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发布时间:2018-01-21 15:06

  本文关键词: 休闲体育 主观幸福感 高校教师 出处:《长江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经济的快速发展,人们的物质生活水平得到了快速的提高,对于精神生活的需求也随之提高,休闲的质量已经成为了人们衡量幸福的一个重要指标。休闲的方式是多种多样的,因人而异,但休闲体育以其独特的参与价值与魅力成为了时下很多人闲暇时的选择。作为一名体育学者,我将从本专业出发,去探究体育活动这一休闲方式的参与价值对高校教师精神生活的提高是否有效,对于提升高校教师的幸福感是否起着促进作用。 通过学校网络对相关研究内容进行了文献检索,对检索到的文献资料进行了总结、归纳、分析。调查问卷的编制是在对在对国内外已有的主观幸福感量表理解的基础上,进行了第一次编写问卷,随后征求了导师及几名心理学教授的意见,综合导师和教授们给出的建议后,逐步对第一次编写的问卷进行了增加或删减。随后,在心理学教授的帮助下,对量表内容进行了检验,结果表明,该量表有良好的信度。2012年下半年对湖北省几所高校的部分在校教师进行了问卷发放调查并且对回收的问卷进行了方差等分析。 本论文一开始就对高校教师休闲现状做了一个调查,主要是以下几个方面:(1)高校教师休闲现状及休闲时间分配安排调查(2)高校教师参与休闲体育的动机(3)高校教师参与休闲体育项目的选择(4)高校教师每次参与休闲体育活动的场所(5)高校教师参与休闲体育活动后对身体的综合评价。 结合以上调查得到的数据,接着对高校教师参与休闲体育与其主观幸福感的关系进一步分析,主要是以下几个方面:(1)休闲体育与高校教师主观幸福感的相关分析(2)是否自觉参加休闲体育活动的高校教师在主观幸福感上的差异比较(3)运动量对高校教师主观幸福感影响的差异分析(4)持续时间对高校教师主观幸福感影响的差异分析(5)身体锻炼量和锻炼持续时间对高校教师主观幸福感的影响。 通过以上的分析,本研究得到以下结论: (1)总体而言,高校教师拥有一定量的闲暇时间,在闲暇时间里,每个人休闲方式各有不同,但是在这些闲暇时间里,多数教师还是得进行科研,由此可以看出,他们虽然拥有一定量的闲暇时间,但是还是被工作占据了,高校教师的工作压力属于偏高的水平。 (2)对比参与休闲体育的高校教师与不参与休闲体育的高校教师主观幸福感,结果发现在生活满意感这一维度上两者没有明显差别,但是在正性情感和负性情感这个两个维度上有明显差别,参与休闲体育的高校教师要比不参与休闲体育的教师主观幸福感高。 (3)长期性的参与休闲体育的高校教师主观幸福感要比偶尔参与一次或者是间断性参与休闲体育的高校教师主观幸福感指数要高,两者有明显差别,因此可以肯定长期性的参与休闲体育对提升高校教师主观幸福感是有帮助的。 (4)运动的强度、运动持续的时间、运动的频率对高校教师主观幸福感都有影响。运动量小和运动量中等的休闲体育活动量随着休闲体育持续的时间周期增长,要比高强度的休闲体育活动对高校教师主观幸福感的影响要强烈。相对来说,中等强度的休闲体育活动量对高校教师主观幸福感的效果最好。高校教师参与休闲体育运动的强度与运动持续时间相比,运动持续的时间要比运动的强度对其主观幸福感影响更为重要。长周期的休闲体育活动在生活满意感和正性情感两个维度上的均值最大。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of economy, people's material life level has been improved rapidly, the demand for spiritual life also will improve the quality of leisure has become an important indicator of happiness. The leisure way is varied, but leisure sports to It differs from man to man., its unique value and charm in become nowadays a lot of people leisure time. As a sports scholar, I will depart from the professional, to explore the way of leisure sports participation in the value of the spiritual life of teachers in Colleges and universities to improve the effectiveness of the promotion of university teachers whether happiness plays a role.
Through the school network through literature retrieval of related research content, the retrieved documents are summarized, summarized, analyzed. Questionnaire is based on the sense of scale understanding on subjective well-being of the existing home and abroad, the first written questionnaire, then ask the teacher and several psychology the views of professors, instructors and professors comprehensive advice, gradually on the first written questionnaire were added or deleted. Subsequently, a psychology professor at under the help of the content was examined. The results show that the scale has good reliability of.2012 in the second half part of the school teachers colleges and universities in Hubei province by questionnaire survey and the questionnaire of variance analysis.
This paper start on College Teachers' leisure status to do a survey, mainly the following aspects: (1) College Teachers' status and distribution of leisure leisure time arrangement Survey (2) College Teachers' participation in leisure sports motivation (3) College Teachers' participation in leisure sports project selection (4) College Teachers' Participation in leisure time sports activities (5) to participate in leisure sports activities of university teachers on the body after the comprehensive evaluation.
According to the above survey data, and then the relationship between College Teachers' participation in leisure sports and subjective well-being of the further analysis, mainly the following aspects: (1) the correlation analysis of leisure sports and College Teachers' subjective well-being (2) differences in subjective well-being of college teachers whether consciously participate in leisure sports activities (3) effect of exercise on College Teachers' subjective well-being (4) effect of duration of College Teachers' subjective well-being (5) effects of exercise and exercise duration on the subjective well-being of college teachers.
Through the above analysis, this study obtains the following conclusions:
(1) overall, university teachers have a certain amount of leisure time in the leisure time, leisure, everyone in different ways, but in the leisure time, most teachers still have to carry out scientific research, thus it can be seen that although they have a certain amount of leisure time, but still occupied by their work, colleges and universities the job stress of teachers belong to high level.
(2) college teachers compared to participate in the leisure sports and College Teachers' subjective well-being does not participate in the leisure sports, the results found in life satisfaction on the dimensions of the two have no obvious difference, but there are significant differences between positive and negative emotion of the two dimensions, college teachers to participate in leisure sports to high sense teachers' subjective well-being than not to participate in the leisure sports.
(3) the long-term participation in leisure sports of College Teachers' subjective well-being than occasionally participate in a university teachers' subjective well-being or interruption of participation in leisure sports sense index is higher, there are obvious differences between the two, so you can be sure of the long-term participation in leisure sports to promote college teachers' subjective well-being is helpful.
(4) the intensity of exercise time, exercise duration, exercise frequency of College Teachers' subjective well-being are affected. A small amount of exercise and exercise moderate amount of leisure sports leisure sports activities with the duration of the period of growth, to high strength of leisure and sports activities should be strongly effect on University Teachers' subjective well-being. Relatively speaking, moderate amount of leisure sports activities on College Teachers' subjective well-being best effect. Strength and sports participation in leisure sports teachers in Colleges and universities compared to the duration of time, continuous movement than the intensity of exercise on subjective well-being is more important. The mean value of the two dimensions of life satisfaction and positive emotion the long period of leisure and sports activities.



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