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发布时间:2018-02-12 05:57

  本文关键词: 湖南 学科专业 支柱产业 人才需求 适应性 人才预测 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育大众化进程的推进与毕业生就业市场化程度的提高,产业结构和技术结构的多元化发展趋势,以及高等教育发展的周期性与滞后性,湖南省高校培养的人才与区域经济社会需要脱节的问题逐渐暴露出来。通过对相关数据进行整理分析,,湖南省学科专业的发展与三大产业以及支柱产业的发展尚且存在一些不适应,主要表现在以下两个方面: 一是从湖南高校学科专业的设置情况看:湖南高校现有的学科专业结构与支柱产业人才的专业需求之间存在一定的结构错位与失衡。湖南高校学科专业中,与建筑业、装备制造业、文化产业需求相关的专业设置比较齐全,并且形成了一定的学科优势,但某些专业布点基本上覆盖了所有高校,因而缺乏特色;而与钢铁有色、旅游业、卷烟制造业需求相关的专业设置,比较单薄,尤其与烟草制造业需求相关的,主要集中在少数几个专业,学校布点也不多,亟待增设相关专业、扩大布局点。 二是从人才数量情况看:湖南高校学科专业人才培养规模与三次产业、支柱产业的人才需求都不约而同地表现出:总体不足与局部过剩并存,差距不均衡的数量失衡现象。 这种结构失衡和数量失衡,已成为湖南省高校服务本地经济建设中亟待解决的关键问题之一。针对湖南省学科专业的发展与三大产业以及支柱产业的发展存在的不适应问题,论文认为高校作为适应社会经济发展的主推力,应该充分利用自主办学的权利,积极利用人才预测结果,积极动态地调整学科专业的设置使高校与社会经济实现高效、长远的发展。 了解高校人才培养与社会经济需要间的差异,不仅可以促进区域高校和行业企业从整体上把握区域经济人才需求的发展脉络,推动高校主动、适时、适量地调整学科专业,对某类专业人才进行有针对性地开发和培养;还可以为湖南区域经济发展的人才规划提供决策参考,促进区域支柱产业与高校的共同发展。
[Abstract]:With the advancement of the popularization of higher education in China and the improvement of the degree of employment marketization of graduates, the diversified development trend of industrial structure and technological structure, as well as the periodicity and lag of the development of higher education, The problems of talent cultivation in colleges and universities in Hunan Province being disconnected from the needs of regional economy and society are gradually exposed. Through the analysis of relevant data, The development of subject and specialty in Hunan Province is not suitable for the development of three major industries and pillar industries, mainly in the following two aspects:. First, from the point of view of the setting up of the subject and specialty in Hunan colleges and universities, there is a certain structural dislocation and imbalance between the existing discipline structure of Hunan colleges and universities and the professional demand of the mainstay industry talents. The equipment manufacturing industry, the cultural industry demand related specialized establishment is quite complete, and has formed certain discipline superiority, but some specialized spots basically covered all colleges and universities, therefore lacks the characteristic; but with the iron and steel nonferrous, the tourism, Cigarette manufacturing demand related to the professional settings, relatively thin, especially related to tobacco manufacturing demand, mainly concentrated in a few majors, schools are not much, it is urgent to add related specialties, expand the layout of points. Second, from the situation of the number of talents, the scale of the training of subject and specialty talents in Hunan colleges and universities is the same as the third industry, and the demand for talents in the pillar industries is all the same: the overall shortage and the partial surplus exist side by side, and the imbalance of the quantity of the disparity is not balanced. This kind of imbalance of structure and quantity has become one of the key problems to be solved in serving the local economic construction of colleges and universities in Hunan Province. In view of the problem that the development of subject and specialty in Hunan Province does not adapt to the development of the three major industries and the pillar industries, As the main thrust to adapt to the development of social economy, colleges and universities should make full use of their right to run a school independently, make full use of the predicted results of talents, and dynamically adjust the setting of disciplines and specialties so that colleges and universities and social economy can achieve high efficiency. A long-term development. Understanding the difference between talent training and social and economic needs in colleges and universities can not only promote regional colleges and enterprises to grasp the overall development of regional economic talent needs, but also promote universities to take the initiative, adjust disciplines and specialties in a timely and appropriate manner. It can also provide a reference for the talent planning of Hunan regional economic development and promote the common development of regional pillar industries and universities.


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