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发布时间:2018-02-15 20:04

  本文关键词: 教育实习 问题 建议 模糊数 排序函数 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“国家兴衰在于教育,教育好坏在于教师”。国家越来越意识到教师教育的重要性。教师专业化发展作为教育改革的趋势,主要途径是师范教育、入职培训、在职锻炼和自我反思,其中师范教育具有举足轻重的地位,各高等师范院校承担着培养新时代、专家型人民教师的重担。2007年5月,国务院决定在六所教育部直属师范大学实行师范生免费教育,这一重大意义的举措,就旨在进一步形成广泛的尊师重教的浓厚氛围,进一步培养大批高素质的人民教师。 教育实习作为数学课程论研究生学习过程中必不可少的重要环节,应引起高校、实习学校和实习生的高度重视。《教育部直属师范大学师范生免费教育实施办法(试行)》中明确提到:加强实践教学环节,完善在校师范生在中小学实习半年的制度。然而,由于各种原因,数学教育专业研究生的实习质量逐渐下滑,实习工作日益趋于形式化。如何有效改善这一现状,提高教育实习成效成为教师教育研究的一个重要课题。 本文笔者在阅读了大量的教育实习相关文献的基础上,通过对陕西师范大学2010届师范类研究生的实习情况调查,研究分析了教育实习的现状和教育实习中普遍存在的问题,并针对这些问题分别从重视实习、调整课程、不断积累、加强沟通、勤于反思、善于激趣、兼顾学术等方面提出几点操作性强的合理建议,对于教育实习成绩评价方面,介绍了一种定性评定和定量评定相结合的综合测评方法——模糊评价,并给出了模糊数的一种新的排序方法,克服了先前排序方法的某些缺陷和不足,具有更大的有效性和优越性。希望这些建议及方法能对课程与教学论研究生(特别是数学方向)的教育实习工作产生一些积极的影响和帮助。全文共分六个部分: 第一章,引言部分,介绍了教育实习问题的研究背景及发展现状、本文的主要研究内容和笔者已有的预备知识。 第二章,阐述了课程论研究生教育实习的重要性和必要性。 第三章,介绍了课程论硕士实习过程中存在的主要问题:师范高校和实习学校的忽视;实习生本人的忽视和教学上面临的困难。 第四章,具体介绍了关于数学课程论硕士实习的几点建议:重视实习、调整课程、不断积累、加强沟通、勤于反思、善于激趣、兼顾学术等。 第五章,详细介绍了综合测评的几种方法:定性评价、定量评价和定性功能的定量评价:模糊评价。并重点介绍了模糊数排序的一种新的方法。 第六章,展望未来,数学教育实习任重而道远。
[Abstract]:"the rise and fall of the country lies in education, and the quality of education lies in teachers." the country is becoming more and more aware of the importance of teacher education. As a trend of educational reform, teachers' professional development is mainly through teacher education and vocational training. In-service training and self-reflection, among which normal education plays an important role, teachers colleges and universities bear the burden of training new era, expert people teachers. May 2007, The State Council has decided to carry out free education for normal students in six universities directly under the Ministry of Education. This significant measure aims at further forming a strong atmosphere of respecting teachers and attaching great importance to education, and further training a large number of high-quality people's teachers. As an essential link in the course of graduate study in mathematics curriculum theory, educational practice should cause universities and colleges. The practice schools and interns attach great importance to it. The implementation measures of Free Education for normal University students directly under the Ministry of Education (on trial) clearly mentioned that: strengthen the practical teaching links and perfect the half-year practice system for students in primary and secondary schools. Due to various reasons, the practice quality of graduate students of mathematics education is declining gradually, and the practice work is becoming more and more formalized. How to effectively improve this situation and improve the effectiveness of educational practice has become an important subject in the research of teacher education. On the basis of reading a large number of relevant literature on educational practice, the author studies and analyzes the present situation of educational practice and the common problems in education practice through the investigation of the practice situation of the postgraduates of normal University of Shaanxi in 2010. Aiming at these problems, the author puts forward several feasible and reasonable suggestions from the following aspects: attach importance to practice, adjust courses, accumulate constantly, strengthen communication, be diligent in introspection, be good at arousing interest, and give consideration to academic, etc., and put forward some feasible and reasonable suggestions for the evaluation of educational practice achievement. This paper introduces a comprehensive evaluation method, fuzzy evaluation, which combines qualitative evaluation with quantitative evaluation, and gives a new sort method of fuzzy number, which overcomes some defects and shortcomings of the former ranking method. It is hoped that these suggestions and methods will have some positive influence and help on the teaching practice of graduate students in curriculum and teaching theory (especially in the direction of mathematics). The thesis is divided into six parts:. The first chapter, introduction, introduces the research background and present situation of the educational practice, the main research content and the preliminary knowledge of the author. The second chapter, elaborated the curriculum theory graduate student education practice importance and the necessity. The third chapter introduces the main problems existing in the process of curriculum theory master's practice: the neglect of normal universities and practice schools, the neglect of interns themselves and the difficulties in teaching. In chapter 4th, the author introduces some suggestions about the master's practice of mathematics curriculum theory: pay attention to practice, adjust the course, accumulate constantly, strengthen communication, be diligent in reflection, be good at arousing interest, and give consideration to academic and so on. In chapter 5th, several methods of comprehensive evaluation are introduced in detail: qualitative evaluation, quantitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation of qualitative function: fuzzy evaluation, and a new method of ranking fuzzy numbers is emphasized. Chapter 6th, looking forward to the future, mathematics education practice has a long way to go.


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