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发布时间:2018-02-07 14:37

  本文关键词: 兰州交通大学女大学生 消费观 思想政治教育 社会发展 出处:《兰州交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在20世纪中叶,随着公害问题的加剧和能源危机的出现,人们逐渐认识到把经济、社会和环境割裂开来谋求发展,只能给地球和人类社会带来毁灭性的灾难。1987年,受联合国委托,以挪威前首相布伦特兰夫人为首的WECD的成员们,把经过4年研究和充分论证的报告——《我们共同的未来》提交联合国大会,,正式提出了“可持续发展”(Sustainable development)的概念和模式。1992年6月,在巴西里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展大会上,183个国家共同制定了一项关于可持续发展的全球行动计划——《21世纪议程》。《21世纪议程》中对可持续消费提出了明确的观点和主张:“不可持续的生产方式和消费方式是造成全球环境问题的主要原因”。随后,联合国环境署于1994年在肯尼亚首都内罗毕发表的报告《可持续消费的政策因素》中提出了可持续消费的定义:即“提供服务以及相关的产品以满足人类的基本需求,提高生活质量,同时使自然资源和有毒材料的使用量减少,使服务或产品的生命周期中所产生的废物和污染物最少,从而不危及后代人的需求”。 随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,消费问题逐渐成为影响与制约社会经济发展与社会再生产的主要问题。首先,物质产品越来越丰富,为消费社会的到来提供了物质基础,也为消费创造了极好的社会环境;其次,我国传统的文化价值观念特别是消费观念受到严重影响和冲击,随着我国人民收入水平和生活质量的提高,消费观念也发生了巨大的变化。我国大学生是接受新鲜事物最快的一个特殊群体,也是祖国的未来与希望,而现在不科学、不合理的消费观念已经影响到了大学生的人生理想与价值取向,也影响到了大学生的思想道德建设与学校的教育管理,这是非常值得我们关注的一个问题。面对如今的新形势,我们应该如何去顺应时代需求,切实加强与改进高校消费观教育的工作,乃是高校思想政治教育者的重大课题。近些年来,人们对消费观念的研究不管是在西方还是在中国都已经被越来越多的人们所重视。在现代消费观念、生活方式、流行时尚的影响下,兰州交通大学女大学生的消费观也产生了彼此间的相互影响,形成特有的群体消费心理特征、不同于社会其它消费群体的消费观。所以我们必须关注女大学生消费观中存在的问题,了解女大学生的思想观念、价值取向以及行为准则,探寻产生这些问题的根源,以便找到相应的解决措施,从而引导女大学生树立正确的消费观、建立合理的消费结构并培养理智的消费行为,使得她们的生活走向良性轨道。
[Abstract]:In the middle of 20th century, with the aggravation of the pollution problem and the emergence of the energy crisis, it was gradually realized that the separation of the economy, society and the environment for development would bring only devastating disasters to the earth and human society. In 1987, The members of the WECD, led by the former Prime Minister of Norway, Mrs. Brundtland, were commissioned by the United Nations to submit to the United Nations General Assembly the report "our Common Future", which has been studied and fully validated for four years. Formalizing the concept and model of "sustainable development". In June 1992, At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 183 countries jointly developed a global plan of action on sustainable development-agenda 21th century. Agenda 21th century sets out a clear definition of sustainable consumption. "unsustainable patterns of production and consumption are the main causes of global environmental problems". In its report "Policy factors for Sustainable consumption", published in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1994, the United Nations Environment Programme defined sustainable consumption as "the provision of services and related products to meet basic human needs," Improving the quality of life while reducing the use of natural resources and toxic materials, minimizing waste and pollutants generated in the life cycle of services or products, and thus not endangering the needs of future generations ". With the establishment and perfection of our socialist market economy system, the consumption problem has gradually become the main problem that influences and restricts the social economic development and social reproduction. First, the material products are more and more abundant. It provides the material foundation for the coming of the consumer society, and also creates the excellent social environment for the consumption. Secondly, the traditional cultural values, especially the consumption concept, are seriously affected and impacted. With the improvement of our people's income and quality of life, great changes have taken place in the concept of consumption. College students in our country are a special group that accepts new things the fastest, and is also the future and hope of the motherland, but now they are not scientific. Unreasonable consumption concept has affected the life ideal and value orientation of college students, and has also affected the ideological and moral construction of college students and the educational management of their schools. This is a problem that deserves our attention very much. Facing the new situation today, How should we meet the needs of the times and strengthen and improve the work of consumption view education in colleges and universities is a major task for ideological and political educators in colleges and universities in recent years. People pay more and more attention to the study of consumption concept, whether in the West or in China. Under the influence of modern consumption concept, life style and fashion, The consumption view of female students of Lanzhou Jiaotong University has also produced the mutual influence between each other, forming the unique group consumption psychology characteristic. Therefore, we must pay attention to the problems existing in the female college students' consumption view, understand the female college students' ideology, value orientation and code of conduct, and explore the root causes of these problems. In order to find the corresponding solutions, so as to guide female college students to establish a correct view of consumption, establish a reasonable consumption structure and cultivate rational consumption behavior, so that their lives towards a benign track.


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