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发布时间:2018-01-22 14:22

  本文关键词: 大众传媒 大学校园文化 社会主义先进文化 创新发展 实践路径 出处:《河北农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前,大众传媒能够最大程度的超越时空的局限,汇集来自世界各地的信息,日益显现出文化传递、沟通、共享、整合的强大功能,逐渐成为现今文化传播的主要手段。大学校园文化建设及其社会主义核心价值体系的建设都离不开校园传播体系的支持,大众传媒逐渐在高校发挥着重要作用,并给高等教育的创新发展带来重要影响,与此同时,大众传媒在高校范围内的广泛普及以及其发展演变的过程仍处在不断探索的缓慢过程,,与高等教育的快速发展和文化多元化的匹配研究成果还不多见,这就给校园文化建设带来了严峻的挑战,直接影响和制约着高等教育的新发展和高校校园文化建设的有效开展。因此,大众传媒视阈下的高校校园文化建设的研究就具有重要的理论研究和实际应用价值。在新形势下,如何通过大众传媒视阈下的校园文化建设的现状分析出校园文化现有的优劣势,并因此提出大众传媒视域下大学校园文化建设的策略选择与实践路径就是本论文研究的主要内容和目的。 校园文化的建设与发展是以马克思主义文化理论为指导,并坚持马克思主义的意识形态在校园文化建设中的核心地位。因此本文首先在研读马克思主义文化理论的基础上采取问卷调查的方法,调查当前大众传媒视阈下的校园文化建设的实际情况,以及大众传媒在校园文化中的使用和大学生在校园中对大众传媒的接触情况,最后对问卷调查的结果进行数据统计和SWOT分析,分析出当前校园文化建设的优劣势和面临的机遇与挑战。 其次,本文在借鉴前人研究结果的基础上提出在新形势下大学校园文化建设要融合大众传媒的导向性、吸引力和凝聚力等新特性,要提高社会主义先进文化在高等教育中的地位,利用大众传媒来提高社会主义先进文化在校园中的辐射力和影响力,进而推动马克思主义中国化、时代化和大众化的进程。并结合社会调查研究方法,前瞻性的提出大众传媒视阈下的大学校园文化建设要朝着时代要求的发展方向,并转变当前不合理的教育发展模式,以符合时代的要求。这是新形势下大学校园文化建设的需要,也是高等教育发展的客观要求。 最后,通过理论与实际的相结合,在未来校园文化的建设发展中,要提高校园文化建设的理论与技术创新,并对师生进行媒介素养的教育和法律道德素质的培养,积极打造健康向上的校园青春文化。进一步完善校园传播体系,突出社会主义先进文化在校园中的辐射力和影响力,为大众传媒视阈下的校园文化建设新思路提供具有实际意义的创新指导。
[Abstract]:At present, the mass media can transcend the limitation of time and space to the greatest extent, collect the information from all over the world, and increasingly show the powerful function of cultural transmission, communication, sharing and integration. The construction of university campus culture and its socialist core value system can not be separated from the support of campus communication system. Mass media gradually plays an important role in colleges and universities. And to the innovation and development of higher education has an important impact, at the same time, the wide spread of mass media in colleges and universities and its development and evolution process is still in a slow process of continuous exploration. With the rapid development of higher education and the matching of cultural diversity research results are rare, which has brought severe challenges to the construction of campus culture. It directly influences and restricts the new development of higher education and the effective development of campus culture construction. The study of campus culture construction in colleges and universities from the perspective of mass media has important theoretical research and practical application value, in the new situation. How to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of campus culture from the view of mass media. Therefore, it is the main content and purpose of this paper to put forward the strategy choice and practice path of campus culture construction in the view of mass media. The construction and development of campus culture is guided by Marxist cultural theory. And adhere to the core position of Marxist ideology in the construction of campus culture. Therefore, this paper firstly adopts the method of questionnaire on the basis of studying Marxist cultural theory. This paper investigates the actual situation of campus culture construction under the sight of mass media, the use of mass media in campus culture and the contact of college students with mass media on campus. Finally, through the data statistics and SWOT analysis of the results of the questionnaire, the advantages and disadvantages of the current campus culture construction and the opportunities and challenges are analyzed. Secondly, based on the previous research results, this paper proposes that under the new situation, the construction of campus culture should integrate the guidance, attraction and cohesion of mass media. To improve the status of socialist advanced culture in higher education, the use of mass media to improve the socialist advanced culture in the campus radiation and influence, and then promote Marxism in China. The process of epoch and popularization. Combining with the method of social investigation and research, this paper puts forward the forward direction of the construction of university campus culture under the sight of the mass media towards the requirements of the times. And to change the current unreasonable educational development model to meet the requirements of the times, this is the new situation of campus culture construction needs, but also the objective requirements of the development of higher education. Finally, through the combination of theory and practice, in the future construction and development of campus culture, we should improve the theoretical and technological innovation of campus culture construction. And teachers and students to the media literacy education and legal moral quality training, actively create a healthy and upward campus youth culture, and further improve the campus communication system. To highlight the radiant power and influence of socialist advanced culture in the campus and to provide practical and innovative guidance for the construction of campus culture under the visual threshold of mass media.


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