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发布时间:2018-02-12 04:03

  本文关键词: 马克思主义文化观 高校文化 高校文化建设 出处:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:马克思主义文化观是马克思主义者关于文化的基本认识。在改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的今天,在多元文化相互交织的大背景下,马克思主义文化观展现出了跨时代的价值。作为社会主义文化重要组成部分的高校文化,其健康发展不仅关系到高校的文化建设和办学管理,而且对于推动社会文化发展,促进高校和整个社会的可持续发展具有重要作用。我国高校文化自诞生之日起,其建设发展一直受到不同程度的关注,在高校文化建设的实践过程中,我们取得了一定的成绩,但也出现了许多新情况和新问题。高校是进行文化创造和培养人才的重要基地,解决高校文化建设中的诸多问题,坚持高校建设的社会主义方向,就必须发挥马克思主义的统领作用,从马克思主义文化观的角度探寻当前加强高校文化建设的思路。 本文从以马克思主义文化观指导高校文化建设的角度展开四个部分阐述。第一部分绪论主要介绍了本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法以及国内外的研究情况综述;第二部分简要介绍了文化、文化观、高校文化、高校文化建设以及马克思主义文化观的内涵及主要内容;第三部分从高校物质文化建设、精神文化建设、行为文化建设和制度文化建设四个方面对当前我国高校校园文化的现实状况进行了分析,论述了当前我国高校文化建设取得的成绩和存在的问题,并分析了其中的原因;第四部分是本文的重点,从坚持马克思主义指导理念、打造和谐向上的高校精神文化、塑造主体参与性强的高校制度文化、创建文化意蕴浓厚的高校物质文化和建设诚信高尚的高校行为文化五个方面切入,提出了马克思主义文化观视域下进行高校文化建设的思路。
[Abstract]:Marxist cultural view is the basic understanding of culture by Marxists. In today's reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive, under the background of the interweaving of multiculturalism, As an important part of socialist culture, the healthy development of college culture is not only related to the cultural construction and management of colleges and universities, but also to the promotion of social and cultural development. It is important to promote the sustainable development of colleges and universities and the whole society. Since its birth, the construction and development of university culture has been paid more and more attention to, and we have made some achievements in the practice of university culture construction. But there are also many new situations and problems. Colleges and universities are an important base for cultural creation and talent training. They solve many problems in the cultural construction of colleges and universities, and adhere to the socialist direction of university construction. It is necessary to give full play to the leading role of Marxism and explore the ideas of strengthening the cultural construction of colleges and universities from the angle of Marxist cultural view. The first part mainly introduces the research background, significance, research methods and the domestic and foreign research situation of this paper from the perspective of Marxist cultural view to guide the cultural construction of colleges and universities, the first part of the introduction mainly introduces the research background, research significance, research methods and research situation at home and abroad. The second part briefly introduces the connotation and main content of culture, cultural view, university culture, university culture construction and Marxist cultural view. This paper analyzes the current situation of campus culture in colleges and universities in China from four aspects: the construction of behavioral culture and the construction of institutional culture, discusses the achievements and problems in the cultural construction of colleges and universities in China, and analyzes the reasons for it. The 4th part is the focus of this paper, from adhering to the Marxist guiding concept, creating a harmonious and upward university spiritual culture, shaping the main body of strong participation in the institution of higher education culture, This paper puts forward the idea of constructing university culture under the view of Marxist cultural view by cutting into five aspects: creating material culture with strong cultural connotation and constructing high credit and noble behavior culture in colleges and universities.


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