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发布时间:2018-01-22 21:58

  本文关键词: 高校工会 管理现状 工作现状 以教职工为本 对策 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在我国,,工会是党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,是国家政权的重要社会支柱,是会员和职工利益的代表。高校工会则是高校中普遍存在的代表和维护教职工权益的群众组织。随着改革开放的不断深入,以及高等教育体制和管理体制的深刻变革,高校在教职工的选聘、培养、任用、考核和管理等方面都发生了显著变化。如何提高对高校工会工作的再认识,结合实际创造出适应当前和今后发展变化的高校工会工作新模式,是摆在广大高校工会工作者面前的一个新课题。 本文以呼和浩特市地区6所普通本科高校工会和这6所高校教职工对于本校工会工作的评价和感受为研究对象,对呼和浩特市地区本科高校工会工作的现状进行调查,分析、探讨其中存在的问题,并将人本管理理论的精髓运用到高校工会工作中来,充分考虑到教职工的根本利益,从广大教职工切身实际出发,将教职工利益同学校发展有机结合起来,发挥工会自身组织和资源优势,构筑高校工会工作新模式,真正代表和维护好广大教职工的权益,提高工会的工作效率,为呼和浩特市地区本科高校提高工会工作的质量和水平提供有益参考。 文章首先对我国高校工会工作的基本理论进行了简要阐述,说明了我国高校工会的“两大性质”和“四大基本职能”,“两大性质”即阶级性和群众性;“四大职能”即维权职能、参与职能、建设职能和教育职能。结合当前高校工会发展的时代化特点,创造性的提出了新时期高校工会的特色定位,即引导定位和服务定位。对我国高校工会总体特点进行阐述之后,本文将中外教育工会进行了横向比较,目的之一是突出强调我国高校工会基于我国国情有其自身的特色,目的之二是吸收国外教育工会的优势和长处,期望对我国高校工会未来的发展能有所启迪。 文章的核心部分通过调查问卷和访谈提纲所统计出来的数据和得来的信息对呼和浩特市地区6所本科高校工会的管理现状和开展工会相关工作的现状进行了全面而深入的分析,肯定了工会工作所取得的显著成绩,也明确指出了工会工作中存在的问题和不足。 在文章的最后一部分引入管理学中的人本主义原理对呼和浩特市地区本科高校在新时期新形势下如何开展好工会工作进行了对策性思考,希望能够对当前呼和浩特市地区本科高校进一步加强和改进工会工作有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:In our country, the trade union is the bridge and the link between the Party and the masses of workers and staff, and is the important social pillar of the state power. It is the representative of the members and staff interests. The trade union of colleges and universities is the universal representative in colleges and universities and the mass organization to safeguard the rights and interests of the teaching staff. With the deepening of reform and opening up. As well as the profound reform of the higher education system and the management system, there have been remarkable changes in the selection, training, appointment, assessment and management of the teaching staff in colleges and universities, and how to improve the understanding of the union work in colleges and universities. It is a new task for unionists in colleges and universities to create a new pattern of trade union work in colleges and universities which is suitable for the current and future development. This paper focuses on the evaluation and feeling of the trade union work in 6 colleges and universities in Hohhot. This paper investigates the current situation of trade union work in colleges and universities in Hohhot, analyzes the existing problems, and applies the essence of humanistic management theory to trade union work in colleges and universities. Fully take into account the fundamental interests of the staff, from the actual situation of the vast number of teachers and workers, the interests of the staff and the development of the school to combine organically, give play to the advantages of the organization and resources of the trade union itself. To construct a new model of trade union work in colleges and universities, to truly represent and safeguard the rights and interests of teachers and workers, and to improve the work efficiency of trade unions. It provides a useful reference for improving the quality and level of trade union work in colleges and universities in Hohhot. Firstly, the paper briefly expounds the basic theory of trade union work in colleges and universities in China, and explains the "two major properties" and "four basic functions" of the trade union in colleges and universities in China, and the "class nature and mass character" of the "two major properties". "four functions", namely, the function of safeguarding rights, the function of participation, the function of construction and the function of education. Combined with the characteristics of the development of trade unions in colleges and universities, this paper creatively puts forward the characteristic orientation of trade unions in colleges and universities in the new period. That is, guide positioning and service positioning. After expounding the general characteristics of the trade unions in colleges and universities in China, this paper makes a horizontal comparison between Chinese and foreign educational trade unions. One of the purposes is to emphasize that the trade union of colleges and universities in our country has its own characteristics based on the national conditions of our country. The second purpose is to absorb the advantages and advantages of foreign trade unions in education and hope to enlighten the future development of trade unions in colleges and universities of our country. The core part of the article through the questionnaire and interview outline statistics from the data and information obtained from the Hohhot area of 6 undergraduate colleges and universities of the management of trade unions and carry out the status quo of trade union related work. An in-depth analysis. This paper affirms the remarkable achievements of trade union work, and points out the problems and shortcomings in trade union work. In the last part of the article, the humanism principle of management is introduced to reflect on how to carry out the trade union work well in the new era and new situation in the undergraduate colleges and universities in Hohhot. It is hoped that it will be of some reference value to further strengthen and improve the trade union work in colleges and universities in Hohhot.


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