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发布时间:2018-01-31 00:19

  本文关键词: 苏区精神 大学生人文素质 教育 结合 出处:《赣南师范学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文通过系统的论述苏区精神的内涵及特征,进一步论证了苏区精神是中国共产党在革命实践中所形成的一种优良传统和优秀作风,是中华民族精神的重要组成部分,也是当今社会我国社会主义建设的重要精神动源。 分析了当代大学生人文素质存在的主要问题包括理想、信念的迷茫和困惑,缺乏正确道德观念的树立,孤独无助的玻璃心和业余时间沉溺于网络四个方面,并深入分析了主要原因包括社会、学校和家庭三方方面。 为发挥苏区精神的优良传统,解决当代大学生人文素质培养中存在的问题,本文创新性的把苏区精神与大学生人文素质培育相结合,,找到了两者的契合点,以弘扬爱国主义为核心的民族精神,促进人自由而全面的发展为基点,培养合格的社会主义接班人,为社会主义事业而奋斗。进而将苏区精神融入到当代大学生人文素质培养中,从充分发挥苏区精神与人文素质的功能作用;挖掘苏区红色资源,塑造大学生的人文性格;借助校园活动载体,培养大学生的人格品质;依托苏区旧址,开展社会实践,强化大学生的责任意识;优化育人环境,营造良好氛围,指导当代大学生的行为规范五大方面提出了解决当代大学生人文素质培养中存在问题的16项对策措施,更有利于进一步提高大学生的人文素质,丰富其人文精神;有利于深化发展苏区精神,找寻苏区精神的现实语境,推动社会主义和谐社会的建设、发展。
[Abstract]:By systematically discussing the connotation and characteristics of the spirit of the Soviet area, this paper further demonstrates that the spirit of the Soviet area is a fine tradition and excellent style formed by the Communist Party of China in the revolutionary practice. It is an important part of the spirit of the Chinese nation and an important spiritual source of the socialist construction of our country. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the humanistic quality of contemporary college students, including the confusion and confusion of ideal, belief, lack of correct moral concept, loneliness and helplessness, and indulging in the network in their spare time. And in-depth analysis of the main reasons including social, school and family tripartite aspects. In order to bring into play the fine tradition of the Soviet area spirit and solve the problems existing in the cultivation of contemporary college students' humanistic quality, this paper innovatively combines the Soviet area spirit with the cultivation of college students' humanistic quality, and finds out the joint point between the two. To carry forward patriotism as the core of the national spirit, promote the free and comprehensive development of people as the basis, train qualified socialist successors. To strive for the cause of socialism, and then to integrate the spirit of the Soviet area into the cultivation of the humanistic quality of contemporary college students, and to give full play to the function of the spirit of the Soviet area and the humanistic quality; Excavating the red resources of the Soviet region and shaping the humanistic character of the college students; With the help of campus activity carrier, to cultivate the personality quality of college students; Rely on the old site of the Soviet area, carry out social practice, and strengthen the sense of responsibility of college students; In order to optimize the educational environment, create a good atmosphere and guide the behavior of contemporary college students, this paper puts forward 16 countermeasures and measures to solve the problems existing in the cultivation of humanistic quality of contemporary college students. More conducive to further improve the humanistic quality of college students, enrich their humanistic spirit; It is helpful to deepen the development of the spirit of the Soviet area, to find the realistic context of the spirit of the Soviet area, and to promote the construction and development of the socialist harmonious society.


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