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发布时间:2018-01-25 15:15

  本文关键词: 独立学院 人才培养模式 学分制 改革 出处:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:作为我国高等教育大众化的产物,独立学院依旧处于不断探索之中,其办学质量受到社会各界的关注。独立学院究竟应该培养什么样的人,又将怎样培养,在激烈的办学竞争中,独立学院如何创新人才培养模式,提高人才培养质量?这些问题对我国目前以分类发展、内涵式发展为指导思想的高等教育体制改革目标具有重要意义。 本研究对J学院正在试行中的“全面学分制下人才培养模式”改革活动进行研究。在对国内外相关文献研读的基础上形成具体研究思路如下:首先,采取问卷调查方法,对J学院的教师和没有卷入本次改革方案的高年级学生进行调查,了解他们对改革前人才培养模式的看法,并探讨存在的问题。然后,采取文本分析法,对J学院在全面学分制下人才培养模式改革中采取的具体措施进行分析,主要包括对其人才培养新方案和相关教学改革文件的文本分析,以了解其人才培养新模式的特点,由此探讨此次改革能否解决先前存在的问题,并进一步分析改革中存在主要的问题。再者,通过访谈法,获得J学院主要负责教学改革的领导对本次改革的理念、思路及改革效果的看法,从中探讨J学院人才培养模式改革的成功之处和不足之处,以及进一步深入改革的设想。最后,将J学院的改革放在我国高等教育体制改革、分类发展的总体背景下,反思我国高校种类与美国高校种类之间的差异,结合对美国文理学院的产生、演变过程的回顾及其新近变化的讨论,对我国独立学院的多样化发展提出一点初步建议。 问卷主要从人才培养目标、培养过程、培养制度以及评价四个维度对J学院改革前的人才培养模式进行调查研究。通过对调查数据的分析发现,教师对改革前的人才培养模式总体比较满意,只是对人才培养过程中的实践教学环节不很满意;而学生对改革前的人才培养模式并不满意,存在的主要问题可概括为以下四个方面:首先,缺乏以人为本的人才培养理念;其次,人才培养过程与人才培养目标定位之间存在偏差;再者,评价内容和方法与人才培养目标定位之间存在偏差;最后,缺乏弹性、灵活的以学生为本的制度保障。 通过文本分析以及对J学院相关领导的访谈,研究得出的初步结论是,J学院此次人才培养模式改革并没有解决所有问题,新的人才培养模式依旧存在一些问题,如人才培养制度不完善、评价指标体系不健全等。具体而言,培养目标笼统、难以操作;优质教学资源缺乏;相关配套制度不完善;评价内容与方式单一。研究建议:全方位市场调查,准确定位;实施小而精的教学,停止扩招;加强通识教育,实行大类培养;完善教学质量监控体系,加强教学评价。 通过本研究可以发现,目前我国独立学院由于办学资源和办学条件的限制,还很难彻底实施全面学分制,但各学校可以根据自身资源状况和办学条件,选择逐步地推进学分制改革。此外,我国不同层次的独立学院可以根据自身办学条件实行多样化发展,而不是统一的办学模式。
[Abstract]:As a result of the popularization of China's higher education, the independent college is still being explored, the educational quality of attention of the society. The independent college should cultivate what kind of person, how will the training, in the fierce competition in education, independent college innovative personnel training mode, improve the quality of personnel training of these? The problem of our country to the classification of development, intensive development has important significance for guiding ideology of the reform of higher education system.
The study of J college is being piloted in the "talent training mode under the credit system reform activities were studied. The results are as follows based on the related literature at home and abroad study: first, adopt the questionnaire method, the teachers of J college and high school students have been involved in the investigation of the reform program understand, their views on the reform of talent cultivation mode, and explore the problems. Then, take the method of text analysis, the specific measures of J in college talent training mode reform under the credit system in the analysis, the text mainly includes the analysis of new programs and related documents of teaching reform of its talent cultivation, in order to understand the characteristics of the new talent training mode, so as to explore the reform can solve the previous problems, and further analyzes the main problems existing in the reform. Furthermore, through interviews J college, is mainly responsible for the teaching reform of the leadership of the reform ideas, ideas and views on the reform effect, J college talent training mode reform successes and shortcomings from it, and the idea of further reform. Finally, the reform of J college in China's higher education system reform, the overall the development background classification, the difference between the reflection of college types America and China species, according to the American College of Arts and science, reviews the evolution process and its recent changes in the discussion, put forward some preliminary suggestions on the diversified development of Independent Colleges in China.
The questionnaire mainly from the personnel training objectives, training process, training system and evaluation of the four dimensions of research model for J college before the reform of talent cultivation. Through the analysis of the survey data found that, before the reform of teacher training mode are satisfied, just for talents is not satisfied with the practice teaching process; the students of the pre reform personnel training mode is not satisfied, the main problems can be summarized as the following four aspects: first, the lack of cultivation of people-oriented concept of talent; secondly, the process of personnel training and personnel training target deviation between; moreover, the evaluation content and methods for training talents and there is a deviation between the target location; the lack of flexibility, flexibility in the institutional guarantee.
Through the analysis of the text and the J school related leadership interviews, research initially concluded that J of the talent training mode reform does not solve all the problems, model still exist some problems of new talent cultivation, such as personnel training system is not perfect, the evaluation index system is not perfect. In particular, training objectives to general. Operation; the lack of high-quality teaching resources; the related system is not perfect; the single evaluation content and method. Research suggests that accurate positioning of the full range of market research and implementation; small and fine teaching, to stop enrollment; strengthen general education, implement training; improve the teaching quality monitoring system, strengthen the teaching evaluation.
Through this study can be found, at present our country independent school the school resources and school conditions, it is difficult to completely implement the credit system, but the school can according to their own resources and school conditions, choose to promote the reform of credit system gradually. In addition, China is not the same level of independent college according to their school conditions the implementation of diversified development, rather than a unified mode.



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