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发布时间:2018-02-06 00:16

  本文关键词: 河南省 高等教育消费 城乡差异 影响因素 出处:《华中农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自从1999年我国高校实施扩招政策以来,高考录取人数及录取率持续14年快速增长。高校规模的扩大为农村学生提供了更多接受高等教育的机会,但是高等教育消费的城乡差异并没有缩小,尤其是名校农村籍学生的比例在减少。高等教育消费的城乡差异是我国特有的城乡二元经济结构造成的结果,是一个历史发展问题,城乡二元结构使我国城市与农村在经济、政治、文化、教育等方面存在很大差异,这种差异直接影响到城乡高等教育消费差异。 基于以上背景,本研究运用实证研究方法,以河南省卫辉市城乡大学生作为研究对象,通过调查城乡高等教育消费的差异现状,试图探究造成差异的各种因素,最后对如何缩小城乡高等教育消费差异提出对策建议。 通过调查分析发现,卫辉市高等教育消费的城乡差异主要表现在以下三方面:第一,高等教育消费起点差异——入学机会差异:第二,高等教育消费过程差异——家庭经济与接受高等教育相互影响的差异;第三,高等教育消费结果差异——深造、就业等的差异。进一步分析发现,河南省卫辉市高等教育消费城乡差异具有系统连续性,起点差异影响结果差异,过程差异最大等特点。另外,河南省卫辉市高等教育消费城乡差异的三个方面均呈扩大趋势。 通过对影响卫辉市高等教育消费城乡差异的因素进行分析发现,宏观因素中,城乡二元结构、户籍制度、教育制度和政策、基础教育、就业形势是影响城乡高等教育消费差异的主要因素;微观因素中,经济资本方面:家庭年均可支配收入、教育支出比例主要影响高等教育消费的起点差异和过程差异;社会资本方面:父母职业对高等教育消费差异的整个过程都有明显影响,而且影响城乡基础教育差异;文化资本方面,父母受教育程度主要对高等教育消费的起点差异和过程差异有影响,家庭文化氛围主要影响高等教育消费城乡起点差异;个人方面,上大学最大动机主要影响高等教育消费城乡起点差异。 针对河南省卫辉市高等教育消费差异的现实状况,本研究认为,应从宏观和微观两方面着手缩小城乡高等教育消费差异。具体来说,宏观方面:改革教育制度,加快发展农村教育;优化资源配置,提高农村基础教育质量;拓宽就业渠道,提高农村学生就业:发展各类教育,增加农村入学机会。微观方面:加快农村经济发展,缩小城乡收入差距;发展农村终身教育,提高农民文化素质;端正上大学动机,注重提高自身素质。
[Abstract]:Since 1999, the number of students admitted to the college entrance examination and the admission rate have increased rapidly for 14 years since the implementation of the policy of expanding enrollment in colleges and universities in China. The expansion of the scale of colleges and universities has provided more opportunities for rural students to receive higher education. However, the urban-rural difference in higher education consumption has not narrowed, especially the proportion of rural students in famous schools is decreasing. The urban-rural difference in higher education consumption is the result of our country's unique urban-rural dual economic structure, and it is a historical development problem. The dual structure of urban and rural areas leads to great differences between urban and rural areas in economy, politics, culture, education and so on, which directly affect the difference of consumption of urban and rural higher education. Based on the above background, this study uses the empirical research method, taking the urban and rural college students in Weihui City, Henan Province as the research object, through the investigation of the urban and rural higher education consumption difference situation, attempts to explore the various factors that cause the difference. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to reduce the difference between urban and rural higher education consumption. Through investigation and analysis, it is found that the urban and rural differences of higher education consumption in Weihui City are mainly reflected in the following three aspects: first, the difference of the starting point of higher education consumption-the difference of access opportunities; second, The difference of consumption process of higher education: the difference between family economy and higher education; third, the difference of consumption result of higher education, the difference of further study, employment and so on. The urban and rural differences of higher education consumption in Weihui City of Henan Province have the characteristics of system continuity, the difference of starting point affecting the result and the biggest difference of process, etc. In addition, the three aspects of urban and rural differences of higher education consumption in Weihui City of Henan Province are all showing a trend of expansion. Through the analysis of the factors affecting the difference between urban and rural consumption of higher education in Weihui, we find that among the macro factors, the dual structure of urban and rural areas, the household registration system, the educational system and policies, the basic education, The employment situation is the main factor that affects the difference of higher education consumption between urban and rural areas, among the micro factors, the economic capital aspect: the average annual disposable income of the family, the proportion of the education expenditure mainly affects the starting point difference and the process difference of the higher education consumption; In terms of social capital: parental occupation has a significant impact on the whole process of consumption differences in higher education, and it also affects the differences in basic education between urban and rural areas; cultural capital, Parents' education level mainly affects the starting point difference and process difference of higher education consumption, family culture atmosphere mainly affects the urban and rural starting point difference of higher education consumption. The biggest motivation to go to college mainly affects the starting point difference between urban and rural higher education consumption. In view of the reality of the difference in higher education consumption in Weihui City, Henan Province, this study holds that the difference between urban and rural higher education consumption should be reduced from the macro and micro aspects. Speed up the development of rural education, optimize the allocation of resources, improve the quality of rural basic education, broaden employment channels, improve rural students' employment, develop all kinds of education and increase rural entrance opportunities. To narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas; to develop lifelong education in rural areas to improve the cultural quality of farmers; to correct the motivation for college and to pay attention to improving their own quality.


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1 严全治;苗文燕;;我国高等教育入学机会公平性研究[A];2008年中国教育经济学年会会议论文集[C];2008年




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