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发布时间:2018-01-21 21:33

  本文关键词: 应用技术型人才 德国双元制 德国高等教育 高等艺术 应用科技 德国高校 高校学习 专业设置 职业技术教育 音乐领域  出处:《世界教育信息》2015年24期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Germany's higher education system consists of four types: comprehensive universities, applied science and technology universities, higher schools of art and music and vocational colleges. The University of Applied Science and Technology mainly carries out higher vocational and technical education, and the College of higher Arts and Music is responsible for the training of talents in the field of art and music, as well as the art and music teachers in primary and secondary schools. Vocational college is a new type of institution of higher learning, which is jointly run by universities and enterprises. Comprehensive universities and applied science and technology universities are the main body of higher education in Germany. 97% of students study in these two types of colleges and universities. The classification of German universities is clear. The orientation is reasonable, its applied technology type talented person training, especially the "dual system" teaching mode, receives the German student and the enterprise
【作者单位】: 中国驻瑞士大使馆教育处;清华校友总会;西安外事学院七方教育研究所;
【正文快照】: 德国的高等教育体系包含综合性大学、应用科技大学、高等艺术与音乐学院和职业学院四种类型。综合性大学主要培养研究型人才,应用科技大学主要实施高等职业技术教育,高等艺术与音乐学院负责培养艺术和音乐领域的人才以及中小学艺术和音乐教师,职业学院是校企联合举办的新型高


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