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发布时间:2018-02-03 19:10

  本文关键词: 吉林省 留学生武术课程 现状调查 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:时代的进步伴随着我国教育事业的发展,留学生作为我国高等教育中的特殊群体,不仅能够体现我国高等教育国际化建设的步伐,更是一种将我国传统文化国际化发展的重要途径,留学生武术课程不仅是留学生教育的重要组成部分,也是我国传统文化发展的重要载体,留学生武术课程不仅是一项体育运动,更是一种带有浓厚民族色彩的生活方式;本文首先调查吉林省普通高校留学生武术课程发展现状,通过归纳总结、对比分析,研究符合吉林省普通高校特点的留学生武术课程发展对策。文章主要分为四部分。 第一,绪论部分,首先对文章中涉及的相关概念做归纳解析,然后研究目前我国留学生武术教育的历史发展,我国留学生教育发展的不同时期、不同特点决定了目前我国留学生教育的发展现状;本次调查研究对我国民族传统文化的国际化、我国高等教育的国际化建设都具有积极的意义,同时,留学生对武术课程的需求是促进武术课程发展的催化剂,留学生武术课程能够通过肢体语言的方式提高留学生对中国传统文化的理解能力。 第二,吉林省普通高校留学生武术课程现状调查。制定研究对象与方法,本次调查研究选取吉林省七所普通高校为研究对象,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查和归纳分析法对吉林省普通高校留学生武术课程的发展进行调查。 关于现状调查分为两部分:吉林省普通高校留学生武术课程设置情况调查与分析,从课程学分设置情况、师资、教学内容、场馆设施、教学内容及课程评价等方面进行问卷调查及分析;最后通过对留学生管理者、武术教师及留学生对课程满意度、教学内容需求、影响因素和发展前景等方面对吉林省普通高校留学生武术课程进行课程评价与建议的调查。 第三,通过对比分析制定吉林省留学生武术课程的发展对策,从课程设置、师资力量、教育深度以及增加文化教育等方面进行研究,制定符合吉林省普通高校留学生武术课程发展的对策,,为提升我国的留学生教育提供参考。
[Abstract]:The progress of the times is accompanied by the development of education in China. As a special group in higher education, foreign students can not only reflect the pace of internationalization construction of higher education in China. It is also an important way to internationalize the traditional culture of our country. Wushu course for foreign students is not only an important part of foreign students' education, but also an important carrier of the development of Chinese traditional culture. Wushu course for foreign students is not only a sport, but also a way of life with strong national color. Firstly, this paper investigates the current situation of Wushu courses for foreign students in colleges and universities in Jilin Province, and makes a comparative analysis through summing up and summarizing. This paper studies the countermeasures of Wushu curriculum development for foreign students in accordance with the characteristics of colleges and universities in Jilin Province. First, the introduction part, first of all, the related concepts involved in this article are summarized and analyzed, and then the historical development of Wushu education for foreign students in our country and the different periods of the development of foreign students' education in China are studied. Different characteristics determine the current situation of the development of foreign student education in China; This investigation is of positive significance to the internationalization of Chinese traditional culture and the internationalization of higher education in our country. At the same time, the demand for Wushu curriculum by foreign students is the catalyst to promote the development of Wushu curriculum. The Wushu course for foreign students can improve students' understanding of Chinese traditional culture through body language. Secondly, the current situation of martial arts courses for foreign students in Jilin Province is investigated. Research objects and methods are formulated. Seven ordinary colleges and universities in Jilin Province are selected as the research objects, literature method and expert interview method are adopted in this investigation. Questionnaire survey and inductive analysis were conducted to investigate the development of Wushu courses for foreign students in Jilin Province. The investigation on the present situation is divided into two parts: investigation and analysis of martial arts curriculum for foreign students in Jilin Province, from the course credit setting, teachers, teaching content, facilities. Questionnaire survey and analysis on teaching content and curriculum evaluation; Finally, through the management of foreign students, martial arts teachers and foreign students on the curriculum satisfaction, teaching content needs. This paper investigates the evaluation and suggestion of Wushu courses for foreign students in Jilin Province from the aspects of influencing factors and development prospects. Third, through comparative analysis of the development of martial arts courses for foreign students in Jilin Province, from the curriculum, teachers, depth of education and increase cultural education and other aspects of research. In order to improve the education of foreign students in our country, the countermeasures of Wushu curriculum development for foreign students in colleges and universities in Jilin Province are formulated.


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