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发布时间:2018-01-21 15:41

  本文关键词: 大学生 社会责任意识 培养 出处:《齐齐哈尔大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生是我国推进社会主义伟大事业的主力军与后备力量,是高端人才队伍的重要组成部分。他们是社会未来经济建设的主体,同时肩负着传承我国优秀文化与道德传统,促进社会生产力进一步提升的重要历史责任。因此,大学生的社会责任意识的高低不仅关系到大学生的成长与成才,从长远角度来说,更关系到我国社会主义伟大事业的最终成败。当前,大学生的社会责任意识培养已经日益受到国际社会的广泛关注,由于大学生正处于从高校学习生活向社会实践转变的过渡时期,因此他们已经到了承载社会义务与责任的重要人生阶段。那么对于大学生而言,自身是否具备较强的社会责任意识则成为他们能否融入社会、创造社会价值的重中之重。在这一时期,大学生由于身心发展已经相对成熟,他们具备自身独立的判断能力,并表现出对于参与社会活动的高度热情,然而,还有很大一部分学生并没有形成社会主人翁的意识,他们更多的是关心个人的前途,无法将视野放眼到国家与社会的发展以及人类进步这一高度上来,这一现状对于当前我国推进社会主义建设事业来说是非常不利的。因此,对于大学生的社会责任意识培养已经迫在眉睫,这也是研究此课题的最终目的。本文主要包括三个部分: 第一部分大学生树立社会责任意识的理论概述,在这一部分首先对于社会责任意识的本源、内涵以及本质做出了整体的概括,以及论述了社会责任意识的构成,分别包括国家安全意识、社会参与意识、奉献服务意识、公共危机责任担当意识以及社会关怀精神;其次次分析了社会责任意识的功能,分别从导向功能、育人功能、激励功能以及保证功能四个方面阐述了责任意识的重要作用;这一部分的最后一节则论述了大学生社会责任意识的价值和意义,为下一部分的研究等下扎实的基础。 第二部分新时期大学生社会责任意识的现状分析及培养的价值诉求,这一部分从新时期大学生社会责任意识的表现入手,,逐步分析了新时期大学生社会责任意识特点的形成原因以及新时期大学生社会责任意识培养的时代价值分析,为最后一部分的培养对策研究提供必要的现实依据。 第三部分新时期大学生社会责任意识培养的对策思考,这一部分首先论述了大学生社会责任意识培养坚持的原则,通过整合大学生社会责任意识培养的资源、加强大学生自我社会责任意识教育以及提升大学生社会责任意识培养的实效性逐步引出拓展大学生社会责任意识培养的途径,力争为我国高校的大学生社会责任意识培养贡献微薄力量。
[Abstract]:College students are the main force and reserve force to promote the great cause of socialism in our country. They are the main body of the future economic construction of the society. At the same time, it shoulders the important historical responsibility of inheriting the excellent culture and moral tradition of our country and promoting the further promotion of social productivity. Therefore, the level of college students' sense of social responsibility is not only related to the growth and development of college students. In the long run, it is more related to the ultimate success or failure of the great cause of socialism in our country. At present, the cultivation of college students' sense of social responsibility has been paid more and more attention by the international community. Since college students are in the transition period from college life to social practice, they have reached an important stage of carrying social obligations and responsibilities. Whether they have a strong sense of social responsibility has become the most important thing for them to integrate into society and create social value. In this period, college students have been relatively mature due to their physical and mental development. They have their own independent judgment and show a high degree of enthusiasm for participating in social activities, however, a large number of students have not formed a sense of social ownership. They are more concerned about the future of the individual, unable to focus on the development of the country and society and the height of human progress. This situation is very unfavorable to the promotion of socialist construction in our country. Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate the sense of social responsibility of college students. This is the ultimate purpose of the study. This paper mainly includes three parts: The first part of the theoretical overview of college students to establish a sense of social responsibility, in this part of the first social responsibility awareness of the origin, connotation and nature of the overall summary. And discusses the composition of the consciousness of social responsibility, including the consciousness of national security, social participation, service, public crisis responsibility and the spirit of social care; Secondly, it analyzes the function of social responsibility consciousness, and expounds the important role of responsibility consciousness from four aspects: guidance function, education function, incentive function and guarantee function. The last section of this part discusses the value and significance of college students' consciousness of social responsibility, which is a solid foundation for the next part of the study. The second part analyzes the status quo of college students' social responsibility consciousness in the new period and the value demand of cultivating it. This part starts with the performance of college students' social responsibility consciousness in the new period. Gradually analyzed the formation of the characteristics of college students' social responsibility consciousness in the new period and the value of the new period college students' social responsibility consciousness training. To provide the necessary realistic basis for the last part of the cultivation countermeasure research. The third part of the new period of college students' social responsibility awareness training countermeasures, this part of the first part of the university students' social responsibility awareness cultivation adhere to the principles, through the integration of college students' social responsibility awareness of the cultivation of resources. To strengthen the self-awareness of social responsibility of college students and enhance the effectiveness of the cultivation of social responsibility awareness of college students gradually lead to expand the way to cultivate the sense of social responsibility of college students. Strive to contribute to the cultivation of social responsibility consciousness of college students in our country.


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