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发布时间:2018-01-31 01:03

  本文关键词: 地方政府 地方普通高等学校 高等教育经费 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高等教育承担着培养人才、发展科技、促进社会经济发展的重大责任,为社会经济的发展提供着重要的智力支撑。上世纪90年代以来,随着我国高等教育管理体制改革的不断深入,一部分中央直属高等院校被划归地方省级政府管理,不仅大大加重了地方政府投资高等教育的财政负担,而且随着高校的大规模扩招,这就使得有些省份在发展高等教育事业时经费短缺现象日益凸显。根据我国现有的高等教育管理体制,地方省级政府承担了地方高等院校财政性教育经费投入的责任,但由于我国经济区域间发展不平衡导致地方政府对高等教育投入的失衡,地方经济的发展状况直接影响着地方政府对高等教育的投入。河南省作为全国第一人口大省、第一生源大省、中原经济区建设的主力军,其高等教育的整体发展低于全国平均水平,由于河南省属于经济欠发达地区,再加上又是全国第一人口大省,因此,高等教育教育经费投入不足的问题与其它省份相比,尤为严重。建设中原经济区是时代发展赋予河南省的机遇,加大对高等教育投入力度,把河南省人口压力释放转化为人力资源优势,对于促进中原经济区建设,推动中原地区实现社会经济的跨越式发展,无疑具有一定的理论和实践价值。本论文的主要内容是: 首先,本选题在研究过程中,对所涉及的理论依据诸如公共财政理论、人力资本理论进行了简明扼要的阐述,通过对理论依据的梳理,明确高等教育的物品属性及高等教育投资与人力资本的关系。 其次,选取衡量地方政府对高等教育投入努力程度的指标,依据所选指标,以“十五”“十一五”两个重要时期为时间段,对2001至2010年《中国教育经费统计年鉴》、《中国统计年鉴》、《河南教育年鉴》以及国家统计局官网所公布的地方普通高校预算内教育经费、生均预算内教育经费、地方GDP、财政收入及支出等数据进行整理分析,采用比较研究方法,一是对河南省与中西部地区某些省份关于政府高等教育投入的相关指标作横向比较,二是进行纵向比较,比较河南省“十五”、“十一五”时期政府对高等教育投入的变化。在比较分析的基础上找出河南省政府对高等教育投入存在的问题。 再次,通过对河南省公共财政性高等教育经费投入存在的问题进行分析,发现中央和地方承担的高等教育经费责任不均衡、河南省政府对高等教育的认识存在偏差、我国财政政策对区域间倾斜不平衡,对中部地区教育优惠政策少、河南省政府绩效评价体系缺失等原因是影响河南省政府对高等教育投资的重要因素。 最后,本研究针对所存在的问题,提出了增加河南省政府对高等教育投入、促进高等教育健康发展的政策建议:加快经济发展夯实本地区财政实力;明晰政府间高等教育财政责任,充分调动中央和省级政府对高等教育的投资热情;加大中央财政对我省的财政转移支付力度;多渠道筹措教育经费,拓宽河南省高校经费来源渠道等。
[Abstract]:Higher education undertakes the task of cultivating talents, development of science and technology, the major responsibility of promoting economic and social development, provides important intellectual support for the development of society and economy. The last century since 90s, with China's higher education management system reform deepening, a part of colleges and universities directly under the central government are classified as provincial government management, not only greatly increased the local government investment in higher education financial burden, and with large-scale university enrollment, which makes some provinces in the development of higher education funding shortage has become increasingly prominent. According to China's existing management system of higher education, the local provincial government undertake investment in Local Colleges and universities education budget responsibility, but because of the economic region in China the unbalanced development between the local government of the imbalance of higher education investment, development of the local economy directly affects the The local government investment in higher education. Henan province is the most populous province, the first province of students, the main force in the construction of Central Plains Economic Zone, the overall development of higher education is lower than the national average level, because Henan province is underdeveloped, plus it is the most populous province, therefore, higher education funding shortage of investment compared with other provinces is particularly serious. Construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone is the development of the times to give Henan the opportunity to increase investment in Higher Education in Henan Province, the population pressure release into the human resources advantage, to promote the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone, to promote the Central Plains region to achieve leapfrog development of social economy undoubtedly, has certain value of theory and practice. The main content of this paper is:
First of all, in the course of the research, this topic briefly explained the theoretical basis, such as public finance theory and human capital theory, and clarifying the relationship between the attributes of higher education and the relationship between higher education investment and human capital through sorting out the theoretical basis.
Secondly, select the measure of the local government effort index of higher education, on the basis of the selected indicators, with "fifteen" "11th Five-Year" two important period for the period of 2001 to 2010 China Education Statistical Yearbook > >, < < > China statistical yearbook, Henan Education View > and the National Bureau of Statistics website published by the local university budget expenditure on education, education budget, local GDP, fiscal revenue and expenditure data were collected and analyzed, using the comparative research method, one is to compare the relevant indicators of government investment in Higher Education in some provinces of Henan province and the central and western regions, two of the longitudinal comparison, comparison Henan Province, "fifteen", "11th Five-Year" period of the government to change the investment in higher education. On the basis of comparative analysis of government investment in Henan province to find out the problems of higher education.
Again, through to the Henan province public finance of higher education funding problems in the analysis, found that the central and local governments bear the responsibility of higher education funds is not balanced, the deviation of Henan provincial government, the understanding of higher education, China's fiscal policy on the regional imbalance of education tilt, preferential policies of central region, Henan province the lack of government performance evaluation system is an important factor affecting the Henan provincial government investment in higher education.
Finally, this research in view of the existing problems, put forward to increase government investment in Higher Education in Henan Province, to promote the healthy development of the higher education policy recommendations: to accelerate the economic development of this area solid financial strength; clear government higher education fiscal responsibility, the central and provincial government of higher education to fully mobilize investment enthusiasm; to strengthen the central government the financial transfer payment; raise education funds in multiple channels, broaden the sources of funding and other colleges and universities in Henan province.



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