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发布时间:2018-01-23 03:07

  本文关键词: 英国高等教育治理 实质性自治 大学与商业互动 出处:《中国高教研究》2013年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:British macro-higher education governance has distinct characteristics. The government unifies the scope of business and higher education through the formation of the Ministry of Commerce, Innovation and skills, while the higher Education Fund Committee serves as a third-party governance body. It acts as the "link" between the government and the university, rather than the "buffer". The fund committee conveys the will of the government and guides the interaction between the university and the business through the means of policy, funding, accountability and so on. Universities also carry out academic drift under the ideal state of autonomy. The form and connotation of the governance paradigm of stakeholders in higher education in Britain indicate that the substantive autonomy of universities is changing from culture to practical values. Contemporary higher education is becoming the center of social and economic development in an irreversible way.
【作者单位】: 澳门理工学院;
【正文快照】: 英国的大学有着自治的传统。诞生于中世纪英国的大学一般设有文、法、神、医四院,那时的大学是社会的“精神乐园”,正如英国维多利亚时期的著名神学家、教育家约翰·亨利·纽曼所言,“大学教育本身的目的在于理智培养”,“知识本身即为目的”。这种令人向往的精神追求在英国


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