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发布时间:2018-02-02 03:14

  本文关键词: 校园文化 新建校区 文化传承 文化建设 出处:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校校园文化是高校的灵魂所在,是高校所有物质的、制度的、精神的、行为的总和,尤其以校园精神文化为贵。校园精神文化并非独立的,可分割的,而是一切校园活动的核心,是一个整体的文化概念,无时无处不在体现,无时无刻不在影响着大学中的每一个人。云南师范大学为国立西南联合大学唯一一所留昆院校,具有悠久的历史传统和独有的校园文化积淀,随着云南师范大学呈贡新校区建设的基本完成,云南师范大学迎来了新的发展机遇。在这样的契机下,国立西南联合大学以及云南师范大学校本部业已具有的优良校园文化传统如何在新校区得到延续和发展,是个值得探讨的问题。 本文以“传承与创新:云南师范大学新建校区校园文化建设研究”为题,在文献分析概述当今中国高校新校区建设的基础上,首先对为什么要加强及如何加强高校新建校区校园文化建设进行理论上的探讨;其后,在理论依据的支持下,以云南师范大学为个案,深入云南师范大学呈贡新校区进行实地调查,通过数据的分析和整理,,呈现出云南师范大学呈贡新校区目前所取得的建设成就和发展中存在的不足,并就此提出部分粗浅建议,以此为云南师范大学新建呈贡校区校园文化的建设,特色校园文化的形成和校园整体吸引力的提升提供思考方向。
[Abstract]:Campus culture is the soul of all material in Colleges and universities, system, spirit, behavior combined, especially the campus spiritual culture is precious. Campus culture is not independent, indivisible, but the core of all campus activities, is a whole concept of culture, everywhere embodies, not every hour and moment affects everyone in the University. Yunnan Normal University is the National Southwest Associated University only left Kunming University, has a long history and unique culture of campus, along with the basic completion of the construction of the new campus of Yunnan Normal University in Chenggong, Yunnan Normal University ushered in a new development opportunity. At this time, to the southwest United University and the Yunnan Normal University campus has excellent campus culture traditions are the continuation and development of the new campus, is a worthy of discussion.
In this paper, inheritance and Innovation: the new Yunnan Normal University titled "the research on the construction of campus culture campus, based on literature analysis of the China university new campus construction, firstly, why should strengthen and how to strengthen university new campus cultural construction are discussed theoretically; thereafter, in support of the theoretical basis, taking Yunnan Normal University as a case the Chenggong campus of Yunnan Normal University, in-depth investigation, through the data analysis and sorting, showing the shortcomings of the Chenggong campus of Yunnan Normal University at present achievements and development, and puts forward some suggestions on the construction of Chenggong, Yunnan Normal University new campus culture, the formation and characteristics of campus culture, campus overall attractiveness of the improving thinking direction.



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