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发布时间:2018-01-26 10:05

  本文关键词: 海洋环境意识 大学生 调查分析 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入21世纪,陆地资源伴随社会快速发展的无度攫取而濒临枯竭,人类把环境开发的视线瞄准更为广袤的海洋,随着“海洋世纪”理念的被广泛认同、不断深入,世界各国加大了对海洋的探索研究和开发力度,全球海洋环境污染和生态破坏也随之而来。意识是行为的先导因素,,海洋环境意识是实施海洋环境保护行为所必需的思想和心理条件。因此以人海和谐相处的价值观念取代传统的征服海洋的的意识形态,是解决海洋环境问题的根源所在。海洋环境意识包含海洋环境经验、海洋环境感知、海洋环境情感及海洋保护的行为意愿四个方面,树立正确的海洋环境意识对构建和谐人海关系有重要的战略意义。大学生是未来社会的行为主体,开展对大学生群体的海洋环境意识研究对海洋环境保护和海洋资源的额持续发展有重要的意义。 本研究以社会心理学和环境社会学的相关理论为基础,以青岛市大学生群体为研究对象,从海洋环境经验、海洋环境感知、海洋环境情感和海洋环境行动意向四个方面探寻其海洋环境意识综合情况,并在此基础上设计调查问卷,搜集数据资料开展实证研究。在青岛市所有高校中分层抽样确定的中国海洋大学、青岛大学、青岛工学院3所高校进行随机抽样调查,获得有效问卷743份,使用EXCEL和SPSS18.0对问卷数据进行分析,描述青岛市大学生海洋环境意识的现状并解释其影响因素。 本文主要包括五部分内容:第一部分是导论,介绍研究背景、研究目的和意义、国内外相关研究综述、对海洋环境意识的定义及其构成等。第二部分是对青岛市大学生海洋环境意识研究概述。这一部分首先介绍了研究方法、问卷设计、抽样方法、确定变量、提出假设,再初步描述样本问卷基础信息情况。第三部分主要结合问卷分析从海洋环境经验、感知、情感和行动意向四个维度描述青岛市大学生海洋环境意识的现状,以每个维度的得分评价海洋环境意识各维度情况,并对其影响因素进行深入分析。第四部分总述青岛市大学生海洋环境意识的研究情况,分析海洋环境意识四个维度之间的相关性,并通过四个维度测量数据的加权平均值整体评价青岛市大学生海洋环境意识现状并总结特点、分析影响因素。第五部分总结研究成果,追溯大学生群体海洋环境意识的产生根源,探讨如何从个人责任和社会责任两个角度培养、形成良好的公众海洋环境意识。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, with the rapid development of society, land resources are on the verge of exhaustion. With the concept of "ocean century" being widely accepted, human beings have aimed their attention to the environment development. With the deepening of the world, countries in the world have increased the research and development of the ocean, and the global marine environmental pollution and ecological destruction have followed. Awareness is the leading factor of behavior. The consciousness of marine environment is the necessary ideological and psychological condition to carry out the behavior of marine environmental protection. Therefore, the traditional ideology of conquest of the sea is replaced by the value of harmony between people and the sea. Marine environmental consciousness includes four aspects: experience of marine environment, perception of marine environment, emotion of marine environment and behavioral will of marine protection. It is of great strategic significance to set up a correct awareness of marine environment to build a harmonious relationship between people and seas. College students are the main actors of the future society. The research on marine environmental consciousness of college students is of great significance to marine environmental protection and sustainable development of marine resources. This study is based on the relevant theories of social psychology and environmental sociology, taking Qingdao college students as the research object, from the marine environment experience, marine environmental perception. The comprehensive situation of marine environmental consciousness is explored in four aspects, marine environmental emotion and marine environmental action intention, and a questionnaire is designed on this basis. Collect data to carry out empirical research. Stratified sampling of all universities in Qingdao China Ocean University, Qingdao University, Qingdao Institute of Technology conducted random sampling survey, 743 valid questionnaires were obtained. EXCEL and SPSS18.0 were used to analyze the questionnaire data to describe the current situation of marine environmental awareness of college students in Qingdao and to explain its influencing factors. This paper mainly includes five parts: the first part is an introduction, introduces the research background, research purpose and significance, domestic and foreign related research review. The second part is an overview of the marine environmental awareness of college students in Qingdao. This part first introduces the research methods, questionnaire design, sampling methods, determine variables. Put forward the hypothesis, and describe the basic information of the sample questionnaire. The third part mainly combines the questionnaire analysis from the marine environment experience, perception. The four dimensions of emotion and action intention describe the current situation of marine environmental awareness of college students in Qingdao and evaluate each dimension of marine environmental awareness with the scores of each dimension. 4th part of the general description of Qingdao university students' marine environmental awareness research situation, analysis of the four dimensions of marine environmental awareness of the correlation. And through the overall evaluation of the weighted average of the four dimensions of the measurement data of Qingdao university students' marine environmental awareness and summed up the characteristics of the analysis of influencing factors. 5th part of the summary of research results. This paper traces the origin of college students' marine environmental consciousness and discusses how to cultivate it from two angles of personal responsibility and social responsibility so as to form a good public awareness of marine environment.


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