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发布时间:2018-02-03 19:31

  本文关键词: 专业教育资源 配置失当 研究 出处:《湖南科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:科学技术的日新月异,市场经济的迅猛发展,使人们对高等教育的需求日益旺盛。然而,高等教育需求的不断扩大也加剧了原本就十分紧缺的高校专业教育资源的稀缺程度。同时,我国高校存在着专业教育资源短缺与浪费共存的矛盾,特别是随着高等教育大众化时代的到来,高校大量扩招,学生人数激增,更使专业教育资源短缺与浪费的矛盾愈演愈烈。因此,高校专业教育资源的合理配置已成为解决高校专业教育资源日益紧缺问题的重要手段之一。然而在现实中,,高校专业教育资源的配置却不尽人意,配置主体不但对专业教育资源缺乏清晰的认识,而且配置理论和配置方式也不科学,因而,专业教育资源配置失当不可避免。鉴于此,文章旨在解决高校专业教育资源配置失当的问题,试图寻求和探索一条高校专业教育资源合理配置的基本规律。 首先,文章从系统论的角度出发,对高校专业教育资源、高校专业教育资源配置失当的概念作了界定,并深入剖析了高校专业教育资源的基本性质:专业效用性、供给稀缺性、种类多样性和效用条件性。同时,通过对传统高校教育资源分类方法的研究,探讨了高校专业教育资源的主要类别,不再局限于人才资源、物力资源和财力资源三类上。 其次,文章以教育学、资源学、系统科学为理论基础,分析了高校专业教育资源配置失当的表现,这种失当不仅表现在专业教育资源种类、数量、质量等配置要素方面,还表现在专业教育资源系统结构合理性、系统要素匹配性等整体方面。 再次,为了探明原因,通过采取调查研究法和文献资料法,笔者发现导致高校专业教育资源配置失当的原因错综复杂,主要包括以下几方面的原因:指导配置的现有理论不够科学,新的配置理论尚未推广与应用;配置主体理论素养欠缺、多种因素干扰、配置目的不明、客体认识模糊;专业教育资源供给种类不全、数量不足、品质不优;专业教育资源配置依据不足、配置标准缺失、配置方式不当。 因此,要解决目前高校专业教育资源配置失当的问题,合理地配置高校专业教育资源,首先必须充分发挥科学理论的指导作用;其次要切实提高配置主体自身的配置理性;再次要大力开发,保证资源供需平衡;最后要严格规范,确保配置过程合理。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid development of market economy, the demand for higher education is increasingly strong. The increasing demand for higher education also exacerbates the scarcity of specialized educational resources in colleges and universities, which are already scarce. At the same time, there is a contradiction between the shortage and waste of professional education resources in colleges and universities in China. Especially with the arrival of the era of mass higher education, a large number of college enrollment expansion, the number of students surge, but also make professional education resources shortage and waste of the contradiction intensified. The rational allocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities has become one of the important means to solve the problem of increasing shortage of professional educational resources in colleges and universities. However, in reality, the allocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities is not satisfactory. The allocation subject is not only lack of a clear understanding of professional education resources, but also the allocation theory and allocation mode is not scientific, therefore, professional education resources allocation is inevitable. In view of this. The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of misallocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities, and to seek and explore a basic law of rational allocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities. First of all, from the point of view of system theory, this paper defines the concept of specialized educational resources and misallocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities. At the same time, this paper analyzes the basic characteristics of college professional educational resources: professional utility, supply scarcity, diversity of kinds and utility conditions. At the same time, through the research of the traditional classification methods of educational resources in colleges and universities. This paper discusses the main types of professional educational resources in colleges and universities, which are no longer limited to three types: talent resources, material resources and financial resources. Secondly, based on the theory of pedagogy, resource science and system science, this paper analyzes the misallocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities, which is not only reflected in the types and quantity of professional educational resources. In terms of quality and other allocation elements, the system structure of professional educational resources is reasonable, and the system elements match as a whole. Thirdly, in order to find out the reasons, the author finds that the causes of improper allocation of professional education resources in colleges and universities are complicated by adopting the methods of investigation and research and literature. The main reasons are as follows: the existing theory of guiding allocation is not scientific enough, the new allocation theory has not been popularized and applied; The theory literacy of collocation subject is deficient, many factors interfere, the purpose of collocation is not clear, and the cognition of object is vague; The supply of professional educational resources is not complete, the quantity is insufficient, the quality is not good; The allocation of professional educational resources is insufficient, the allocation standard is missing, and the allocation mode is improper. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of misallocation of professional educational resources in colleges and universities, and rationally allocate professional educational resources in colleges and universities, we must give full play to the guiding role of scientific theory. Secondly, it is necessary to improve the allocation rationality of the main body of collocation. Thirdly, we should develop vigorously to ensure the balance of supply and demand of resources; Finally, it should be strictly standardized to ensure that the configuration process is reasonable.


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