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发布时间:2018-01-21 02:24

  本文关键词: 旅游专业大学生 创新 创新能力 影响机制 关系 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:知识经济时代,知识的创新及其创造性应用成为国家和民族生存发展竞争力的基础和人类社会进步的不竭动力。国家拥有的人才其知识创新能力及技术创新能力直接关系到该国新时期的经济发展。国家的发展离不开创新人才。旅游业作为第三产业的重要行业之一,其发展直接影响国家产业结构的调整及我国经济的发展。当今旅游业的发展对从业人员的创新能力有更高的要求。作为培养旅游专业人才的高等院校,应了解影响学生创新能力的因素,运用科学的方法培养具有创新能力的旅游专业人才。 本文以旅游专业大学生为研究对象,运用定性研究和定量研究相结合的研究方法。首先,明确研究目的和研究价值。其次,对创新、创新能力、旅游专业学科特点、旅游行业用人特征等进行梳理。再次,分析旅游专业学生创新能力的影响因素,开发旅游专业大学生创新能力影响因素量表。然后,,运用结构方程模型对旅游专业大学生创新能力影响因素的诸多影响因子进行影响程度分析。最后,对数据结果进行分析,提出结论。具体研究内容如下: 第一章,绪论。主要介绍本研究的研究背景、研究目的、研究价值、研究内容,并对相关文献进行综述。最后介绍本研究的研究方法和技术路线。 第二章,理论基础。介绍创新、创新能力、旅游教育相关理论。为下文的研究做理论上的指导。 第三章,旅游专业大学生创新能力影响机制分析。对旅游专业学生影响因素进行分类,确定影响因素中各影响因子,编制关系量表。 第四章,旅游专业大学生创新能力影响机制实证研究。根据第三章关系量表,设计访谈大纲和调查问卷,发放问卷回收数据,进行前期的数据检验,提出影响机制的假设模型,运用结构方程对假设模型进行验证。 第五章,研究结论与研究不足。针对研究结果,做出研究结论,探讨研究不足。 本文采取定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,通过探讨旅游专业学生创新能力影响机制,以及对诸多影响因素及各因素影响机制的分析,识别真正有利于学生创新能力培养的因素,为旅游院校培养学生创新能力提供科学的方向,令高校有针对性的进行教学方略改革,以促使旅游院校人才培养质量的不断提升,从而推进旅游业不断向前发展。对高等旅游院校学生创新能力培养以及学生如何开发自身创新能力有一定的启示和借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:The era of knowledge economy. The innovation of knowledge and its creative application become the foundation of national and national competitive power of survival and development and the inexhaustible motive force of the progress of human society. The ability of knowledge innovation and technological innovation of the talents owned by the country is directly related to the country. The economic development in the new period and the development of the country can not be separated from innovative talents. Tourism is one of the important industries in the tertiary industry. The development of tourism has a direct impact on the adjustment of national industrial structure and the economic development of our country. Nowadays, the development of tourism has higher requirements for the innovative ability of employees. It is necessary to understand the factors that affect the students' innovative ability, and to train the tourism professionals with innovative ability by scientific methods. This paper takes tourism majors as the research object, using qualitative and quantitative research methods. First, the purpose and value of research. Secondly, innovation, innovation ability. Thirdly, it analyzes the influencing factors of tourism students' innovation ability, and develops the influencing factors scale of tourism students' innovation ability. Using the structural equation model to analyze the degree of influence of the factors affecting the innovation ability of tourism college students. Finally, the data results are analyzed, and the conclusion is put forward. The specific research contents are as follows: The first chapter is introduction. It mainly introduces the research background, research purpose, research value, research content, and summarizes the relevant literature. Finally, it introduces the research methods and technical route of this study. The second chapter, the theoretical basis. Introduces innovation, innovation ability, tourism education related theories. The third chapter analyzes the influencing mechanism of tourism students' innovation ability, classifies the influencing factors of tourism majors, determines the influencing factors, and formulates the relationship scale. Chapter 4th, empirical study on the influence mechanism of tourism college students' innovation ability. According to the third chapter, the author designs the interview outline and questionnaire, issues the questionnaire to retrieve the data, and carries on the preliminary data test. The hypothesis model of influencing mechanism is proposed, and the hypothesis model is verified by structural equation. Chapter 5th, the research conclusion and insufficiency. According to the research result, makes the research conclusion, discusses the research insufficiency. This paper adopts the method of combining qualitative research with quantitative research, and discusses the influence mechanism of tourism students' innovation ability, as well as the analysis of many influencing factors and influencing mechanisms of each factor. Identify the factors that are really conducive to the cultivation of students' innovative ability, provide a scientific direction for tourism colleges and universities to cultivate students' innovative ability, so that colleges and universities have targeted teaching strategy reform. In order to promote the quality of tourism colleges and universities to improve the quality of talent training. Therefore, it can promote the development of tourism industry, which has some enlightenment and reference to the cultivation of students' innovation ability and how to develop their own innovation ability in higher tourism colleges and universities.


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