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发布时间:2018-02-14 00:26

  本文关键词: 师范生 远程见习平台 在线录制 在线直播 出处:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教育见习是帮助师范生教学技能学习与实践的重要环节,是促进师范生专业胜任力形成与发展的重要途径。而传统的教育见习方式存在诸多弊端,如“见习场地不足”、“存在安全隐患、经费问题和管理困难”、“指导不足、评价主观化”等,已经不能满足师范生的需求。随着信息化时代的到来,先进的信息技术为解除传统教育见习的困境提供了新条件、新工具和新方法,教育见习技术支持系统也相继出现。然而,通过分析发现,现有的教育见习平台普遍存在技术成本高、交互功能薄弱、功能单一、临场感差等问题,绝大多数主要是用于见习相关信息的发布,很少能够支持开展远程见习。 本研究通过文献研究和访谈,发现目前对高师院校教育见习研究重点关注的是使用一定的方法和手段来改善传统的教育见习,对教育见习技术支持环境的研究不足,尤其在远程见习的研究方面更为缺乏。通过对现有教育见习相关平台与系统分析,了解各类平台的特色与缺陷,采用开发研究的方法,结合平台主要参与者(师范生、指导教师和合作教师)的分析,在反思性教学、情境认识与学习和过程性评价理论的指导下,借鉴相关研究成果与经验,设计和实现了具备网络直播、在线录播、视频注释、协作备课等功能的远程见习平台,并探索了基于本平台的在线直播实时远程见习模式和点播注释非实时远程见习模式,为如何使用该平台进行远程见习提供参考意见。 论文共分为七部分:第一部分为绪论,包括研究背景、研究内容、研究目的与意义、研究思路与方法、相关理论和相关概念,概括性介绍了本研究课题,简要介绍了所依据的理论基础并界定了所涉及的核心概念;第二部分对相关研究进行文献综述,了解国内外师范生教育见习的状况,总结教育实践类平台设计、开发及应用方面的经验;第三部分为见习活动主要参与者分析和平台功能规划,对见习活动主要参与者进行分析,在相关理论指导下,对远程见习平台应具备的功能和构成要素进行了规划,并从技术、经济和操作方面对平台开发的可行性论证,为设计平台提供一定的科学依据;第四部分是对远程见习平台的设计,包括平台总体功能结构设计、具体功能模块详细设计和数据库设计;第五部分为平台实现,主要介绍了平台的开发环境、关键技术,阐述了主要功能模块的实现过程,并对平台进行测试,依据反馈,初步完善平台;第六部分对平台应用模式进行相关探索,提出应用建议:第七部分为总结与展望,总结了本研究的创新和成果,提出了不足和后续研究方向。 总之,本文就设计、开发和应用远程见习平台,帮助师范生教育理论知识和教学技能的学习,提供了从理论到实践的探索。远程见习平台为见习生、指导教师、合作教师、见习单位之间搭建了一个低成本的沟通渠道,方便资源共享,支持远程见习活动,并将师范生的见习过程记录在档,实现对见习生发展性评价,有效解决了传统教育见习中因时空壁垒而出现的互动交流不足、资源共享不便、成本高、评价主观及管理困难等问题。
[Abstract]:Educational practice is an important part to help normal students' teaching skills of learning and practice, is an important way to promote teachers' professional competence formation and development. But the traditional education practice model has many disadvantages, such as "trainee venues", "the existence of security risks, funding problems and management difficulties", "lack of guidance, evaluation the subjective", has been unable to meet the needs of the students. With the advent of the information era, advanced information technology provides a new condition for the lifting of the traditional education trainee dilemma, new tools and new methods of education trainee technical support system have emerged. However, the analysis found that the universal education trainee existing platform the high cost of technology, interactive function is weak, single function, poor telepresence and other issues, the vast majority is mainly used for trainee related information release, are rarely able to support remote probation.
This study through the literature research and interviews, found that the current of education in normal colleges and universities practice research focuses on the use of certain methods and means to improve the traditional educational probation, research on the educational technical support environment, especially in the study of remote probation is more deficient. Through the analysis of the existing educational system and related platform to understand the characteristics and defects of all kinds of practice platform, by using the method of research and development, combined with the main participants platform (students, teachers and teachers' cooperation) analysis in reflective teaching, guiding the situated cognition and learning process and evaluation theory, draw on relevant research results and experience, the design and implementation of network live online video taped, notes, and other functions of the remote collaborative preparing trainee platform, and explored the online broadcast platform real-time remote from mode and demand based on the Annotate the non real time remote probation mode to provide reference for how to use this platform for remote probation.
This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is the introduction, including research background, research content, research purpose and significance, research ideas and methods, related theories and concepts, briefly introduces the research topic, briefly introduces the theoretical basis and the definition of the core concepts involved; the second part of the literature review to understand the domestic and foreign related research, educational probation status, summarize the education practice platform design, development and application of experience; the third part is the main participants of probation analysis and planning of the main function of the platform, participants probation analysis, under the guidance of the relevant theory, the trainee should have the function of remote platform and the elements of planning, and from the technology feasibility of platform development and economic operation, provide a scientific basis for the design of the platform; The four part is the design of the remote training platform, including the overall structure of the platform design, detailed function module detailed design and database design; the fifth part is the platform, mainly introduces the key technology of platform development environment, expounds the realization process of main function modules, and tested on the platform, according to preliminary feedback, improve the platform the sixth part; related to exploration of platform application mode, put forward the application suggestion: the seventh part is the summary and outlook, summarized the research achievements and innovations, deficiencies and puts forward the direction of further study.
In conclusion, this paper design, development and application of remote training platform, help students educational theories and teaching skills, provide exploration from theory to practice. The remote platform for trainee trainee teachers, teachers' cooperation, a low-cost communication channel to build student units, convenient resource sharing. Support remote probation and probation, the process of students' record in the file, the trainee development evaluation, effectively solve the interaction due to temporal and spatial barriers of traditional education practice in shortage, resource sharing inconvenience, high cost, difficult and subjective evaluation and management.



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