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发布时间:2018-01-22 23:21

  本文关键词: 思想政治教育 思想政治教育衔接 理论基础 现状 途径 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:思想政治教育衔接问题贯穿在思想政治教育工作的始终,既是思想政治教育工作需要解决的一个现实问题,也是思想政治教育理论者所需要解决的理论问题。大中学校思想政治教育衔接就是根据各个学段学生身心特点和思想品德发展规律,从思想政治教育的整体性出发,明确各个阶段学校的教育任务和做好相邻选段学校的交流,共同完成思想政治教育的教育目标,为培养社会主义四有新人搞好分工与合作。 思想政治教育在我国是普遍存在的,但目前,思想政治教育的效果并不理想,一个非常重要的原因就是对思想政治教育衔接问题不重视,对思想政治教育衔接工作不到位,因此,加大对这一问题的研究是很有必要的,本文就以思想政治教育衔接问题作为对象,进行了深入的讨论。 思想政治教育作为具有系统性的动态过程,要求各个阶段的思想政治教育工作和每个阶段思想政治教育工作的各个要素都要做到衔接有序,这是对这项工作必然的要求。但从定性的角度看,思想政治教育衔接具有一定的评价标准,是否构建了一个整体性的思想政治教育是检验大中学校思想政治教育衔接的形式标准;是否实现了思想政治教育的目标是检验大中学校思想政治教育衔接的实质标准。 近年来,在思想政治教育衔接方面取得了一些成就,逐步构建了一套相对合理的思想政治教育课程体系,但是仍然存在一些问题,思想政治教育目标缺乏层次性、教育内容重复倒挂、教育方法缺乏创造性、教育管理条块分割、评价体系不完善等等,这些都是由于认识的不足、体制的阻碍、合作的欠缺等原因造成的。 做好大中学校的思想政治教育工作是理论和现实的要求,思想政治教育学科本身的发展和学生不同教育阶段的思想特点是思想政治教育衔接的现实需要;人的社会化理论、道德发展理论、教育过程理论、终身学习理论是思想政治教育衔接的理论依据。借鉴理论的指导和加强实践教学的重视是今后思想政治教育工作的方向,只有在理论联系实际的基础上才能构建完善的思想政治教育衔接体系。 切实做好思想政治教育衔接工作,必须转变认识,树立衔接意识,真正重视思想政治教育衔接工作。还要对大中学校的思想政治教育目标、内容、方法、管理等方面进行整体规划,加强相邻学段的交流与合作,加大家庭教育、社会教育对学校教育的补充,构建一个全方位、全过程的育人格局。
[Abstract]:The connection of ideological and political education runs through the work of ideological and political education, which is a practical problem that needs to be solved in the work of ideological and political education. The connection of ideological and political education in universities and middle schools is based on the characteristics of students' body and mind and the law of ideological and moral development. Starting from the integrity of ideological and political education, this paper clarifies the educational tasks of schools in each stage and completes the exchange of adjacent schools, so as to achieve the educational goals of ideological and political education. In order to cultivate socialist four new people do a good job in the division of labor and cooperation. Ideological and political education is widespread in our country, but at present, the effect of ideological and political education is not ideal, one of the very important reasons is to pay little attention to the connection of ideological and political education. The connection of ideological and political education is not in place, therefore, it is necessary to increase the research on this issue. This paper takes the connection of ideological and political education as the object of in-depth discussion. As a systematic and dynamic process, ideological and political education requires each stage of ideological and political education work and each stage of ideological and political education work elements to achieve orderly convergence. This is an inevitable requirement for this work, but from a qualitative point of view, ideological and political education convergence has a certain evaluation criteria. Whether to construct a whole ideological and political education is the formal standard to test the connection of ideological and political education in universities and middle schools; Whether the goal of ideological and political education has been realized is to test the essential standard of linking ideological and political education in universities and middle schools. In recent years, some achievements have been made in the connection of ideological and political education, and a relatively reasonable curriculum system of ideological and political education has been gradually constructed, but there are still some problems. The lack of hierarchy of ideological and political education objectives, the repetition of educational content, the lack of creativity in educational methods, the fragmentation of education management, the imperfect evaluation system, and so on, are all due to the lack of understanding and the obstacles of the system. Lack of cooperation, etc. It is the requirement of theory and reality to do the ideological and political education work well in middle and college schools. The development of ideological and political education itself and the ideological characteristics of students in different stages of education are the practical needs of ideological and political education. Theory of human socialization, theory of moral development, theory of educational process. Lifelong learning theory is the theoretical basis for the link of ideological and political education. The direction of ideological and political education in the future is to draw lessons from the guidance of theory and strengthen the attention of practical teaching. Only on the basis of integrating theory with practice can we construct a perfect system of ideological and political education. In order to do a good job of ideological and political education, we must change our understanding, set up a sense of convergence, and really attach importance to the work of linking ideological and political education, and we must also give attention to the objectives, contents, and methods of ideological and political education in universities and middle schools. Management and other aspects of the overall planning, strengthening the communication and cooperation between adjacent schools, increasing family education, social education to school education complement, to build an all-round, the whole process of education pattern.


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