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发布时间:2018-02-02 18:20

  本文关键词: 教育评估 工程教育认证 基于结果的教育 复杂工程问题 大学基本功能 出处:《高等工程教育研究》2015年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:This paper discusses three problems of engineering education evaluation and certification. The first part classifies the evaluation. For example, recognition assessment, certification evaluation and social assessment. Different types of evaluation have different objectives and uses. As a result, there are different evaluation index systems and different weights corresponding to each index. There are different types of needs for quality assurance of education, academic research, management accountability and information to the community. It is important to use the corresponding assessment criteria. Special attention should be paid at present to distinguish between educational and academic assessments, which have different purposes. The evaluation of engineering education should not be carried out by the standard of academic evaluation. The second part is the focus of this study. That is, the concept of engineering education evaluation and the difficulties in its implementation. Engineering education evaluation is different from the approved assessment and social assessment. The basic concept of engineering education evaluation is discussed. Based on the evaluation of students' learning results and continuous quality improvement, we should meet the requirements of the basic threshold of educational quality in the space of diversity. In the process of implementation, we should focus on solving three problems: changing teaching concepts. Tissue culture process for complex engineering problems. The third part analyzes the strategy of engineering education evaluation, points out the trend of evolution from stratified assessment to stratified assessment based on classification evaluation. At the end of the paper, the author inquires into university education from the perspective of reflection. Basic functions of human beings. It is expected to answer the question raised at the beginning of this paper: what is the evaluation of engineering education in the true sense? it is pointed out that any deviation in the understanding of the basic functions of the university may lead to the deviation from the correct direction of the evaluation of engineering education.
【正文快照】: 一、关于教育评估与认证当我们讨论工程教育的质量保证及其相关的评估与认证时,必然直面一个困难而重要的问题:什么是真正意义上的工程教育评估?评估的目的是什么?主导工程教育评估的教育价值观念是什么?这些看似易于清楚回答的问题,却需仔细分析方能找出其真实的答案。许多具


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