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发布时间:2018-02-09 21:02

  本文关键词: 思想政治理论课 情境兴趣影响因素 情境兴趣 学习结果 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:思想政治理论课课堂是传播思想的主阵地,然而,我国现阶段的思想政治理论课课堂上大多依然沿袭与计划经济相适应的传统思想政治教育运行模式。本文在思想政治理论课课堂中引入情境兴趣,研究如何在课堂上创造情境氛围,使学生对思想政治理论课课堂学习产生兴趣,喜欢并认可课堂活动和课堂内容,进而掌握一定的知识技能。 本文运用文献研究法、问卷调查法、统计分析法,进行了实证研究,以学生关系、师生关系、学生参与、课堂目标为影响因素测量情境兴趣,学习效能和学习情感测量学习结果,分析研究了学生关系、师生关系、学生参与、课堂目标与情境兴趣、个体兴趣与情境兴趣、情境兴趣与学习结果、个体兴趣与学习结果之间的关系,还研究了学生关系、师生关系、学生参与、课堂目标对情境兴趣、个体兴趣对情境兴趣、情境兴趣对学习结果、个体兴趣对学习结果的影响和预测作用,并将教师、学生的个体信息对以上变量所产生的影响做了研究。本研究经过实证分析,主要得出以下结论: (1)思想政治理论课课堂上师生关系、学生参与、课堂目标、个体兴趣对情境兴趣有影响作用; (2)思想政治理论课课堂上学生关系对情境兴趣没有影响作用; (3)思想政治理论课课堂上情境兴趣对学习效能、学习情感产生影响。 根据研究结论对思想政治理论课课堂提出了8条建议: (1)提升教师的吸引力; (2)增强教学内容的吸引力; (3)挖掘教学内容的价值; (4)建立互动、有爱的师生关系; (5)引导、鼓励学生积极参与教学活动; (6)明确课堂目标; (7)提高学生学习效能; (8)培养学生对教学活动的情感。
[Abstract]:The ideological and political theory class is the main position of spreading ideas, however, Most of the ideological and political theory classes in our country still follow the traditional mode of operation of ideological and political education, which adapts to the planned economy. This paper introduces situational interest into the class of ideological and political theory. This paper studies how to create a situational atmosphere in the classroom to make the students interested in the classroom learning of ideological and political theory, like and approve the classroom activities and classroom contents, and then master certain knowledge and skills. This paper uses literature research, questionnaire survey and statistical analysis to measure situational interest with student relationship, teacher-student relationship, student participation and classroom goal as the influencing factors. Learning efficacy and learning emotion were measured. The relationship between students, teachers and students, student participation, classroom goal and situational interest, individual interest and situational interest, situational interest and learning result were analyzed. The relationship between individual interest and learning result is also studied, including student relationship, teacher-student relationship, student participation, classroom goal interest in situation, individual interest in situation interest, situational interest in learning result. The influence of individual interest on learning results and the influence of individual information of teachers and students on the above variables are studied. Through empirical analysis, the main conclusions are as follows:. 1) the relationship between teachers and students, students' participation, classroom goal and individual interest in ideological and political theory class have influence on situational interest; 2) the relationship between students in the class of ideological and political theory has no effect on situational interest; 3) situational interest has an effect on learning efficiency and learning emotion in the class of ideological and political theory. According to the conclusions of the study, this paper puts forward 8 suggestions to the class of ideological and political theory. (1) enhancing the attractiveness of teachers; (2) enhancing the attraction of teaching content; (3) excavating the value of teaching content; 4) establishing an interactive and loving teacher-student relationship; (5) to guide and encourage students to take an active part in teaching activities; 6) defining the classroom objectives; Improving students' learning efficiency; Cultivate students' feelings for teaching activities.


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2 吴小鸥;大学课堂文化人格的共生与化育[J];高教探索;2005年06期

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4 肖映胜;张耀灿;;高校思想政治理论课教学评价理念新探[J];高校理论战线;2011年07期

5 刘锋;;情境探究在政治教学中的应用[J];山东教育(中学刊);2006年17期

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1 李娟;大学生思想政治教育的创新研究[D];湖北工业大学;2011年

2 樊洪奎;大学生思想政治教育方法创新研究[D];山东师范大学;2007年

3 周慧;当代大学生思想政治教育的创新研究[D];大庆石油学院;2008年

4 王玉;和谐社会视角下的大学生思想政治教育研究[D];大庆石油学院;2010年




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