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发布时间:2018-02-07 15:36

  本文关键词: 高校 公共危机管理 思想政治教育 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:危机,自人类社会存在以来,就存在于社会发展过程中的各个时期,人类文明的发展也是在应对各种各样的危机中推进的,在我国经济社会快速发展的如今,高校作为聚集思想最前沿的当代大学生的载体,是对社会现象和社会问题最具有敏感度的团体,在复杂多样化的社会问题凸显的社会主义初级阶段,高校应对来自社会公共危机的影响,高校的危机管理关系着学校教育秩序的正常运转、师生职工的生命财产安全、还维系着社会的稳定。 目前,高校危机管理在我国尚处研究的起步阶段,高校危机管理的理论体系还不成熟,危机管理中大学生思想政治教育对危机管理的作用还没有充分的认识,也没有进行较好的结合研究,面对日益凸显的高校危机管理问题,如何在高校中充分利用思想政治教育的优势来提升危机管理的效能,是一个具有重要实践意义的课题。 本文试图从高校公共危机管理与思想政治教育的关系出发,分析二者之间的相互作用,充分认识高校危机管理实践中思想政治教育的重要性,探析目前高校公共危机管理中大学生思想政治教育的现状,剖析现状中存在的问题,深入探析高校公共管理危机中大学生思想教育的方法。文章分为五个部分,第一部分为绪论,阐述本文的研究背景和研究方法;第二部分对公共危机、高校公共危机、大学生思想政治教育从理论上进行概述并论述高校公共危机管理与大学生思想政治教育的关系及相互的作用;第三部分解析我国高校公共危机管理的现状,从现状中找出公共危机管理存在的问题;第四部分,确定高校公共危机管理中大学生思想政治教育的工作原则;第五部分从对高校公共危机管理中的主体客体及其作用的分析找出合适的高校公共危机管理中大学生思想政治教育的方法。
[Abstract]:The crisis, since the existence of human society, has existed in various periods of social development. The development of human civilization has also been promoted in response to various crises. Now, with the rapid economic and social development of our country, As the carrier of contemporary college students, colleges and universities are the most sensitive groups to social phenomena and social problems. They are in the primary stage of socialism, which is highlighted by complex and diverse social problems. The crisis management of colleges and universities is related to the normal operation of the school education order, the safety of the life and property of teachers and students, and the stability of the society. At present, the crisis management in colleges and universities is still in the initial stage of research, the theoretical system of crisis management in colleges and universities is not yet mature, and the role of ideological and political education of college students in crisis management has not been fully understood. In the face of the increasingly prominent problem of crisis management in colleges and universities, how to make full use of the advantages of ideological and political education to improve the effectiveness of crisis management is of great practical significance. This paper attempts to analyze the interaction between public crisis management and ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and fully understand the importance of ideological and political education in the practice of crisis management in colleges and universities. This paper probes into the present situation of ideological and political education of college students in the management of public crisis in colleges and universities, analyzes the problems existing in the present situation, and probes deeply into the methods of ideological education of college students in the crisis of public management in colleges and universities. The article is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, expounding the research background and research methods of this paper, the second part is about the public crisis, the university public crisis, The relationship between college students' public crisis management and college students' ideological and political education and their mutual effects are discussed theoretically. The third part analyzes the current situation of university public crisis management in our country. From the current situation to find out the existing problems in public crisis management, part 4th, to determine the work principles of ideological and political education of college students in public crisis management; In the 5th part, the author tries to find out the appropriate methods of ideological and political education for college students from the analysis of the subject and object and their functions in the management of public crisis in colleges and universities.


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