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发布时间:2018-01-26 20:13

  本文关键词: 儒家诚信思想 价值观 传统文化 核心价值观 出处:《北京化工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:诚信问题自古以来就是人们关注的热点问题,今天它更是成为社会焦点问题。诚信思想经历了一个漫长的发展过程,相比之下,儒家的诚信思想更完整、更系统。本文从儒家诚信思想的渊源出发,通过历史典籍,来了解儒家诚信思想产生的时代背景。对时代背景、社会环境和生产力发展的探讨是本文研究儒家诚信思想的产生和大学生价值观变化的主要依据。按照马克思关于经济基础决定上层建筑的原理,生产力的发展促使社会发生深刻变化,从而引起了社会思潮的变化,这也是儒家诚信思想产生的根本原因。今天,随着我国市场经济的深入发展,多元化、全球化加快发展是引起大学生价值观变化的主要原因。本文从宏观上把握大学生价值观变化的原因,也从微观上针对大学生价值观变化提出了对策,就如何建构大学生价值观进行探讨。本文在探究儒家诚信思想的过程中,主要集中研究了孔子、孟子、荀子和朱子的诚信思想。同时,借鉴参考了新儒学的观点。 在研究儒家诚信思想的过程中,,通过历史著作等相关文献,并充分吸收其他学者的研究成果,对儒家诚信思想进行提炼,深入挖掘内涵,把传统文化精髓与时代精神有机结合起来,尤其是与建设大学生核心价值观结合起来。 本文分为五个部分:第一章主要说明了本文研究的背景、目的、意义以及创新之处。第二章探讨儒家诚信思想的内涵和特征。分三个问题:儒家诚信思想渊源,主要从先秦社会诚信道德的萌芽,孔子、孟子、荀子和朱子诚信思想的产生来阐述儒家诚信思想的发展过程,分析儒家诚信思想在发展的各个时期具有不同的侧重;二是分析儒家诚信思想的内涵,儒家诚信思想具有哲学内涵、伦理学内涵和法学内涵,其本质是属于道德规范;三是分析儒家诚信思想的特征,从中总结出儒家诚信思想的这些特征具有它非常重要的作用。第三章是对当代大学生价值观及存在的问题进行了阐述。分三个问题分别讨论,一是围绕社会变迁轨迹分三个阶段对当代大学生价值观的变化进行了梳理,二是对当代大学生价值观的特点进行了总结,三是分析大学生价值观存在问题的原因。第四章着重研究儒家诚信思想与当代大学生价值观教育的关系。分三个问题,首先分析诚信与价值观的关系,其次是儒家诚信思想的当代运用,第三是儒家诚信思想的当代价值。第五章主要探讨当代大学生价值观建构路径,主要讨论了我国当代大学生价值观教育的宝贵经验,分析了儒家诚信思想的重要作用,探讨了大学生价值观的建构路径。
[Abstract]:Honesty has been a hot issue since ancient times, and today it has become the focus of the society. The thought of honesty has experienced a long process of development, in contrast, the Confucian thought of integrity is more complete. More systematic. This article from the source of Confucian honesty thought, through the historical classics, to understand the Confucian honesty thought of the era background. To the background of the times. The discussion of the social environment and the development of productive forces is the main basis of this paper to study the emergence of Confucian honesty and the change of college students' values, according to Marx's principle of determining superstructure based on economic basis. The development of productive forces impels the society to undergo profound changes, which leads to the change of the social trend of thought, which is the fundamental reason of the Confucian thought of honesty and credit. Today, with the further development of the market economy in our country, it is diversified. The accelerated development of globalization is the main reason for the change of college students' values. This paper grasps the reasons of the changes of college students' values from the macro perspective, and puts forward some countermeasures to the changes of college students' values from the microcosmic point of view. This paper discusses how to construct the values of college students. In the process of exploring Confucian honesty and credit, this paper mainly focuses on Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi and Zhu Zi's honesty thought. At the same time. Reference is made to the views of Neo-Confucianism. In the process of the study of Confucian honesty, through historical works and other relevant documents, and fully absorb the research results of other scholars, to refine the Confucian integrity thought, and dig into the connotation. Combine the essence of traditional culture with the spirit of the times, especially with the construction of college students' core values. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter mainly explains the background and purpose of this study. The second chapter discusses the connotation and characteristics of Confucian honesty thought. It is divided into three questions: the origin of Confucian honesty thought, mainly from the pre-Qin social credit moral germination, Confucius, Mencius. Xunzi and Zhu Zi's honesty thought came into being to expound the development process of Confucian honesty thought, and to analyze that Confucian honesty thought has different emphasis in each period of development. The second is to analyze the connotation of Confucian honesty thought, which has philosophical connotation, ethical connotation and legal connotation, and its essence is a moral norm. The third is to analyze the characteristics of Confucian honesty. From the summary of these characteristics of the Confucian honesty thought has its very important role. The third chapter is to elaborate the values of contemporary college students and the existing problems. The first is to sort out the changes of contemporary college students' values in three stages around the track of social changes, and the second is to summarize the characteristics of contemporary college students' values. Chapter 4th focuses on the relationship between Confucian honesty and contemporary college students' value education. First, it analyzes the relationship between honesty and values. The second is the contemporary application of Confucian honesty, and the third is the contemporary value of Confucian honesty. Chapter 5th mainly discusses the way of constructing contemporary college students' values. This paper mainly discusses the valuable experience of value education of contemporary college students in our country, analyzes the important role of Confucian honesty thought, and probes into the way to construct the values of college students.


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1 陆晓禾;传统诚信的现代性转型和后现代趋向[J];道德与文明;2003年06期

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