理论课教育功能、合理的利用网络手段并开展合作实践活动的平台、等手段,强化培养大学生合作精神,提高大学生合作的素质。
[Abstract]:Based on the practical requirements of today's society of the contemporary university graduates to start, according to the concept of the spirit of cooperation, cooperation in the spirit of the practical needs of college students, how to cultivate the students' spirit of cooperation ideas, analyzes the practical situation of contemporary college students lack the spirit of cooperation, cooperation in the spirit of reason missing, countermeasures of college students lack the spirit of cooperation and related solutions the relevant opinions and suggestions are put forward to cultivate contemporary college students' spirit of cooperation.
To solve the problem of lack of contemporary college students' Collectivism, self-centered, interpersonal harmony, by analysis of the causes of contemporary college students' lack of spirit of cooperation in four aspects the lack of psychological quality status of poor cooperation: traditional culture, Western ideas of individualism, the market economy is not perfect, the influence of exam oriented education idea and network five. Put forward to teach students, Marx's view of human nature, fully integrated inside and outside the school teaching resources, gradually effective cultivation of College Students' spirit of cooperation, improve the cooperation ability of college students.
It is suggested that we should persist in Scientific Outlook on Development, give full play to the educational function of Ideological and political theory course, make rational use of network tools and carry out cooperative practice activities, etc., so as to strengthen the cultivation of College Students' spirit of cooperation and improve the quality of College Students' cooperation.



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