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发布时间:2018-01-24 08:12

  本文关键词: 全日制大学生 实习 劳动权益 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自1999年高校扩招以来,我国高等教育走向普及化,有更多的学生有机会接受高等教育。一方面,高校毕业生的规模不断加大;另一方面,我国经济正在进行结构调整,劳动力市场的供需矛盾趋于紧张,随之而来的是大批高校毕业生的就业难问题。在校大学生为了在日后激烈的就业竞争中突显自己,在校学习期间通过实习等方式积累工作经验。 经验尚浅、涉世未深的大学生在实习期间权益受到侵害,并不知道如何保护自己,甚至根本不清楚自己拥有哪些权利。我国劳动合同法并没有将全日制大学生纳入法律调整对象范围,因此在大学生实习过程中产生的相关权益侵害问题都得不到法律的保护。实习单位更是利用法律制度的空白肆意招用实习生,却对实习生的权益保障置之不理。在校学生实习不适用劳动法律,没有明确的劳动标准,有一些企业就打着勤工助学或者实习的幌子,将大学生当成廉价劳动力来使用,侵犯大学生权益。学校对于全日制大学生自行实习的管理相对松散。国外市场经济国家对于全日制大学生实习期权益保障有较为完善的法律、制度规定,值得我国从中适当借鉴。 本文希望通过大学生实习劳动权益现状的问卷调查,,及典型权益侵害案件分类,并且借鉴发达国家在大学生实习领域的劳动权益保障政策法规,结合我国实际情况,探索解决我国全日制大学生实习期劳动权益保障问题的有效途径。
[Abstract]:Since 1999, higher education in China has been popularized, and more students have had the opportunity to receive higher education. On the one hand, the scale of college graduates has been increasing. On the other hand, China's economy is undergoing structural adjustment, and the contradiction between supply and demand in the labor market tends to be tense. In order to highlight themselves in the fierce competition of employment in the future, college students accumulate work experience through practice during their study. Experience is shallow, not deep in the practice of college students in practice rights and interests have been infringed, do not know how to protect themselves. It is not even clear what rights we have. China's Labor contract Law does not bring full-time college students into the scope of legal adjustment. Therefore, in the process of practice of college students, the related rights and interests violations can not be protected by law. The practice units use the blank of the legal system to recruit interns wantonly. But the protection of the rights and interests of interns ignore. The practice of students in school does not apply to the labor law, there is no clear labor standards, there are some enterprises on the front of work-study or internship. Use college students as cheap labor. Infringement of the rights and interests of college students. The management of full-time college students' self-practice is relatively loose. Foreign market economy countries have relatively perfect laws and regulations for the protection of the rights and interests of full-time college students during internship. It is worthy of our country to draw lessons from it. This paper hopes to use the questionnaire survey of college students' internship labor rights and interests and the classification of typical rights and interests infringement cases, and draw lessons from the labor rights and interests protection policies and regulations of developed countries in the field of college students' internships. According to the actual situation of our country, this paper explores the effective way to solve the problem of labor rights and interests protection of full-time college students in our country.


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