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发布时间:2018-02-13 15:38

  本文关键词: 大学生 思想政治教育 情感沟通 出处:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生思想政治教育的过程,实质上是一个注入情感的沟通过程。然而,当前大学生思想政治教育却更多地强调知识的灌输,相对忽视了教育者与受教育者之间的情感沟通和交流。长此以往,将会形成教育者以“教”为目的,受教育者以“听”为目标,教育者与受教育者之间的互动和沟通环节将逐渐弱化,大学生思想政治教育将达不到预期效果。因而,重视和反思当前大学生思想政治教育,就需要构建融入情感的对话式教学,即以情感沟通为纽带,以彼此理解沟通为手段,实现对人的精神世界的积极关照。 本文通过对情绪心理学、沟通管理学以及教育学等学科相关内容的总结与提炼,提取有益的经验,为优化大学生思想政治教育中的情感沟通提供思路,即以学生为本,在课堂教学中注入情感因素,注重亲身体验,架起教育者和受教育者之间沟通的桥梁。本文立足于大学生思想政治教育实际,通过分析当前大学生思想政治教育面临的问题和挑战、存在的不足和原因,提出大学生思想政治教育情感沟通的四大基本内容,即以生命教育为情感沟通的逻辑起点,以榜样教育为情感沟通的动力,以挫折教育提升大学生的心理意志,将幸福教育作为情感沟通的目标归宿。最后,从作为大学生思想政治教育重要手段的情感沟通实践途径入手,提出了一些对策性思考。一是推动思想政治教育中的教育者主动开展情感沟通,教育者可以采用语言艺术,在日常生活中进行开放式的沟通,利用网络新平台主动与学生交流;二是可以通过消除大学生情感沟通的隔阂,培育大学生情感沟通的素养,整合大学生情感沟通的反馈这三种手段来引导思想政治教育中的受教育者积极参与情感沟通,三是加强思想政治教育过程中主客体间的情感沟通,如营造氛围,畅通渠道,利用各种方式来提高感染性,持续性,最终增强其实效性。 总之,注重大学生思想政治教育中的情感沟通,可以使思想政治教育内容通过其感染力,深入浅出地被学生所接受,也可以弥补传统单纯“灌输式”教学的不足,引导大学生更多地采用自主、合作、探究的方式来提高思想政治水平。
[Abstract]:The process of ideological and political education for college students is essentially a process of communication with emotion. However, at present, the ideological and political education of college students emphasizes more on the inculcation of knowledge. The emotional communication and communication between the educator and the educatee is relatively neglected. In the long run, the educatee takes "teaching" as the goal, and the educatee takes "listening" as the goal. The interaction and communication between the educator and the educatee will be weakened gradually, and the ideological and political education of college students will not achieve the expected results. Therefore, the importance and reflection of the current ideological and political education of college students will be emphasized. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a conversational teaching method, which is to take emotional communication as a link and mutual understanding and communication as a means to realize the positive care of the spiritual world of human beings. By summarizing and refining the relevant contents of emotional psychology, communication management and pedagogy, this paper extracts useful experience, and provides some ideas for optimizing emotional communication in college students' ideological and political education, that is, student-oriented. This paper is based on the reality of ideological and political education of college students, which is to inject emotional factors into classroom teaching, pay attention to personal experience, and build a bridge between educator and educatee. By analyzing the problems and challenges, shortcomings and reasons of the ideological and political education of college students, this paper puts forward four basic contents of emotional communication in college students' ideological and political education, that is, taking life education as the logical starting point of emotional communication. Take example education as the motive force of emotional communication, promote the psychological will of college students with frustration education, and regard happiness education as the goal of emotional communication. Finally, Starting with the practical approach of emotional communication, which is an important means of ideological and political education for college students, this paper puts forward some countermeasures. One is to promote the educators in ideological and political education to initiate emotional communication, and the educators can adopt the art of language. Open communication in daily life, the use of the new network platform to actively communicate with students; second, can eliminate the emotional communication gap between college students, cultivate college students emotional communication literacy, Integrating the feedback of college students' emotional communication to guide the educatees in ideological and political education to actively participate in emotional communication, third, to strengthen the emotional communication between subjects and objects in the process of ideological and political education, such as creating atmosphere and unblocked channels. Use a variety of ways to improve infectivity, sustainability, and ultimately enhance its effectiveness. In a word, paying attention to the emotional communication in the ideological and political education of college students can make the contents of ideological and political education be accepted by the students through its appeal, and can also make up for the shortcomings of the traditional pure "infusion" teaching. To guide college students to improve their ideological and political level by means of independence, cooperation and inquiry.


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