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发布时间:2018-02-15 21:09

  本文关键词: 公立大学 政策执行 章程制订 出处:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2010年7月,中共中央、国务院颁布实施《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(20102020年)》以下简称《纲要》),从我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设总体战略出发,绘制了未来10年我国基本实现教育现代化的宏伟蓝图。《纲要》是进入新世纪以来国家发布的第一个重要的、全局性的指导教育改革和发展的纲领性文件。 蓝图绘就,重在落实。贯彻落实好《纲要》,是当前和今后一个时期的重要任务,是教育战线的主要工作。在推动高等教育改革和发展上,完善中国特色现代大学制度是《纲要》着力点。在《纲要》颁布近两年的时间里,公立大学作为贯彻和执行《纲要》的主体之一,其如何执行和执行的如何,很大程度上反映了《纲要》落实的有效性。针对《纲要》在我国公立大学推动的情况,就大学章程这一政策的执行情况作为评估的主要对象,进行系统性评估,检讨其利弊得失。希望得出科学的结论,并提出相关建议,为《纲要》执行与落实提供一个省思的空间。 本研究从政策评估的角度,运用文献分析法和深度访谈法对大学章程在高校的建设情况进行评估。为方便研究进行,本研究以“政策认知与传递”、“政策认同与执行意向”、“政策目的达成度”三者为评估指标。通过章程建设单位学校师生对章程建设的看法,一方面了解大学师生对大学章程认知和评价,一方面则探究章程在高校“如何执行”及“执行如何”。本研究经依据前述评估指标拟订关切议题,并分别对九位师生进行访谈,综合受访者的看法,获致如下发现: 一、我国政府主管部门对章程重要性认识不足,导致外部宏观环境对章程支持不够。 二、大学本身对章程认识不足,导致对章程制定缺乏自觉性。 三、章程建设水平较几年前有进步,但仍有待提高。 四、《高等教育法》修改之前,根本不存在章程的制定空间。 五、强化监督机制,可以弥补法律不足。 六、《纲要》具有相当引导力,但强制力不够。 针对前述研究发现,本研究谨研拟政策建议如下,以期能对高校章程建设,有所助益: 一、提高对大学章程重要性的认识。 二、完善文本建设,章程制定应兼顾教育改革过程与改革成果规范的统一。 三、完善大学章程配套机制。 四、修改《高等教育法》,扩大高校办学自主权。 五、落实是关键,监督是保障。
[Abstract]:In July 2010, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council promulgated and implemented the outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Program (2010-2020), which is referred to as "the outline", proceeding from the overall strategy of China's reform, opening up and socialist modernization drive. The outline is the first important and overall programmatic document issued by our country in the new century to guide the reform and development of education. It is an important task for the present and for a period to come. It is the main work of the education front. In promoting the reform and development of higher education, Perfecting the modern university system with Chinese characteristics is the focus of the "outline". In the nearly two years since the "outline" was promulgated, public universities, as one of the main bodies in the implementation and implementation of the outline, have how to carry out and implement the outline. To a large extent, it reflects the effectiveness of the implementation of the outline. In view of the promotion of the outline in the public universities of our country, a systematic evaluation of the implementation of the university charter policy has been carried out as the main object of the evaluation. Review its advantages and disadvantages, hope to draw scientific conclusions, and put forward relevant suggestions, for the implementation and implementation of the outline to provide a room for reflection. From the perspective of policy evaluation, this study uses literature analysis method and in-depth interview method to evaluate the construction of university charter in colleges and universities. This research takes "policy cognition and transmission", "policy identification and implementation intention", "policy goal achievement degree" as the evaluation index. On the one hand, we understand the cognition and evaluation of the university charter by teachers and students, and on the other hand, we explore the "how to carry out" and "how to execute" the charter in colleges and universities. This study has drawn up topics of concern based on the above-mentioned evaluation indicators, and has conducted interviews with nine teachers and students respectively. Combined with the views of the interviewees, the following findings were made:. First, our government authorities do not understand the importance of the constitution, which leads to the lack of external macro environment to support the constitution. Second, the university itself has insufficient understanding of the constitution, resulting in a lack of consciousness of constitution making. Third, the level of articles of association construction has made progress compared with a few years ago, but still needs to be improved. Fourth, before the amendment of the higher Education Act, there is no room for constitution formulation. Fifth, strengthen the supervision mechanism, can make up the law insufficiency. 6. The outline has considerable guiding power, but it is not strong enough. In view of the above research findings, this study would like to develop the following policy recommendations, in order to be helpful to the constitution construction of colleges and universities. First, to raise the awareness of the importance of the university charter. Second, perfect the text construction, the constitution formulation should take into account the unification of the educational reform process and the reform achievement norm. Third, perfect the supporting mechanism of university charter. Fourth, amend the higher Education Law and expand the autonomy of colleges and universities. Fifth, implementation is the key and supervision is the guarantee.


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