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发布时间:2018-02-16 03:49

  本文关键词: 网络文化 大学生价值观 冲击与调适 出处:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:网络技术随着信息时代的到来以潮流般的态势在经济、政治、文化以及社会生活各个领域得到了迅速而又广泛的应用,由此形成了网络文化这一现代技术和文化现象的一次世纪性融合联姻,对社会生活的各个领域产生了前所未有的深刻影响,尤其使大学生的价值观产生了强烈的震荡。本文运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法、文献研究方法、理论分析方法等多种研究方法分析了网络文化对大学生价值观的双重效应,并针对网络文化对大学生价值观的负值效应提出了对策建议。本文共分为四章,现概述如下: 第一章,绪论。简述了本文的研究背景和意义,综述了关于网络文化对大学生价值观影响的国内外研究状况,介绍了本文的研究思路与方法。 第二章,网络文化概述。第一,界定了网络文化的相关概念:网络、网络文化。第二,归纳了网络文化的四大基本特征:网络文化的虚拟性;网络文化的交互性;网络文化的开放性;网络文化的多元性。第三,概述了网络文化的四大作用:网络文化的传媒作用;网络文化的舆情作用;网络文化的娱乐作用;网络文化的教育作用。 第三章,网络文化对大学生价值观的双重效应。第一,总结了网络文化对大学生价值观的四大正值效应:培养大学生的主体价值意识;提高大学生的创新价值意识;开阔大学生的认识价值视域;丰富大学生的交往价值方式。第二,揭示了网络文化对大学生价值观的四大负值效应:道德意识趋向弱化;主导价值趋向模糊化;人际情感趋向疏离化;主体精神趋向迷失化。第三,从网络文化对社会的正能量和负能量两个方面评析了网络文化对大学生价值观的双重效应。 第四章,网络文化对大学生价值观负值效应的调适。第一,从社会层面提出了重塑网络文化、净化网络环境的四大对策:校正网络文化的价值取向;加强网络文化的舆论引导;健全网络文化的管理制度;提高网络文化的管理效能。第二从学校层面给出了加强校园网络文化建设的三大对策:加强校园网络物质文化建设;加强校园网络精神文化建设;加强校园网络制度文化建设。第三,从大学生层面提出了加强大学生网络素质教育的三大对策:加强大学生网络道德自律;塑造大学生网络道德人格;提升大学生网络信息辨别。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the information age, network technology has been rapidly and widely used in the fields of economy, politics, culture and social life. As a result, network culture, a modern technological and cultural phenomenon, has become a century-old amalgamation, which has had an unprecedented and profound impact on all fields of social life. In particular, the values of college students have a strong shock. This paper uses dialectical materialism and historical materialism methods, literature research methods, This paper analyzes the double effects of network culture on college students' values, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on the negative effects of network culture on college students' values. This paper is divided into four chapters, which are summarized as follows:. The first chapter, introduction, briefly introduces the research background and significance of this paper, summarizes the domestic and foreign research on the influence of network culture on college students' values, and introduces the research ideas and methods of this paper. The second chapter, the outline of network culture. First, it defines the related concepts of network culture: network, network culture, second, summarized the four basic characteristics of network culture: the virtual nature of network culture, the interactivity of network culture, the network culture, the network culture, the network culture, the network culture, the network culture, the network culture, the network culture, the network culture. The openness of the network culture; the pluralism of the network culture. Thirdly, it summarizes the four functions of the network culture: the media function of the network culture; the public opinion function of the network culture; the entertainment function of the network culture; the education function of the network culture. The third chapter, the double effect of network culture on college students' values. First, it summarizes the four positive effects of network culture on college students' values: cultivating students' subjective value consciousness, improving college students' innovative value consciousness; Second, it reveals the four negative value effects of network culture on college students' values: moral consciousness tends to weaken, dominant value tends to blur; Interpersonal emotion tends to be alienated; the subject spirit tends to be lost. Thirdly, the double effects of network culture on college students' values are analyzed from the positive and negative aspects of network culture. Chapter 4th, the adjustment of network culture to the negative value effect of college students' values. First, from the social level, it puts forward four countermeasures to reshape the network culture and purify the network environment: correcting the value orientation of the network culture; Strengthen the public opinion guidance of the network culture; perfect the management system of the network culture; improve the management efficiency of the network culture. Second, give three countermeasures to strengthen the construction of the campus network culture from the school level: strengthen the material culture construction of the campus network; Strengthen the campus network spirit culture construction, strengthen the campus network system culture construction. Third, from the university student level, put forward three countermeasures to strengthen the university student network quality education: strengthen the university student network moral self-discipline; Mold the university student network moral personality; promote the university student network information distinguish.


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