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发布时间:2018-01-21 16:22

  本文关键词: 高等教育助学贷款 国家助学贷款政策 财务管理 风险管控 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:国家助学贷款作为一种具有突出中国特色的贷款模式,是一种融政策性与盈利性于一体的新的个人理财项目,涉及到贷款学生,学生家长,贷款高校,经办银行,国家财政等多方面经济利益和社会利益的多方博弈,是高校财务,,银行财务和国家财务中的一项重要财务管理课题。 国家助学贷款政策产生于我国教育改革大背景下,为了缓解改革后教育资源的稀缺以及保证教育机会平等,中国人民银行、财政部、教育部在8大城市几所高校范围内进行国家助学贷款试点并先后推广至全国,在政策实行的十几年间我国不断调整和完善国家助学贷款相关政策和体系,使得越来越多的家庭经济困难学生走进大学校园,顺利完成自己的学业步入社会,为促进社会和谐稳定快速发展提供了强有力的保障。但是在国家助学贷款工作中,仍然存在着一些因素阻碍制约着国家助学贷款政策发展,银行因不愿承担违约风险而倾向停贷的危机就像定时炸弹潜伏着,高校因贷款管理成本过高引发财务风险开始惧贷惜贷的问题也随之凸显,一旦国家助学贷款的推行受到阻碍,将会直接关系到我国的贫困学生能否继续完成学业。所以为了保障我国广大贫困学生能够享受接受教育的机会,为了保障我国的助学贷款政策可以稳固的持久的推行,就需要进一步完善此政策在放款和收款环节的流程和规则。 目前我国学者对我国国家助学贷款的研究多集中在公共政策领域,以宏观的角度评价政策施行效果,对社会普遍存在的现象加以阐述和分析,最终提出相应对策建议。本文立足国内外优秀研究成果,总结研究文献资料,探究我国国家助学贷款政策发展历史,同时以东北师范大学国家助学贷款管理工作为例,通过向在校贫困学生发放调查问卷以及搜集校方近年来政策实施情况数据,分析该校国家助学贷款工作完成效果,找寻其在贷款管理工作中的可鉴方法与缺陷不足,对其中出现的问题加以分析,对其好的发展经验进行总结,提出促进政策实行进程增强政策实施效果,防范风险解决惜贷的对策及建议,并以小见大,推广到整个国家助学贷款政策上,力求促进该政策更有效、强力的实施。国家助学贷款对于我国贫困学生受高等教育的机会公平具有重要意义,也是我国科教兴国战略和尊重人才观念的深化,因此本研究具有完善助学贷款理论和维护助学贷款健康发展理论与实践的双重意义。 本篇论文大体分为五部分:第一部分从整体阐述研究的意义与内容,对现有的学术研究进行罗列和总结;第二部分详细阐述我国国家助学贷款政策,使读者更详尽的了解我国国家助学贷款体系;第三部分采用案例分析法,将东北师范大学列为调研对象,介绍东北师范大学现有的国家助学贷款管理机构及其工作成果与现状,总结东北师范大学国家助学贷款管理工作成效;第四部分总结出制约国家助学贷款政策发展的两大可能“瓶颈”,即风险问题与惜贷问题;第五部分通过对风险与惜贷这两大问题的原因及危害分析,借助东北师大国家助学贷款政策实施经验,从四大方面提出建设性意见,促进我国国家助学贷款机制更完善的运行与发展;第六部分综观全文,提炼观点,升华主旨。国家助学贷款制度关系到社会的和谐与稳定,通过社会各个主体的共同努力,探索并建立起一套符合中国国情的完善的有效的国家助学贷款制度,可以使更多贫困大学生受益,实现“科教兴国”的伟大战略目标。 本文难点在于对东北师范大学国家助学贷款政策实施情况调研问卷的设计、发放、回收,问卷所采集数据的客观性、可靠性,以及如何通过对资料、数据的分析总结出该校在国家助学贷款发放、贷后管理等环节的特色与可借鉴之处,为国家助学贷款政策提出正确的实施建议。由于以往的研究往往都侧重宏观公共政策讨论,没有结合高校自身数据以财务为切入点进行风险管控研究,因此这也是本研究的创新之处。
[Abstract]:The national student loan is a kind of outstanding characteristics Chinese loan model, is a kind of financial policy and profitability in one of the new personal finance projects, involving student loans, students' parents, college loans, bank managers, financial and other aspects of the game of national economic interests and social interests, is the financial. One of the important tasks of financial and financial management in the state financial bank.
The national student loan policy in the background of education reform in our country, in order to alleviate the scarcity of educational resources after the reform and guarantee the equal opportunity of education, the people's Bank, the Ministry of finance China, extended to the national Ministry of education in several universities in the range of 8 big city in the national student loan and the first pilot, in the policy of more than ten years China continues to adjust and improve the national student loan policy and system, the family economic difficulties students more and more into the university campus, the successful completion of their studies into the society, provide a strong guarantee for promoting social harmony and stability. But in the rapid development of the national student loan work, there are still some obstacles restricting the country the student loan policy development, crisis like a time bomb bank unwilling to bear the risk of default and the tendency to stop lending lurk, because of the loan management The high cost of the financial risk caused to fear loan credit crunch also highlights the problem, once the implementation of the national student loan has been hampered, will be directly related to the poor students in China can continue to complete their studies. So in order to protect our poor students to enjoy the education opportunities, in order to safeguard our country's student loan policy can stabilize the persistent implementation requires further improvement of the policy in the loan and payment of part of the process and rules.
The current research on national student loans of our country scholars in our country are more concentrated in the field of public policy, from a macro point of view the evaluation effect of policy, widely exists in the social phenomena are described and analyzed, finally puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Based on the domestic and foreign outstanding research results, summarizes the research literature, explore the historical development of the national student the loan policy of our country, at the same time taking Northeast Normal University national student loan management work as an example, through to the poor students questionnaires and collected in the school in recent years the policy implementation of data analysis work, the school of national student loans in the loan for its complete effect, in the management of the reference method and the defects of the problems analysis on the good development experience is summarized, put forward the policy process to enhance the effect of policy implementation, to solve the "prevention of risks The countermeasure and the suggestion, and the loan extended to the whole of the child is father of the man, the national student loan policy, in order to promote the policy more effective and powerful. The implementation of the national student loan fair is of great significance for the poor students in our higher education opportunities, is also China's strategy of rejuvenating the country and respect the concept of talent deepening, so this study has improving the student loan theory and maintenance of theoretical and practical significance to the healthy development of student loans.
This thesis is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the meaning and content of research from the whole of the existing academic research are summarized; the second part elaborated the national student loan policy in China, make readers more detailed understanding of the system of national student loans in our country; the third part adopts the method of case study, the Northeast Normal University will list as the research object, introduces the existing Northeast Normal University national student loan management institutions and their work with the status quo, summarize the Northeast Normal University national student loan management work; the fourth part summarizes two possible "bottleneck" of the development of the national student loan policy, namely the risk and credit crunch problems; the fifth part of the two major issues of risk and the credit crunch the analysis of the causes and hazards, with experience on the implementation of Northeast Normal University and the national student loan policy, put forward from four aspects 寤鸿鎬ф剰瑙




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