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发布时间:2018-02-14 00:07

  本文关键词: 网络道德教育 人性化 内容 研究 创新 出处:《河南科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着人类迈入21世纪,我们也迎来了网络信息时代,在感沐着信息带给我们的各种便利的同时,我们也面临着信息给我们工作、生活各方面所带来的挑战。网络作为信息传播的最重要的平台,不仅是因为它的受众广泛,更是由于它对于经济生活,政治生活具有重要的意义。此外,由于互联网的每个受众受过的教育,知识背景以及生活环境大不相同,所以他们对于信息的再次传播或多或少都会经过“二次加工”甚至“多次加工”,从而使信息在传播过程中“变味”。近些年来,网络这个平台被一些别有用心的反华势力以及那些内心阴暗,想要报复社会以发泄私愤的人利用,他们或者雇佣“水军”在网络上散播不实信息,向用户进行反党、反社会主义宣传,同时披露我国的一些社会不良现象和腐败分子的恶劣行径,将一些个人行为上升至整个国家,或者他们还会利用一些引起广泛关注的公共事件,散播谣言,引发公众对政府,对党的不满。其目的就是想激起民愤,引发社会“动荡”,破坏我国社会稳定、和谐发展的大好形势,阻碍我国和平崛起的步伐。大学生是网络受众中的一个特殊群体,他们是我国社会主义现代化建设的力量之源,更是我们国家与民族未来的希望,但是由于他们的思想不够成熟,社会阅历浅,,生活经验少,遇事易冲动,最容易被人所利用。所以如何有效的运用网络道德教育让广大群众,特别是对当代大学生进行网上道德教育,让他们认清事实,明辨是非,提高警惕,形成全国同心抵制国外敌对势力的各种宣传,维护国家尊严和人民群众的根本利益就显得迫切且必要。 国内外学者也曾对网络道德教育这一机制进行过许多研究,并且取得了显著的成果,对我们的思想政治教育工作做出了巨大贡献。但是这些成果中并没有着重于究其根源,从信息的发源地  借助网络这个平台来进行思想政治教育工作,并且也没有一个充满“人性化”的解决方法。这两点也是本文所要论述的重点所在。 文章主要五个部分构成: 第一部分提出了大学生网络道德教育的内涵及特点,分析了进行加强大学生网络道德教育的必要性与可能性。 第二部分论述了大学生网络道德教育的原则,以及各个原则应该如何把握,有什么意义。 第三部分论述了大学生网络道德教育的内容,借古鉴今,西学东用。 第四部分分析了针对当代大学生如何进行网络道德教育,并提出“人性化”的大学生网络道德教育这一新的概念。 第五部分展望了网络道德教育的新发展
[Abstract]:As the human race enters 21th century, we also ushered in the network information age, while feeling the information to bring us all kinds of convenience, we also face the information to give us the work. The challenges posed by all aspects of life. The Internet is the most important platform for the dissemination of information, not only because of its wide audience, but also because it is of great significance to economic and political life. Because every audience on the Internet has a very different education, knowledge background, and living environment, So they more or less undergo "secondary processing" or even "multiple processing" for the re-dissemination of information, thus making the information "deodorize" in the process of dissemination. In recent years, The Internet platform has been used by some anti-China forces with ulterior motives and those with dark hearts who want to retaliate against the society in order to express their personal indignation. They may employ the "water army" to spread false information on the Internet and carry out anti-party activities to users. Anti-socialist propaganda, at the same time disclosing some bad social phenomena in our country and the bad practices of corrupt elements, raising some individual acts to the entire country, or they may also use some public events that have aroused widespread concern to spread rumors. Causing public dissatisfaction with the government and the party. Its purpose is to arouse public anger, to trigger social "turbulence", and to undermine the excellent situation of social stability and harmonious development in our country. College students are a special group in the network audience. They are the source of the strength of China's socialist modernization drive and the hope for the future of our country and nation. But because their thoughts are not mature enough, their social experience is shallow, their life experience is less, they are impulsive, and they are the most easily used. So how to effectively use network moral education to let the masses, In particular, to carry out online moral education for contemporary college students so that they can recognize the facts, distinguish between right and wrong, heighten their vigilance, and form all kinds of propaganda throughout the country that are United in resisting hostile forces abroad. It is urgent and necessary to safeguard national dignity and the fundamental interests of the people. Scholars at home and abroad have also done a lot of research on the mechanism of network moral education, and have achieved remarkable results, which have made great contributions to our ideological and political education work, but these achievements have not focused on its root causes. The ideological and political education is carried out on the platform of network from the source of information, and there is not a solution full of "humanization". These two points are also the key points of this paper. The paper consists of five parts:. The first part puts forward the connotation and characteristics of college students' network moral education, and analyzes the necessity and possibility of strengthening college students' network moral education. The second part discusses the principles of college students'network moral education, and how to grasp the principles, what is the significance. The third part discusses the content of college students' network moral education. Part 4th analyzes how to carry out network moral education for contemporary college students, and puts forward the new concept of "humanized" network moral education for college students. Part 5th looks forward to the new development of network moral education


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