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发布时间:2018-01-20 01:16

  本文关键词: 人格因素 学习焦虑 英语成绩 相关关系 影响 出处:《长沙理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本研究运用量性问卷调查和质性访谈的研究方法,来探讨大学生的人格因素和学习焦虑之间的关系,以了解两者关系对英语成绩的影响,并试图从心理、生理、社会等诸多方面对这些影响做横向和纵向的深入分析。 首先采用随机抽样的方法,从湖南省内的湖南大学、湖南师范大学、长沙理工大学、长沙理工大学城南学院和湖南商学院共5所院校中,随机抽取了500名非英语专业大一、大二、大三本科生作为总体样本。然后采用目的性抽样的方法,从随机抽样的总样本中选取50%作为高/低两个受试组,具体做法是:根据CET-4成绩,选取排名靠前20%的100名学生为作为高分组,靠后20%的100名学生为低分组。最后通过目的性抽样,从总样本中选取来自长沙理工大学的4名被试作为质性访谈对象。 用SPSS18.0统计软件对量性数据进行统计分析。统计分析步骤如下:第一步,根据Eysenck性格倾向问卷测试指南,分别对100名高分组被试和100名低分组被试进行人格因素分类调查。第二步,对英语成绩高/低分组学习焦虑倾向调查数据进行描述性统计分析,得出他们学习焦虑的总均值及标准差,由此说明高/低分组英语学习焦虑总倾向性。第三步,对高/低分组三类人格特质高/低倾向者的英语学习焦虑倾向调查进行描述性统计分析,得出他们在学习焦虑各个维度上的平均数和标准差;然后运用独立样本T检验对英语成绩高/低分组学习焦虑之间的差异进行分析。第四步,,采用皮尔逊相关关系分析法来说明受试者人格因素与学习焦虑之间的相互关系;然后,运用方差分析来分析人格因素、学习焦虑是否对英语成绩存在影响。 分析结果表明:英语成绩高/低分组的学习焦虑倾向性不同。其中,低分组比高分组学习者在英语学习过程中更容易产生交际畏惧和考试焦虑。学习者的精神质人格因素其学习焦虑的各个维度无显著性相关关系。高分组学习者性格维度与学习焦虑中的交际畏惧及其他焦虑存在显著性关系,而低分组学习者性格维度与交际畏惧及负评价恐惧存在显著性相关关系。高分组学习者情绪性人格因素除与考试焦虑无显著性关系外,与其他的学习焦虑类型都有显著的相关关系;而低分组学习者的情绪性人格因素只与交际畏惧存在显著的正相关关系。学习焦虑中除负评价恐惧外,交际畏惧、考试焦虑和其他焦虑也不会影响英语成绩。由此得出结论,除性格维度和负评价恐惧的关系、情绪性维度和负评价恐惧的关系会对英语成绩造成显著性影响外,其他人格因素和学习焦虑的关系不会对英语成绩造成显著性影响。 最后,笔者根据人格因素和学习焦虑之间的关系以及这种关系对英语成绩的影响作用,提出了一些教学建议。
[Abstract]:The present study uses quantitative questionnaires and qualitative interviews to explore the relationship between personality factors and learning anxiety of college students in order to understand the impact of the two relationships on English achievement and try to understand the psychological and physiological aspects. Social and other aspects of the impact of horizontal and vertical in-depth analysis. First, the random sampling method was used from Hunan University, Hunan normal University, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha University of Science and Technology Chengnan College and Hunan Business School. A total of 500 non-English major freshmen, sophomores and junior students were randomly selected as a total sample, and then the method of purposeful sampling was used. From the total sample of random sampling, 50% students were selected as the high / low test group. According to the CET-4 score, the top 20% students were selected as the high score group. In the end, four students from Changsha University of Technology were selected from the total sample as qualitative interview objects. Statistical analysis of quantitative data using SPSS18.0 statistical software. The statistical analysis steps are as follows: the first step, according to the Eysenck personality questionnaire test guide. The personality factors of 100 high score and 100 low group subjects were investigated respectively. The second step was to make descriptive statistical analysis on the survey data of high / low group English learning anxiety tendency. The total mean and standard deviation of their learning anxiety are obtained, which shows the general tendency of high / low grouping English learning anxiety. A descriptive statistical analysis was carried out on the English learning anxiety tendency of high / low tendency students in three groups of high and low personality traits, and the average and standard deviation of each dimension of learning anxiety were obtained. Then using independent sample T test to analyze the difference between high / low group learning anxiety. 4th steps. Pearson correlation analysis was used to explain the relationship between personality factors and learning anxiety. Then, the analysis of variance is used to analyze personality factors and whether learning anxiety has an effect on English achievement. The results show that the tendency of learning anxiety is different among high / low English achievement groups. Low score learners were more likely to produce communicative fear and test anxiety than those in high score group. There was no significant correlation between the factors of mental quality and personality of learners and the dimensions of learning anxiety in the high score group, and there was no significant correlation between each dimension of learning anxiety in the high score group. There is a significant relationship between the lattice dimension and communicative fear and other anxiety in learning anxiety. However, there was a significant correlation between personality dimension of low group learners and fear of communication fear and negative evaluation, but there was no significant relationship between emotional personality factors and test anxiety in high score group. There was significant correlation with other types of learning anxiety. However, the emotional personality factors of low group learners are only positively correlated with communicative fear. In learning anxiety, except negative evaluation fear, communicative fear is the only one. Besides the relationship between personality dimension and negative evaluation fear, the relationship between emotional dimension and negative evaluation fear will have a significant impact on English achievement. The relationship between other personality factors and learning anxiety has no significant effect on English achievement. Finally, based on the relationship between personality factors and learning anxiety and its influence on English achievement, the author puts forward some teaching suggestions.


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