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发布时间:2018-02-03 19:30

  本文关键词: 德国 法学 院的 法律 诊所 案例教学 出处:《法学》2013年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Traditional German law education. In Germany, there are only a few universities (such as Hanover, Bilfield). Humboldt University) there was a legal clinic-although that number was on the rise until 2008. The law still forbids the provision of legal services by persons who are not eligible for legal representation-whether for fee or free. This rather strict rule dates back to the beginning of 20th century and is intended to guarantee high standards of legal service. Many times. The reservation of this rule, of course, is also related to the intense lobbying of the legal profession. Therefore, students are asked to deal with real cases and to place the responsibility for providing legal advice to employers to students who have not passed the examination. This is not possible in Germany, but it is largely a very formal reason for almost no legal clinic education in Germany, although the Law on legal Services was amended in 2008. Under the new law, students are allowed to sit in lawyers
【作者单位】: 德国康斯坦茨大学;荷兰鹿特丹大学;河南大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 一、案例教学与德国法科学生的实务训练1.传统的德国法律教育。在德国,,只有少数几所大学(例如汉诺威、比尔菲尔德、洪堡大学)有法律诊所—尽管这个数字在增加。直到2008年,法律仍然禁止没有律师资格的人提供法律服务—无论收费还是免费。这种相当严格的规则可以追溯到20世




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