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发布时间:2018-01-21 02:46

  本文关键词: 高校 德育 个性化 实施策略 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:长期以来,受传统、封闭、陈旧的高等教育的影响,我国的高校德育工作忽视了对大学生创造性的培养,严重阻碍了大学生个性的和谐发展。进入21世纪以来,随着人类社会的进步,整个世界发生着巨大的变化,政治多极化、经济全球化、文化多元化等等,直接冲击着我国高校德育工作,使大学生的思想变得日益复杂,学生的个性化发展趋向越来越强烈,个性化发展已成为当代大学生自我实现的基本要求。当前,我党提出的科学发展观的核心就是以人为本,具体到高校管理中,就是在德育的过程中坚持以学生为本,使大学生个性化得以更好的发挥发展。由此可见,大学生个性特征越来越受到重视,个性化发展逐渐成为高校德育思想的重要内容,这也是新形势下全面贯彻党的教育方针的重要举措。作为高校德育工作者要与时俱进,认真研究思考如何更好地适应当前国际国内形势的新变化,了解当前高校德育工作存在的缺陷与弊端,研究当代大学生的个性特征,采取有效措施加强大学生个性化发展。 本文运用哲学、教育学、心理学等多学科交叉的理论和方法,系统研究德育视域下大学生个性化发展的理论与实践问题,旨在抛砖引玉,推动教育思想和教育观念的转变与更新,把大学生个性化发展纳入高校德育的视域,使高校培养出更具主体性、创造性、有独立人格、全面发展的创新人才。本文着眼于理论与实际问题的结合,主要从以下几个部分进行论述。 第一部分是对德育视域下大学生个性化的理论阐释。就大学生个性化而言,主要指大学生个体身上经常出现地、稳定地表现出来的心理特征及精神面貌。个性化具有稳定性、差异性、可塑性、整体性等特征。总结了大学生个性化的作用,个性化有利于培养大学生的独立人格、有利于培养人的主动精神、创造能力、个性化才能等等。高校培养大学生个性化不仅符合高等教育改革的要求,而且有利于大学生的个性充分、自由、和谐的发展,,使大学生成为全面发展的创新人才。 第二部分,论述了大学生个性化培养的依据。着重从哲学、教育学、心理学等学科角度阐述了大学生个性化培养的学理依据;从符合时代、社会、个人发展的需要论述了大学生个性化培养的现实依据。这为本文的深入研究提供了坚实的理论与现实基础。目前我们正处于知识经济时代,处于社会转型时期,高等院校德育要响应党提出的建设和谐社会的号召,坚持以人为本,培养具有创新意识、创造能力、综合素质高的人才,促进大学生个性的自由全面发展。 第三部分,当前高校大学生个性化培养面临的问题及其成因。当前高校大学生个性化培养存在的问题主要有以下几点:不能正确理解个性化发展的内涵,德育内容过于政治化、方式单调、观念不能与时俱进、过于关注集体教育等。并认为产生这些问题主要是受到德育内容体系尚不完善,传统的整体主义观念,评价机制机械单一,德育方法和手段陈旧单一的影响。 第四部分,高校德育加强大学生个性化发展的实施策略,这部分内容是本文的重点。适应当代大学生个性化发展的要求,在实施策略上,要坚持个性化发展的教育观念和以人为本的原则,尊重个体的差异,坚持发展个性化的德育理念和以学生为本的理念。创新大学生个性化发展的德育内容,与时俱进地实行德育内容改革;不断提高大学生德育的针对性和实效性;借鉴国外经验,不断总结出具有中国特色的培养大学生个性化的先进经验。建立健全个性化发展的德育评价机制,确立以学生为本的德育评价标准,创新个性化发展的德育评价方法。积极探索适合个性化发展的德育方法,不断丰富大学生德育载体,充分发挥好个性化德育的优势。 注重大学生个性化培养已纳入高校德育的视域。作为高校德育工作者,要多方面地创造条件陶冶学生的性情,培养学生独立创造的精神和独立人格,完善学生的德性,从而把当代大学生培养成身心和谐发展的新世纪合格人才。
[Abstract]:With the progress of human society , the development of college moral education has become more and more complicated , the individual development of students is becoming more and more complex , and the individual development has become the basic requirement of college students ' self - realization . This paper studies the theory and practice of college students ' individual development under the view of moral education by using the theories and methods of philosophy , pedagogy , psychology and so on . The aim of this paper is to study the theoretical and practical problems of college students ' individual development under the view of moral education . The first part is the theoretical explanation of the personality of college students under the visual field of moral education . In the second part , the basis of college students ' individualized training is discussed . The practical basis of individual cultivation of college students is discussed from the angle of philosophy , pedagogy , psychology and so on . In the third part , the problems and causes of individual cultivation of college students in colleges and universities are faced with the following points : the connotation of individual development cannot be correctly understood , the content of moral education is too politicalized , the mode is monotonous , the idea can ' t keep pace with the times , too much attention is paid to collective education , etc . And it is believed that these problems are mainly influenced by the imperfection of the content system of moral education , the traditional idea of the whole doctrine , the mechanical single of the evaluation mechanism , the method and means of moral education . In the fourth part , the college moral education strengthens the implementation strategy of the individual development of college students . This part is the focus of this article . In the implementation strategy , we should adhere to the education idea and the people - oriented principle of the individual development , respect the individual differences , stick to the development of the individualized moral education idea and the student - centered education idea . To build and perfect the moral education evaluation mechanism of the individual development , to establish the moral education evaluation method which is suitable for the individual development , to enrich the moral education carrier of the college students , and give full play to the advantages of the personalized moral education . It is necessary to cultivate students ' sexual feelings in many ways , cultivate students ' independent creative spirit and independent personality , and improve the students ' virtue , so as to train the contemporary college students into the new century qualified personnel with harmonious development .



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