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发布时间:2018-02-13 13:54

  本文关键词: 高校 科研经费 存在的问题 绩效评价 对策建议 出处:《西华大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:21世纪是知识经济的时代,科技创新不仅是这个时代国际竞争的核心能力,也是一个国家社会经济持续发展的动力源泉。自科技体制改革以来,国家加大了科研经费的投入,同时高校的职能也从单一的培养人才转变成教学与科研两大基本职能。高校作为国家科研的重要组织机构,其科研经费的管理不仅直接影响本校的科研能力和综合实力,同时也影响整个国家科技进步的步伐。 伴随着国家加大对科研事业的投入力度,高校作为科研力量的重要组成部分,其承担的科研项目规模在逐渐增大,随之而来的还有科研经费来源渠道的多元化,以及科研经费数额的不断增长,因此科研经费的管理在高校管理中变得越来越复杂,也越来越重要。但是,很多高校并没有认识到科研经费管理的重要性,在科研经费使用过程中缺乏完善的管理制度,也没有健全的绩效评价体系,导致科研经费挪用、浪费等现象时有发生,严重影响了经费的使用效率。因此高校必须正确认识高校科研经费管理的重要性,加强科研经费管理制度建设,提高科研经费使用效率。 在以上背景下,以四川省高校科研经费的使用情况作为研究对象,在大量研究国内外研究成果的基础上,结合相关数据,,对四川省高校科研经费的使用现状进行定性分析与定量分析,全面、深刻的总结出高校在科研经费使用管理中存在的突出问题。同时利用DEA模型,对选取的具有代表性的38所四川省高校的经费使用效率进行评估,发现该省科研经费使用效率偏低,在此基础上,从不同的角度提出了完善高校科研经费管理、提高经费使用效率的对策建议:(1)加强科研经费管理制度建设,完善管理体制;(2)完善科研经费预算管理;(3)建立科研经费使用的监督体系;(4)规范资产管理,防止科研资产流失;(5)加强高校科研经费结余管理,杜绝阶梯不结账现象;(6)完善科研经费管理的绩效评价机制;(7)完善科研经费使用管理的责任追究制等措施。这些对策建议的提出旨在解决科研经费管理中存在的瓶颈,减少经费使用过程中各种不合理现象的发生,降低科研成本,提高使用效率,从而不仅达到促进高校科研水平的提高的目的,同时也加快我国科研事业进步的步伐。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, the era of knowledge economy, scientific and technological innovation is not only the core ability of international competition in this era, but also the power source of a country's social and economic sustainable development. Since the reform of science and technology system, the state has increased the investment of scientific research funds. At the same time, the functions of colleges and universities have also changed from the single cultivation of talents to the two basic functions of teaching and scientific research. As an important organization of national scientific research, the management of scientific research funds of colleges and universities not only directly affects their scientific research ability and comprehensive strength. It also affects the pace of scientific and technological progress throughout the country. With the state increasing investment in scientific research, as an important part of scientific research, the scale of scientific research projects undertaken by colleges and universities is gradually increasing, followed by the diversification of sources of funding for scientific research. As well as the increasing amount of scientific research funds, the management of scientific research funds has become more and more complex and important in the management of colleges and universities. However, many colleges and universities do not realize the importance of the management of scientific research funds. In the process of using scientific research funds, there is a lack of perfect management system and a sound performance evaluation system, which leads to the misappropriation and waste of scientific research funds. Therefore, colleges and universities must correctly understand the importance of scientific research funds management, strengthen the construction of scientific research funds management system, and improve the efficiency of the use of scientific research funds. Under the above background, taking the use of scientific research funds in Sichuan colleges and universities as the research object, on the basis of a large number of research results at home and abroad, combined with relevant data, Through qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the current situation of scientific research funds in Sichuan Province, the prominent problems in the use and management of scientific research funds in colleges and universities are summarized comprehensively and profoundly. At the same time, the DEA model is used to analyze and analyze the use of scientific research funds in colleges and universities. Based on the evaluation of the funds utilization efficiency of 38 representative universities in Sichuan Province, it is found that the use efficiency of scientific research funds in this province is on the low side. On the basis of this, it is proposed from different angles to improve the management of scientific research funds in colleges and universities. Countermeasures and suggestions for improving the efficiency of the use of funds: 1) strengthen the construction of the scientific research funds management system, perfect the scientific research funds budget management and establish a supervisory system for the use of scientific research funds. To prevent the loss of scientific research assets (5) to strengthen the management of the balance of scientific research funds in colleges and universities, Put an end to the phenomenon of not paying the bills on the ladder. 6) improve the performance evaluation mechanism of the management of scientific research funds. 7) perfect the accountability system for the management of the use of scientific research funds. These countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in order to solve the bottleneck existing in the management of scientific research funds. To reduce the occurrence of various unreasonable phenomena in the process of using funds, to reduce the cost of scientific research and to improve the efficiency of scientific research, thus not only to improve the level of scientific research in colleges and universities, but also to speed up the pace of scientific research progress in our country.


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