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发布时间:2018-01-21 00:24

  本文关键词: 甘肃省 体育教育专业 毕业生 就业现状 对策 出处:《西北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前,甘肃省体育教育专业大学毕业生的就业问题已日益凸显,,就业形式不容乐观。如何根据目前体育教育专业毕业生的特点,有效获取就业信息、努力寻求相应对策,为毕业生提供有效的就业指导与服务已经成为甘肃省各个高校体育教育专业普遍关注的重要课题,也成为专家们研究的热点之一。了解现阶段体育教育专业大学生的现状,找出影响大学生就业的因素,寻求解决途径,这就是本文研究的主要的内容。 本文研究方法主要采用了文献资料、调查研究、专家访谈、数理统计等研究方法。本文研究的现实意义在于:通过对体育教育专业毕业生就业现实状况的调查及研究分析,进一步完善我省高校体育教师教育体制机制,为我省体育教育专业人才培养模式的改革提供参考依据,切实提高体育教育专业人才培养质量,提升体育教育专业毕业生就业质量,促使甘肃体育工作得到进一步发展。 目前,针对体育教育专业学生的就业大部分是从“教育体制,教育制度和就业教育”方面的研究,大部分都是从整体上论述甘肃省体育教育专业毕业生的就业问题,很少有从体育教育内部研究系统的研究这个问题,本文根据以往研究的经验和基础,重新调查研究体育教育专业毕业生的布局,对于有关部门合理的做出决策提供参考。结论: 1.毕业生的求职期望值较高。毕业生有着远大的理想和抱负,对自己的未来充满了信心与希望,有着很强的求职意识。他们能主动去收集相关的求职信息,尽可能的拓宽自己的求职渠道。 2.毕业生择业取向趋于功利化。很多体育教育专业的毕业生更看重眼前的利益,而且对所选职业在社会中的地位要求很高。但是现阶段求职形势非常严峻,大学毕业生求职困难的问题将持续存在的状况下,求职理想与现实存在的巨大差距迫使毕业生无法避免地遭遇压力和挫折。 3.当前甘肃省基层中小学急需的专项教师是篮球、田径、健美操、足球、武术、乒乓球、排球,提示各高师体育院系在办学过程中要调整项目结构,以满足就业市场对人才的需求。 4.甘肃省中学体育教师知识结构发展不平衡,综合素质有待提高。毕业生能力素质表现为专业素质强,科研能力和创新能力较弱,英语、计算机等专项技能方面有待进一步加强。 5.社会对专业基础知识扎实、多学科交叉、综合素质高、能力强的学生需求度较高,充分体现了“宽口径,厚基础”办学思路的必要性。 6.目前甘肃省体育院校本科生就业意向大部分选择学校,因高级中学的竞争较大,基层中小学成为大部分毕业生理想的选择。我省体育院校学生对于工资的要求基本符合目前的工资现状,大学毕业生在就业时对“专业对口”的要求下降,甚至放弃。 7.针对当前的现状和社会需求所提出的强化就业意识,建立健全就业服务体系,完善就业管理机制,加强就业教育,培养就业能力等策略,可为我省体育教育专业学生的就业教育提供一定的理论和方法支持。
[Abstract]:At present, the employment problem of Gansu province sports education specialized university graduates has become increasingly prominent, employment situation is not optimistic. According to the characteristics of the current graduates majoring in physical education, effectively obtain employment information, to find out the corresponding countermeasures, to provide employment guidance and effective service for graduates has become an important topic of professional physical education in Colleges and universities of Gansu province each concerned also, becomes one of the hot research experts. To understand the status quo of college students majoring in physical education at the present stage, to find out the factors affecting the employment of college students, to seek solutions, this is the main content.
The thesis adopts the methods of literature, investigation, expert interview, mathematical statistics and other research methods. The practical significance of this study lies in: through the survey and Analysis on employment situation of graduates majoring in physical education, to further improve our province university sports teacher education system, for our province sports education professional training provided the reference model of reform, and effectively improve the quality of physical education talent training, enhance the quality of employment of graduates majoring in physical education, promote Gansu sports work for further development.
At present, most of the physical education students employment is from "education system, education system and employment education research", mostly discusses the employment problem of graduates majoring in Physical Education in Gansu Province as a whole, there is little research on physical education from the internal system research of this problem, based on the experience and previous studies the re survey of graduates majoring in physical education layout, the relevant departments make reasonable decision making. Conclusion:
1., the job expectation of graduates is relatively high. Graduates have great ambitions and aspirations. They are full of confidence and hope for their future. They have strong job hunting awareness. They can take the initiative to collect relevant job-hunting information and expand their job search channels as much as possible.
2. graduates employment orientation tend to utilitarian. A lot of physical education graduates pay more attention to the immediate interests, but also to choose the occupation position in society is very high. But the present stage employment situation is very serious, university graduates difficult problems will continue to exist under the condition of a huge gap between the ideal and the reality of the job force graduates cannot avoid stress and frustration.
3., the current special teachers in primary and secondary schools in Gansu province are basketball, track and field, aerobics, football, martial arts, table tennis and volleyball, suggesting that the sports departments in normal universities should adjust their project structures in order to meet the needs of talents in the job market.
4., the development of knowledge structure of middle school physical education teachers in Gansu is not balanced, and the comprehensive quality needs to be improved. The graduates' ability and quality are characterized by strong professional quality, weak scientific research ability and innovative ability, and the special skills such as English and computers need to be further strengthened.
5., the society has a solid foundation for professional knowledge, and is interdisciplinary. The demand for students with high comprehensive quality and ability is high, which fully reflects the necessity of "wide caliber and thick foundation".
6. the Gansu province sports college undergraduate employment intention of most senior high school school, due to high competition for primary school has become the ideal choice for students. Most of the graduates of our province sports colleges and universities for the wage requirements consistent with the current status of the salary, the university graduates in the employment of professional counterparts for decline, and even give up.
7. according to the current situation and social demand of strengthening employment awareness, establish and improve the employment service system, improve the employment management mechanism, strengthen the employment education, employment ability training strategy, provides a theoretical and methodological support for the employment education of students majoring in Physical Education in our province.



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