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  本文关键词: 高校政府采购 绩效评价 指标体系 出处:《北方工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国高校投入的不断增加,政府采购项目及其范围也日趋扩大,政府采购绩效评价工作越来越受到高校重视。其绩效评价的实践主要是对采购过程中的具体程序、方式等活动实施监督考核,对加强高校政府采购的管理具有重要的意义。但目前多数高校在政府采购项口管理工作中,单纯地强调节约的目标,对于高校政府采购完整的绩效评价体系的构建,加强高校政府采购的政府监管等相应研究涉及较少。 本文研究高校政府采购绩效评价指标体系的构建及应用问题。目的是在政府采购绩效评价理论的基础上,结合高校政府采购自身特点和多元价值取向的绩效评价体系,使用BSC并结合层次分析法、主成分分析法,研究高校政府采购绩效评价的理论框架和评价指标。按照定性和定量相结合的思路给出适当的先验信息,提出指标权重的确定方法,从而构建高校政府采购绩效评价的定量评价模型,计算出相应的绩效得分,为进一步加强高校政府采购管理提供一些参考。 本文主要内容分为以下几个部分:首先,通过分析课题的研究背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状,提供本文的研究方法和技术路线;其次,分析政府采购管理及绩效评价国内外研究现状和有关的绩效评价基础理论,为高校政府采购绩效评价研究确立基础;在充分讨论高校政府采购绩效评价现状和意义的基础上,通过细致研究绩效评价指标体系的内涵,构建原则和具体设计等问题,确定绩效评价指标体系的构建方案。根据构建方案,提供了高校政府采购绩效评价模型的构建过程和数据模拟分析,同时研究了高校政府采购绩效评价方法应用中的评价流程和重要的基础性工作。最后,提出了提升高校政府采购绩效的对策建议、研究结论和进一步研究的展望。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous increase of investment in colleges and universities in China, government procurement projects and their scope are also increasingly expanded. Performance evaluation of government procurement is paid more and more attention by colleges and universities. The practice of performance evaluation is mainly to supervise and assess the specific procedures and methods in the process of procurement. It is of great significance to strengthen the management of government procurement in colleges and universities. But at present, most universities emphasize the goal of saving in the management of government procurement. There are few researches on how to construct the complete performance evaluation system of university government procurement and how to strengthen the government supervision of university government procurement. The purpose of this paper is to study the construction and application of the performance evaluation index system of government procurement in colleges and universities. The purpose is to evaluate the performance of government procurement on the basis of the theory. Combined with the characteristics of university government procurement and multi-value orientation of the performance evaluation system, the use of BSC and combined with the Analytic hierarchy process, principal component analysis. This paper studies the theoretical framework and evaluation index of government procurement performance evaluation in colleges and universities. According to the combination of qualitative and quantitative thinking, it gives appropriate prior information and puts forward the method of determining index weight. Thus, the quantitative evaluation model of government procurement performance evaluation in colleges and universities is constructed, and the corresponding performance scores are calculated, which provides some references for further strengthening the management of government procurement in colleges and universities. The main content of this paper is divided into the following parts: first, through the analysis of the research background, research significance, domestic and foreign research status, provide the research methods and technical route of this paper; Secondly, it analyzes the current research situation of government procurement management and performance evaluation at home and abroad and the basic theory of performance evaluation, which establishes the foundation for the research of government procurement performance evaluation in colleges and universities. On the basis of fully discussing the current situation and significance of performance evaluation of government procurement in colleges and universities, this paper studies the connotation, construction principles and concrete design of performance evaluation index system. According to the construction plan, this paper provides the construction process and data simulation analysis of the performance evaluation model of government procurement in colleges and universities. At the same time, it studies the evaluation process and important basic work in the application of the performance evaluation method of university government procurement. Finally, it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the performance of university government procurement. Conclusions and prospects for further research.


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