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发布时间:2018-02-14 17:08

  本文关键词: 中央大学农学院 金陵大学农学院 教学 科研 推广 比较研究 出处:《南京农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:国立中央大学农学院和金陵大学农学院是我国近代农业教学、科研、推广工作的先行者和重要基地,紧跟当时世界先进水平,在国内保持了领先地位。因此,系统地对两校农学院进行比较研究,探究发展动因,可以在比较中突出办学特色,把握办学规律,为今天的高等农业院校提供参考,也可以部分弥补当前学术研究中的不足。 两校农学院在教学领域的科系设置、学制、课程设置等方面基本一致。两校农学院的师资力量和学生规模居于当时全国的前列,尤其研究生教育在全国处于第一、第二位。在科系设置上不断健全。在课程设置上,两校农学院结合自身教学实践和教育立法适时调整,使得总学分及公共课、必修课的比重下降,选修课比重上升。师资力量上,两校农学院教授群体主要来自留美学生。学生培养上,主要采用四年制学制和“系进系出”的方式。毕业生的去向也主要集中在留学、农业教育、农业技术等与农业相关的领域,有力地促进了农科教学、科研水平的提高。中大农学院科系设置上的变动更为频繁,而金大农学院对专修科和职业教育的重视程度超过了中大农学院,对经济学和英语的课程也更为重视。 在科研方面,对两校农学院的管理模式和研究领域进行了比较。两校农学院的科研组织体系均为研究院(校级)——研究所(院级)——部(系级)三级。金大农学院在所部之外,还设立了跨部的课题攻关组——研究会,具有学科交叉优势。两校农学院在掌握近代育种理论和方法,并具备独立育种能力的基础上,以水稻、小麦、棉花三种作物为研究重点,培育了大量良种。这不仅标志着中国近代育种科技走上了独立发展的道路,而且也切合了当时社会的需求。在立项上,中大农学院是院长负责制,而金大农学院则是研究委员会负责制。此外,中大农学院在水稻育种领域和畜牧兽医学研究方面领先,在栽培理论上提出了原创性的见解,而金大农学院在农业经济学研究上优势明显。其他研究多为具体方向上的不同,如中大农学院重视虫害和林产制造研究,而金大农学院重视病害研究和水土保持研究等。 为开展推广工作,两校农学院在学院都内设了农业推广部,推广了先进的品种和技术,兴办了一系列的生产合作、运销合作和农村金融合作组织。金大农学院在此基础上,不仅设立了院级的农业推广委员会统筹推广事业,还着力于农村社会的改造和农民素质的提高。在其创办的乌江农业推广实验区,以农会为农村社会改良事业的直接承办者,引导农民主动参与,促进了农民互助合作的发展。不仅实现了财政上的自给和管理上的自主,而且诞生了具备近代农村商业银行性质的信用合作联合会,同时探索了近代农村建设的新道路,其理念甚至在当今仍具有先进性,成就超过了中大农学院创办的推广区。农业推广是两校农学院差异最为显著的领域。 两校农学院主要受到来自立校背景、社会需求、办学宗旨三个方面的影响。中大农学院的性质是国立,这使得其得到了国民政府的大力扶持,但也受到种种制约和影响,其对各项法令和规章更为遵行,且受政局变动影响较大。金大农学院的性质是私立,具有鲜明的教会背景。其自主性较强,在科系设置和教师聘任标准上有独到之处,早期各项事业多与教会有密切合作。社会对于农业增产的渴求,使得两校农学院将科研重点放在了三种大田作物的育种研究,同时也使其他研究与生产紧密结合。办学宗旨上的差异则鲜明地体现在了两校农学院所开展的农业推广事业上。 两校农学院分别是民国时期国立高等农业院校和私立高等农业院校的“领头羊”。中大农学院谨遵国民政府的规定,而金大农学院的自主性更强,并且一直受基督教会深层次的影响。两校农学院不仅为国家培育了大量人才,同时协助创立了许多科研机构及高校,并对科研工作产生了深远影响。今天,应借鉴两校农学院的办学理念,注重农民的发展和农村社会建设;科研立项应切合生产的需求;同时汲取两校农学院教授治校的合理成分,促进当今高等农业院校的发展。
[Abstract]:The Agricultural College of the State University of Central University and the College of Agricultural College of Jinling University are the pioneer and important base of modern agricultural teaching , scientific research and popularization in our country , and keep the leading position in the country . Therefore , the author systematically compares the two schools and colleges and explores the causes of development . Therefore , it is possible to highlight the characteristics of running a school in comparison , grasp the law of running a school , and provide a reference for today ' s higher agricultural universities . It can also make up for the shortage in the current academic research . The two schools of agricultural colleges are basically consistent in the teaching field , such as department arrangement , credit system , curriculum setting , etc . The teachers and students of the two colleges and universities are at the forefront of the country , especially the graduate education is in the first and second places throughout the country . In the aspect of scientific research , the management mode and the research field of the two colleges and universities are compared . The scientific research organization system of the two colleges and universities is the research center of the institute ( school level ) _ institute ( courtyard ) _ department ( department level ) . In order to carry out the popularization work , the two colleges and universities have set up the Ministry of Agriculture Extension in the college , promoted the advanced varieties and technologies , developed a series of production cooperation , marketing cooperation and rural financial cooperation organization . The two colleges and universities are mainly influenced by the background of self - reliance , the social demand and the purpose of running a school . The nature of the big agricultural college is the state , which makes it get the strong support of the national government , but also is influenced by the changes of the political bureau . The nature of the major agricultural college is private and has a distinct church background . The society has strong autonomy in the breeding of three kinds of field crops , and the other research and production are closely combined . The differences in the aim of running the school are clearly reflected in the agricultural extension cause of the two colleges and universities . The two colleges and universities are the leaders of higher agricultural universities and private higher agricultural colleges in the People ' s Republic of China . The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has the honour to abide by the provisions of the National Government , and it has been influenced by the deep level of Christianity .



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