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发布时间:2018-02-05 01:39

  本文关键词: 消费主义 思想政治教育 大学生 出处:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国自从1978年实现改革开放以来,经济建设就有了突飞猛进的发展。人们随着生活水平逐步提升,在社会生活中就越来越注重消费这种经济活动和文化现象,但是由于社会主义市场经济体制在过渡期内,仍然有很多不完善的地方,全球化大趋势下的消费主义思潮渗透,结合当代大众媒体推波助澜的作用,消费主义思潮已经逐步深入到我国,对大学生的生活产生了深刻地冲击和影响。作为一个特殊的消费群体,大学生的消费价值观以及消费行为也发生了很大的变化。他们缺乏社会经验但又充满了好奇,没有经济收入但消费又相对独立,这样的心理状态和生活模式决定了他们在消费中十分容易受到外界影响,,而我国高校现有的对大学生的消费引导和教育又相对缺乏。如何引导大学生避免不良消费思潮的影响,树立科学合理的消费理念,具备健康的消费文化,养成良好的消费习惯,是思想政治教育工作中一项迫切而重要的任务。 本文从分析消费的含义为切入点,论述消费主义思潮产生的原因、特征、以及发展和传播,结合消费主义对当代中国大学生的危害,全面分析消费主义思潮在大学生群体中蔓延的原因,并从社会主义核心价值体系教育、大众传媒、家庭作用、自我管理等方面提出了大学生克服消费主义思潮影响的有效对策,从而引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,抵御消费主义思潮的侵蚀,帮助他们建立积极向上的生活理念和健康文明的生活方式。
[Abstract]:Since 1978, our country has realized the reform and opening up, the economic construction has developed by leaps and bounds. In the social life, more and more attention is paid to the economic activities and cultural phenomenon of consumption, but because of the socialist market economy system in the transitional period, there are still many imperfect places. The trend of consumerism permeated under the trend of globalization, combined with the role of contemporary mass media, consumerism has gradually penetrated into our country. As a special consumer group, it has a profound impact and influence on the life of college students. The consumption values and behavior of college students have also changed greatly. They lack social experience but are full of curiosity. They do not have economic income but consumption is relatively independent. This state of mind and lifestyle determine that they are very vulnerable to the outside world in their consumption. However, the current consumption guidance and education of college students in our country is relatively lacking. How to guide college students to avoid the influence of unhealthy consumption trend, to set up scientific and reasonable consumption concept, and to have a healthy consumption culture. Cultivating good consumption habits is an urgent and important task in ideological and political education. This paper analyzes the meaning of consumption as a starting point, discusses the causes, characteristics, development and dissemination of consumerism, combined with the harm of consumerism to contemporary Chinese college students. Comprehensive analysis of the causes of the spread of consumerism in college students, and from the socialist core value system education, mass media, the role of the family. Self-management and other aspects of college students to overcome the influence of consumerism effective countermeasures, so as to guide them to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to resist the erosion of consumerism. Help them establish a positive life concept and a healthy and civilized way of life.


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