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发布时间:2018-02-04 05:16

  本文关键词: 债务监控 心理账户 面额效应 自我控制 出处:《宁波大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:人们在进行消费决策时,总是面临着当前消费还是暂时抑制消费欲望进而控制住通过储蓄而将当前消费延推迟到未来这样一个的矛盾难题情境。储蓄与消费是个体的一种“内在的冲突”,要想延迟消费满足就必须进行“自我控制”。理论上,助学贷款的学生由于身负还贷的压力,他们在消费时更应该进行自我控制。本研究以“面额效应”和“心理账户”为检测消费控制的因变量指标,探索了不同债务监控能力助学贷款学生的“面额效应”和“心理账户”差异,同时也考察了助学贷款学生与非助学贷款学生的日常消费、面额效应及心理账户等方面的差异。结论如下: (1)助学贷款学生在债务监控分量表及债务容忍度量表总分上存在显著的性别差异,而在学科、年级和领取年限等变量上差异不显著。 (2)助学贷款学生与非助学贷款学生的日常消费差异表现在:助学贷款学生平均每月消费在600到800元之间,而在非助学贷款学生每月平均在800到1000元之间;助学贷款学生生活费用来源除少数来自父母外,多数来自奖助学金、校内外兼职和助学贷款,而非助学贷款学生则大多源自父母;在网络通讯、娱乐和日常用品上,,助学贷款学生的消费量少于非助学贷款学生,而在购买学习资料方面,则助学贷款学生的消费量多于非助学贷款学生;有消费记账习惯的助学贷款学生多于非助学贷款学生。 (3)不同收入的心理账户存在不同支配方式:1)正常收入支配排序依次为生存性投资,储蓄及发展性、人情性投资,2)助学贷款收入支配排序依次为储蓄,生存性投资及发展性、人情性投资。 (4)心理账户是区分助学贷款学生债务监控力强弱的敏感指标。不同收入来源,影响助学贷款学生与非助学贷款学生在同一项目上的金额分配。 (5)高债务监控力助学贷款学生的面额效应强于低债务监控力助学贷款学生;助学贷款学生的面额效应强于非助学贷款学生。 综上所述,本研究拓展和丰富了助学贷款心理研究的领域,为高校开展大学生信用教育、助贷管理机构信用管理提供心理学依据。
[Abstract]:When people make consumer decisions. Always faced with the current consumption or temporary suppression of consumer desire to control the savings and delay the current consumption to the future such a difficult situation. Savings and consumption is an individual "internal conflict" . In order to delay consumption satisfaction, there must be "self-control". In theory, students on student loans are under pressure to repay their loans. In this study, the "face effect" and "psychological account" were used as the dependent variables to test the consumption control. This paper explores the difference of "denomination effect" and "psychological account" between student loan students with different debt monitoring ability, and also examines the daily consumption of student loan students and non-student loan students. Differences in the denomination effect and psychological accounts. The conclusions are as follows: (1) there were significant gender differences in the total scores of debt monitoring component table and debt tolerance scale for student loan students, but there was no significant difference in subjects, grades and years of receipt. 2) the difference of daily consumption between student loan students and non-student loan students is as follows: the average monthly consumption of student loan students is between 600 and 800 yuan. In non-student loan students average between 800 and 1000 yuan per month; Except for a few students from their parents, most of them come from scholarships, part-time and student loans, while non-student loans are mostly from their parents. In network communication, entertainment and daily necessities, the consumption of student loan students is less than that of non-student loan students, but the consumption of student loan students is higher than that of non-student loan students. There are more student loan students than non-student loan students in the habit of consumer accounting. The order of normal income dominance is survival investment, savings and development, and human investment. 2) the dominating order of student loan income is savings, survival investment and development, and human investment. 4) Psychological account is a sensitive index to distinguish student debt monitoring ability. Different sources of income affect the distribution of money between student loan students and non-student loan students on the same project. (5) the denomination effect of students with high debt monitoring power loan is stronger than that of students with low debt supervision power loan, and the denomination effect of student loan student is stronger than that of non-student loan student. To sum up, this research expands and enriches the research field of student loan psychology, and provides psychological basis for university students' credit education and credit management.


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