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发布时间:2018-02-04 23:20

  本文关键词: 大学生 创业 创业能力 对策 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着知识经济时代的到来,我国高等教育迅猛发展,学校规模不断扩大,大学生数量持续增长,毕业生就业形势严峻的问题也随之出现。高校毕业生的就业问题是一个民生问题,其关系到整个民族的安定和团结,如何解决好该问题,已经被提到国家的重要议程当中。 但是,在大学生创业能力培养上,我国还存在很多的问题。例如,社会没有形成良好的创业氛围;高校没有设置系统、层次的创业课程;学校教学内容陈旧、教学方式落后;创业型教师队伍亟待建设;大学生创业资金不足等。 本文以江西省大学生为研究对象,对江西省大学生的创业能力现状进行了深入地调查和研究,本论文主要包括以下五方面的内容: 第一部分为绪论,笔者大量阅读了大学生创业能力方面的文献,在掌握国内外相关研究现状和当今大学生创业能力特点的基础上,阐述了本文问题的提出、研究的思路与方法、研究重点难点与创新之处,然后对相关概念进行了界定。 第二部分为江西省大学生创业能力现状调查的实证研究,笔者选取了江西7所大学的在校生进行了问卷调查和访谈调查,为研究大学生创业能力提供第一手资料。 第三部分通过对问卷调查和访谈调查结果进行总结分析,以此了解江西省大学生创业能力,创新能力、机会识别与利用能力、风险认识与决策能力、社会交往能力、学习的能力以及组织领导与管理能力的发展情况。从而得出江西省大学生在创业能力上存在的主要问题。 第四部分通过问卷调查得到的数据和访谈得到的资料,从江西大学生的实际出发,详细分析了江西省大学生创业能力问题形成的原因。 第五部分为培养对策研究,针对江西省大学生创业能力问题形成的原因,从地方高校内部和外部环境两个方面提出了一系列针对性强、操作性强的对策。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the rapid development of higher education in China, the school scale continues to expand, the number of college students continue to grow. The employment of college graduates is a livelihood issue, which is related to the stability and unity of the whole nation, how to solve this problem. Has been mentioned in the important agenda of the country. However, in the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial ability, there are still many problems in our country. For example, the society has not formed a good entrepreneurial atmosphere; Colleges and universities do not set up a system, the level of entrepreneurship curriculum; The school teaching content is old, the teaching method is backward; The team of entrepreneurial teachers needs to be built. College students lack of venture capital and so on. This paper takes Jiangxi university students as the research object, carries on the thorough investigation and the research to the Jiangxi university student's entrepreneurship ability present situation, this thesis mainly includes the following five aspects content: The first part is the introduction, the author has read a lot of literature on the entrepreneurial ability of college students. On the basis of mastering the current situation of domestic and foreign research and the characteristics of college students' entrepreneurial ability at present, the author expounds the question raised in this paper. The research ideas and methods, the key difficulties and innovations, and then defined the relevant concepts. The second part is an empirical study on the present situation of the entrepreneurial ability of Jiangxi university students. The author selected the students from 7 universities in Jiangxi province to conduct a questionnaire survey and an interview survey. For the study of entrepreneurial ability of college students to provide first-hand information. The third part through the questionnaire and interview survey results are summarized and analyzed to understand the entrepreneurial ability, innovation ability, opportunity recognition and utilization ability, risk awareness and decision-making ability of college students in Jiangxi Province. The development of social communication ability, learning ability and organizational leadership and management ability. Based on the data of questionnaire survey and interview, the author analyzes in detail the reasons for the formation of the entrepreneurial ability of Jiangxi university students from the reality of Jiangxi university students in 4th. In the 5th part, the author puts forward a series of pertinence and maneuverability countermeasures from the internal and external environment of the local colleges and universities in view of the reasons for the formation of the entrepreneurial ability of the college students in Jiangxi Province.


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