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发布时间:2018-01-24 18:34

  本文关键词: 社会分层 阶层固化 和谐校园 出处:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:社会分层会引起社会经济、政治、文化等各方面的分层,影响人们的思想意识和外在行为。高校校园作为培养人才的主要场所,现阶段正在社会分层的烈日下暴晒。只有和谐的校园环境才有利于高素质人才的培养。同时,高校和谐又是社会和谐的主要组成部分。因此,社会分层对高校校园构建带来的挑战必须引起高校的关注。论文为高校和谐校园构建开创了新的研究视角,运用跨学科的方式将高校和谐校园的构建放到社会学领域进行研究,站在高校的角度提出了一系列切实可行的举措。 社会分层视野下高校和谐校园的构建主要是从社会分层相关概念界定、社会分层挑战和谐校园构建现状以及社会分层视野下高校和谐校园构建的有效途径等几个部分展开研究。文章从“X二代”典型案例入手,阐述了社会分层的基本内容、社会分层与和谐校园的辩证关系,进而论述了了社会各方面分层对高校和谐校园构建过程中高校教育理念、校园组织竞争机制、主体间关系以及校园文化四个方面的挑战,分析出社会分层挑战和谐校园的两大特点:内隐性和外显性,进一步分析了社会分层之所以能给高校产生影响的包括社会、学校、教师、家庭和学生自身各方面的原因,最后主要是站在高校的视角,充分发挥了学校主阵地和社会大环境的作用,分别给学校机制、高校教师和高校学生以及政府、媒体、社会成员和家庭提出了几点拙见。
[Abstract]:Social stratification will lead to social economic, political, cultural and other aspects of stratification, affecting people's ideological awareness and external behavior. Only harmonious campus environment is conducive to the cultivation of high-quality talents. At the same time, college harmony is the main component of social harmony. The challenges brought by social stratification to the construction of university campus must attract the attention of colleges and universities. This paper opens up a new research perspective for the construction of harmonious campus in colleges and universities. The construction of harmonious campus in colleges and universities is studied in the field of sociology in an interdisciplinary way, and a series of practical measures are put forward from the perspective of colleges and universities. Under the vision of social stratification, the construction of harmonious campus in colleges and universities is mainly defined from the related concepts of social stratification. Social stratification challenges the construction of harmonious campus and the effective ways to construct harmonious campus under the view of social stratification. This paper starts with the typical case of "X second generation". This paper expounds the basic content of social stratification, the dialectical relationship between social stratification and harmonious campus, and then discusses the concept of college education and the competition mechanism of campus organization in the process of constructing harmonious campus in various aspects of society. The relationship between subjects and the challenges in four aspects of campus culture are analyzed to analyze the two characteristics of social stratification challenges harmonious campus: internal recessive and external dominance. Further analysis of the social stratification can have an impact on colleges and universities, including society, schools, teachers, families and students themselves, the reasons for all aspects, the last is mainly standing in the perspective of universities. It gives full play to the role of the main position of the school and the social environment, and puts forward some clumsy ideas to the school mechanism, university teachers and students, as well as the government, the media, the social members and the family.


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1 柏文涌;刘峰久;;略论大学校园分层影响及对策[J];教育与教学研究;2010年05期




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