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发布时间:2018-01-21 23:02

  本文关键词: 民办高校 政府角色定位 可持续发展 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民办教育作为国家高等教育体系中的重要组成部分,为社会进步、国家富强、公民培育做出历史贡献和现实价值。但由于中国特有的行政体制和资源调配方式,民办高等教育其市场性定位又会导致其教育公益性受损。因此,民办高等教育发展过程中,亟需政府对其进行社会性引导和政策性辅助以及经济性倾斜,最终达到“政府、社会、国家、股东、公民”共赢的最终目标。 本文以社会学的分析视角,综合分析了中国民办高校其历史地位、发展意义及面临问题,以国外民办高等教育的发展经验及科研成果为基础,结合治理与善治理论、市场失灵理论、政府失灵理论、公共产品理论和外部性理论论证了现有国情条件下及经济发展过程中,政府在民办高等教育的定位和现实差距,并采用UML流程图分析定位转型中引出的关键节点及流程。 研究发现,低监管、高服务,以服务质量的优劣评价政府职能,可以发挥民办高等教育事业中办学者与受教育者的主体能动性;通过其自身治理产生的症结,可以发挥办学者自身办学理念,推动高等教育事业的积极发展;政府的监管姿态应着重体现在安全、卫生、消防、保健等服务领域;教育质量应通过国家认证方式进行审核;主动退出机制可以避免了民办高等教育的五大主体的资源浪费,符合国家整体利益;强调依法治理,对存在的既有问题,属于民办高等教育内部循环的问题,通过民办高等教育内部机制创新完成;属于民办高等教育外部循环的问题,应通过积极接洽循环各方,理清问题症结所在进行积极解决,杜绝行政的不作为现象的产生。根据研究结论,本文提出五条建议和四条预测:健全管理机构,增设咨询审议机构;实行教育行政部门主管体制,强化职能部门协调;依法行政,提供民办教育发展的有效政策;建立准确健全的引导机制,提供政策性引导;明确多方监管责任,完善监管机制;建立常态化的政府政策性资助及经济性补偿等建议。研究者同时也预测通过以上措施可以增加民办高校优质教育资源,提高民办高校创办者的办学素质、完善教育法治和社会监督,落实依法办学政策,促进中国高等教育的全面发展。
[Abstract]:As an important part of the national higher education system, private education makes historical contribution and practical value for social progress, national prosperity and citizen cultivation, but due to China's unique administrative system and resource allocation. The market orientation of private higher education will also lead to the damage of its public welfare. Therefore, in the development of private higher education, it is urgent for the government to conduct social guidance, policy assistance and economic inclination. Finally achieve the "government, society, the state, shareholders, citizens" the ultimate goal of win-win. From the perspective of sociology, this paper comprehensively analyzes the historical status, development significance and problems of private colleges and universities in China. It is based on the development experience and scientific research results of private higher education abroad. Combining the theory of governance and good governance, the theory of market failure, the theory of government failure, the theory of public goods and the theory of externality, this paper demonstrates the existing conditions and the process of economic development. The government's orientation and realistic gap in private higher education are analyzed by UML flowchart. It is found that low supervision, high service and evaluation of government functions based on the quality of service can bring into play the main initiative of scholars and educatees in the cause of private higher education. Through the crux of its own governance, we can give full play to the idea of running a school by the scholars themselves, and promote the positive development of higher education. The government's regulatory stance should be focused on the safety, hygiene, fire, health care and other service areas; The quality of education should be examined by national certification; The active withdrawal mechanism can avoid the waste of resources of the five main bodies of private higher education, which is in line with the overall interests of the country; It is emphasized that the existing problems, which belong to the internal circulation of the private higher education, can be accomplished through the innovation of the internal mechanism of the private higher education. The problems of the external circulation of private higher education should be solved actively by actively contacting the parties of circulation, clarifying the crux of the problem, and putting an end to the phenomenon of administrative omission. According to the conclusion of the study. This paper puts forward five suggestions and four forecasts: perfecting the management organization and establishing the advisory and deliberative organization; Implementing the administrative department in charge of education and strengthening the coordination of the functional departments; To administer according to law and provide effective policies for the development of private education; Establish an accurate and sound guidance mechanism to provide policy guidance; To clarify the responsibility of multi-party supervision and improve the supervision mechanism; At the same time, researchers also predict that the above measures can increase the quality of educational resources of private colleges and universities, improve the quality of the founders of private colleges and universities. We will improve the rule of law in education and social supervision, implement the policy of running schools according to law, and promote the overall development of higher education in China.


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