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发布时间:2018-01-31 20:41

  本文关键词: 思想政治教育 大学生素质现代化 指标体系 影响因素 出处:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生作为未来社会的精英群体和社会发展的中坚力量,其素质现代化状况将直接影响我国人口的素质现代化、影响社会主义现代化建设进程。而就我国教育实践而言,思想政治教育是我党工作的“生命线”,也是高校教育的重要组成部分,它以促进人的自由全面发展为最终目标。因此,立足于思想政治教育,从素质现代化这一人的现代化之核心切入,对大学生素质现代化问题进行探讨,具有理论、实践和学科发展的多重意义。 本文首先回顾了国内外学者对于现代化和人的现代化问题的研究成果,并从思想政治教育视角出发对人的现代化研究进行了全面梳理。其次,从古今中外学者对人的素质的论述着手,探讨了人的现代化素质构成,并最终落脚于马克思主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系,从中寻找并明确了大学生素质现代化的理论基础。再次,从理论、教育和实践三个维度对大学生素质现代化指标体系进行了理论上的建构,并在实证研究基础上,运用统计学方法建立大学生素质现代化指标体系,由竞争进取、开放创新、思想道德、兼济天下和平等平权等五个一级指标构成。在此基础上,建立了大学生素质现代化水平回归方程,,为量化评估大学生素质现代化水平提供了依据。复次,深入分析了影响大学生素质现代化水平的因素,最终提取了思想政治教育、个人情况和成长经历三个主要影响因子。最后,在上述研究的基础上建立了大学生素质现代化影响因素模型,借此模型分析了各个因素对大学生素质现代化的影响机制,并以此为依据提出了增强思想政治教育针对性、优化思想政治教育方式方法、创新思想政治教育载体等对策建议,为进一步加强思想政治教育、提升大学生素质现代化水平提供了理论和实践依据。
[Abstract]:As the elite group of the future society and the backbone of social development, college students' quality modernization will directly affect the quality of our population modernization. The ideological and political education is not only the "lifeline" of our party's work, but also the important part of higher education. Therefore, based on ideological and political education, from the core of quality modernization, this paper probes into the problem of college students' quality modernization. Has the theory, the practice and the discipline development multifold significance. This paper first reviews the domestic and foreign scholars on modernization and the modernization of human research results, and from the perspective of ideological and political education to the overall study of human modernization. Secondly. From the ancient and modern scholars' discussion on the quality of human beings, this paper probes into the composition of human's modern quality, and finally rests on Marxism, Mao Zedong's thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Third, from the three dimensions of theory, education and practice, the index system of college students' quality modernization is constructed theoretically. And on the basis of empirical research, the statistical method is used to establish the index system of college students' quality modernization, from competition to enterprising, open and innovative, ideological and moral. On this basis, the regression equation of college students' quality modernization level is established, which provides the basis for the quantitative evaluation of college students' quality modernization level. This paper deeply analyzes the factors that affect the level of college students' quality modernization, and finally extracts three main influencing factors: ideological and political education, personal situation and growth experience. Finally. On the basis of the above research, this paper establishes a model of the influencing factors of college students' quality modernization, and analyzes the influence mechanism of each factor on the quality modernization of college students. Based on this, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as strengthening the pertinence of ideological and political education, optimizing the ways and methods of ideological and political education, innovating the carrier of ideological and political education, and so on, in order to further strengthen the ideological and political education. Improving the level of quality modernization of college students provides theoretical and practical basis.


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