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发布时间:2018-02-04 10:37

  本文关键词: 心理求助 内隐态度 外显态度 社会支持 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近些年,随着社会经济突飞猛进的发展,人们的物质水平虽然在不断提高但与此同时也产生一系列心理问题,其中的原因就有是由于高校大学生的就业压力不断增加,大学生这个规模庞大、身份特殊的群体的心理健康状况不容乐观,其中社会支持是影响大学生心理健康的一个重要因素;心理求助是大学生向专业的心理咨询人员求助,解决心理困扰的专业途径。而本文旨在通过研究大学生社会支持和心理求助态度的情况,以及两者之间的关系,为高校心理教育工作者做好大学生的心理教育和辅导工作,促进大学生的心理健康提供一些启示。 本研究分为两部分,第一部分使用量表对463名大学生心理求助内隐以及外显的态度和社会支持度进行了探讨,第二部分使用Qg隐联想测考察大学生对心理求助Qg隐态度问题。最后获得以下主要研究结果: 1大学生专业心理求助内隐态度的三个维度内隐情感、内隐认知和内隐行为的结论上在性别、年级及来源地有差异但在民族上无差异。 2大学生专业心理求助外显态度上在性别、年级及来源地有差异但在民族上无差异,外显态度的四个维度对心理咨询师的信任度,自己态度的开放程度,对心理帮助需要的自我认知及对耻辱的忍受性都呈正相关。 3大学生专业心理求助的内隐和外显态度呈正相关是一致的。 4大学生社会支持度在性别、年级及来源地、民族上都有差异,不同性别上女生的支持度要高于男生,,来自城市的获得的支持度要高于来自农村的,蒙族的学生的支持度要高于汉族的,总体说来高年级的社会支持度要高于低年级的,社会支持度的三个维度客观支持、主观支持及支持的利用度相互间都呈正相关,相关度高,支持的利用度是影响心理求助态度的关键因素。 5大学生专业心理求助的内隐和外显态度及社会支持度都呈正相关,心理求助外显态度与社会支持度相关高,越是社会支持度高的人越是会去进行心理求助。但是心理求助的内隐态度与这会支持度虽有正相关但相关很低。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy, people's material level is improving, but at the same time, it also produces a series of psychological problems. Among them, the reason is that the employment pressure of college students is increasing, and the psychological health of this large and special group of college students is not optimistic. Social support is an important factor affecting the mental health of college students. Psychological help is a professional way for college students to seek help from professional psychological counselors to solve psychological problems. This paper aims to study the social support and psychological seeking attitude of college students and the relationship between them. It can provide some enlightenment for the psychological education and counseling of college students and to promote the mental health of college students. This study is divided into two parts. The first part uses the questionnaire to explore the implicit, explicit attitude and social support of 463 college students. In the second part, QG implicit association test is used to investigate the implicit attitude of college students to psychological help. Finally, the following main results are obtained: (1) the three dimensions of implicit emotion, implicit cognition and implicit behavior of college students' professional psychological help-seeking attitude were different in sex, grade and origin, but no difference was found in nationality. 2There were differences in gender, grade and origin of professional psychological help seeking attitude of college students, but there was no difference in nationality. The four dimensions of explicit attitude to psychological counselors and the degree of openness of their own attitude. There was a positive correlation between self-perception of psychological help needs and tolerance of stigma. 3There was a positive correlation between implicit and explicit attitude of professional psychological help seeking among college students. 4 the degree of social support of college students is different in gender, grade, origin and nationality. The degree of support of girls is higher than that of boys, and the degree of support from cities is higher than that from rural areas. The degree of support of Mongolian students is higher than that of Han nationality, and the degree of social support of the higher grade is higher than that of the lower grade, and the objective support of the three dimensions of social support. Subjective support and the utilization of support are positively correlated with each other, and the utilization of support is the key factor affecting psychological help seeking attitude. (5) the implicit and explicit attitude and the degree of social support of college students' professional psychological help-seeking were positively correlated, and the explicit attitude of psychological help-seeking was highly correlated with the degree of social support. The higher the degree of social support, the more people will go to psychological help, but the implicit attitude of psychological help has a positive correlation with the degree of support, but the correlation is very low.


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